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Artificial Intelligence Homework 2

CptS 440/540 Artificial Intelligence
Homework 2

General Instructions: Upload your agent files (see below) as your submission for Homework 2
for the course CptS 440 Pullman (all sections of CptS 440 and 540 are merged under the CptS 440
Pullman section) on the Canvas system by the above deadline. Note that you may submit multiple
times, but we will only grade the most recent entry submitted before the deadline.
For this homework you will implement a reflex agent with state to play the Wumpus World game.
1. Download the latest version (3.2) of the Wumpus World simulator from GitHub at
2. Read the README for instructions on how to use the simulator.
3. Implement an agent that executes the following reflex rules (and only these rules).
a. If the agent perceives a Glitter, then execute the GRAB action.
b. If the agent is in the (1,1) location and has the gold, then CLIMB.
c. If the agent perceives a Stench and has an arrow, then SHOOT.
d. If none of the above conditions are met, then the agent should randomly choose one
4. Your agent should maintain state information about the agent’s location and orientation
and whether it has an arrow and the gold. Your agent does not have access to the game
state within the simulator, so the agent will have to update its own state after each turn. But
you may copy/include/import simulator code into your agent.
5. Your agent should be implemented entirely in the Agent.h and files (for C++
implementations) or the file (for Python implementations). You may also include
an optional readme.txt file with any extra instructions for running your agent. Your agent
should not require any user input. Your agent will be tested by copying only your Agent.h
and files, or file, into a fresh copy of the simulator code, and compiling
and running it on several test worlds. Your grade will be based on satisfying the above
requirements, performance on the test worlds, and good programming style (see the course
syllabus for links to style guides).
6. For this homework, you may assume the world size is always 4x4 and there are no pits.
7. For CptS 540 Students Only: Nothing extra.

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