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Artificial Intelligence Homework 5

CptS 440/540 Artificial Intelligence
Homework 5

General Instructions: Upload your agent files (see below) as your submission for Homework 5
for the course CptS 440 Pullman (all sections of CptS 440 and 540 are merged under the CptS 440
Pullman section) on the Canvas system by the above deadline. Note that you may submit multiple
times, but we will only grade the most recent entry submitted before the deadline.
For this homework you will implement a search-based agent to play the Wumpus World game.
The file “” that accompanies this homework provides an A* search, but you
will need to implement the heuristic function. The search algorithm is implemented in the files
Search.h, and The zip file also includes modified Agent.h, and files that demonstrate the use of the search capability. Copy all these files, including the
updated Makefile, to a copy of the simulator code and recompile to use the search capability. You
will mainly need to use the following three methods of the SearchEngine class:
• AddSafeLocation(x,y) – Adds a location to the search engine’s list of safe locations. The
search engine considers only safe locations in its solution.
• RemoveSafeLocation(x,y) – Removes a safe location from the search engine’s list of
safe locations (e.g., in case a previously-thought safe location turns out to be unsafe).
• FindPath(startLocation,startOrientation,goalLocation,goalOrientation) –
Returns a list of actions to get from the start state to the goal state. If no safe path is possible,
then returns an empty list.
Your agent should do the following (and only the following).
1. Implement the class MySearchEngine derived from the provided SearchEngine class. Your
MySearchEngine class only needs to implement the HeuristicFunction method. This
method should compute the city-block distance between the locations in the given state
and goalState arguments. See the SearchState class for how to access the location of a
2. In addition to the agent’s state information, you should also keep track of the gold location,
visited locations, and safe locations, as this information becomes known. You will be
playing each world for multiple tries, so keeping track of what you learned from previous
tries is useful (and required).
3. You should update location information as you visit new locations:
a. If you perceive a glitter, then set gold location to current location.
b. Add current location to safe locations. If no breeze or stench, then add adjacent
locations to safe locations.
c. Add current location to visited locations.
d. If your agent dies from doing a GoForward into a pit or the Wumpus, then update
safe locations accordingly.
4. If you perceive a glitter, then Grab.
5. If you have the gold and are in the (1,1) location, then Climb.
6. If you know the gold’s location, and you don’t have the gold, then use the search engine to
find a sequence of actions to get there.
7. If you have the gold, but aren’t in the (1,1) location, then use the search engine to find a
sequence of actions to get to (1,1).
8. Otherwise, determine a safe unvisited location and use the search engine to find a sequence
of actions to get there.
Your agent should be implemented entirely in the Agent.h and files (for C++
implementations) or the file (for Python implementations). You may also include an
optional readme.txt file with any extra instructions for compiling and running your agent. Your
agent should not require any user input. Your agent will be tested by copying only your Agent.h
and files, or file, into a fresh copy of the simulator code (that includes the new
Makefile, Search.h, and, and compiling and running it on several test worlds.
Your grade will be based on satisfying the above requirements, good programming style, and your
agent’s average scores on the test worlds.
The test worlds will adhere to the following constraints:
• The world size can vary from 3x3 to 9x9.
• The gold will never be co-located with the Wumpus or a pit.
• There will always be a safe path to the gold that does not require shooting the Wumpus.

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