CS451/551 – Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Solving N-Puzzle Problem with Search Algorithms
1. Definition
In this assignment, you will implement different search algorithms to solve N-Puzzle
Problem where N is 8. We will provide some baseline code for N-Puzzle environment (on
LMS), and you need to incrementally implement well-known search algorithms. Mainly, we
expect you to implement breadth-first search (BFS), depth-first search (DFS), uniform cost
search (UCS) and A* search (A*) algorithms for this assignment.
In code baseline, you will have 7 different script files as follows:
• main.py Runner script, you are NOT allowed to change this file.
• Node.py Class file for Node implementation, we strongly encourage you to check
over this file to understand what a node can do. NOT allowed to change.
• Graph.py Class file for Graph implementation, we strongly encourage you to check
over this file to understand what the graph can do. NOT allowed to change, and you do
not want to change it .
• BFS.py Class file for breadth-first search algorithm. In this file, you need to
implement “run” method to design your algorithm for BFS.
• DFS.py Class file for depth-first search algorithm. In this file, you need to
implement “run” method to design your algorithm for DFS.
• UCS.py Class file for uniform cost search algorithm. In this file, you need to
implement “run” method to design your algorithm for UCS.
• AStar.py Class file for A* search algorithm. In this file, you need to implement
“run” method to design your algorithm for A* search.
2. N-Puzzle
N-Puzzle is a popular puzzle problem consisting of N tiles where N can be 8, 15, 24
and so on (M2-1). In this assignment, N = 8. The puzzle is divided into square root of N+1 rows
and columns (e.g. 15-Puzzle will have 4 rows and 4 columns, and an 8-Puzzle will have 3 rows
and 3 columns). The puzzle consists of N tiles and one empty space where the tiles can be
moved. Start and Goal configurations(also called state) of the puzzle are provided. The puzzle
can be solved by moving the tiles one by one in the single empty space and thus achieving the
Goal configuration. For more information about the problem, you may check here.
Figure 1. Example states for N-Puzzle problem where N=8.
3. Implementation Details
As we provided a code baseline, you have to be strict on this baseline. You are not
allowed to propose any other implementation for this assignment. Node and Graph
implementations are given to you to deeply understand what they actually do, and you are not
allowed to change these files. Also, you will have a runner script which is named as “main.py”,
and this file is basically responsible for running your script and making possible to select the
algorithm that the user wants to apply to the problem. After entering the grid size as 8, you
need to enter your initial and goal states, and then you need to select the algorithm type. For
yourservices, the grid size and particularstates are kept as parameter if you may want to change
them, and investigate the different levels of this problem with your designed algorithms.
You need to implement your algorithms on “run” method of corresponding class files
(e.g. BFS.py, DFS.py, UCS.py and AStar.py), and report your results accordingly. Please first
try to understand the main structure of the environment, and then start to implement the
algorithms. Please do NOT change any code block unless it has the comment line as
If you are not comfortable to write code in Python, you may follow this tutorial to
improve your Python programming skills. Even if you do not know anything about Python,
you only need 2-3 days to learn Python from scratch to be able to complete this assignment. If
you have any question about the implementation, please do not hesitate to send an e-mail to
the assistant.
You are allowed to implement your algorithms on Java, but you need to create such an
environment on your own, and make sure that all properties aforementioned before should
work properly.
4. Criterion
Runtime: Please do NOT include any third-party library to your project, because you
do not need them. Including different third-party library may cause a problem for
running your code in different local machines (e.g., dependencies etc.). For any
dependency on runtime that the assistant can solve 20 points penalty, for any
dependency on runtime that the assistant cannot solve 100 points penalty.
Compilation: Please make sure that your code is compiled properly. Not compiling
code (e.g., any error etc.). 100 points penalty.
Report: You need to write a report to explain your design in detail. 1 paragraph code
explanation is not a report, and the submission with such reports will be IGNORED.
Please follow the rules of technical report writing (e.g., Introduction, Algorithms,
Implementation Details, Results, Conclusion etc.).
Submission: All project files (*.PY) and report file (.PDF) should be zipped (.ZIP)
together, and the filename of ZIP file should be in the format of
“NAME_SURNAME_ID_hw1.zip”. Please follow this structure on your submission.
Not following 10 points penalty.
Due date: 31 March 2021 – 23.55 via LMS.
Late submission: Allowed for 3 extra days, with -10 for 1st day, -15 for 2nd day, -20
for 3rd day.
Group effort: You may discuss the algorithms and so forth with your friends, but this
is and individual work, so you have to submit your original work. In any
circumstances of plagiarism, first, you will fail the course, and the necessary
actions will be taken immediately.
Grading criteria:
o BFS: 20 points
o DFS: 20 points
o UCS: 20 points
o A*: 25 points
o Report: 15 points
However, you may want to check the other possible N-puzzle cases from online resources, we
will check your algorithms with different test cases. Runtime may depend on the local machine
that you run the code, but you must consider the runtime of each algorithm (there are some
facts some of them works better than the others).
Note: The output of 3rd option: 365 visited nodes with depth of 6.