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Artificial Intelligence II – Assignment #1

CS4442B & CS9542B: Artificial Intelligence II – Assignment #1

1 Refreshing Mathematics [20 points]
Let w ∈ R
n is an n-dimensional column vector, and f(w) ∈ R is a function of w. In Lecture 2, we have
defined the gradient ∇f(w) ∈ R
n and Hessian matrix H ∈ R
n×n of f with respect to w.
(a) [5 points] Let f(w) = w
x, where x ∈ R
n is a n-dimensional vector. Compute ∇f(w) using the
definition of gradient.
(b) [5 points] Let f(w) = tr(wwA), where A ∈ R
n×n is a squared matrix of size n × n, and tr(A) is
the trace of the squared matrix A. Using the definition of gradient, compute ∇f(w). (Hint: you
can use the property of trace: tr(AB) = tr(BA))
(c) [5 points] Let f(w) = tr(wwA). Compute the Hessian matrix H of f with respect to w using the
(d) [5 points] In Lecture 5, we have define the sigmoid function: σ(a) = 1
1+e−a . Let f(w) = log(σ(w
where log is the natural logarithmic function. Compute ∇f(w) using the definition of gradient.
(Hint: let a = w
x, then you can use the chain rule to first compute the derivative d log(σ(a))
da with
respect to a and then compute the gradient of a with respect to w)
2 Linear and Polynomial Regression [50 points]
For this exercise, you will implement linear and polynomial regression in any programming language of
your choice (e.g., Python/Matlab/R). The training data set consists of the features hw1xtr.dat and their
desired outputs hw1ytr.dat. The test data set consists of the features hw1xte.dat and their desired
outputs hw1yte.dat.
(a) [5 points] Load the training data hw1xtr.dat and hw1ytr.dat into the memory and plot it on one
graph. Load the test data hw1xte.dat and hw1yte.dat into the memory and plot it on another
(b) [10 points] Add a column vector of 1’s to the features, then use the linear regression formula
discussed in Lecture 3 to obtain a 2-dimensional weight vector. Plot both the linear regression line
and the training data on the same graph. Also report the average error on the training set using
Eq. (1).
err =
xi − yi)
(c) [5 points] Plot both the regression line and the test data on the same graph. Also report the
average error on the test set using Eq. (1).
(d) [10 points] Implement the 2nd-order polynomial regression by adding new features x
to the inputs.
Repeat (b) and (c). Compare the training error and test error. Is it a better fit than linear
(e) [10 points] Implement the 3rd-order polynomial regression by adding new features x
, x3
to the
inputs. Repeat (b) and (c). Compare the training error and test error. Is it a better fit than linear
regression and 2nd-order polynomial regression?
(d) [10 points] Implement the 4th-order polynomial regression by adding new features x
, x3
, x4
the inputs. Repeat (b) and (c). Compare the training error and test error. Compared with the
previous results, which order is the best for fitting the data?
3 Regularization and Cross-Validation [30 points]
(a) [10 points] Using the training data to implement `2-regularized for the 4th-order polynomial regression (page 12 of Lecture 4, note that we do not penalize the bias term w0), vary the regularization
parameter λ ∈ {0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000}. Plot the training and test error (averaged over
all instances) using Eq. (1) as a function of λ (you should use a log10 scale for λ). Which λ is the
best for fitting the data?
(b) [10 points] Plot the value of each weight parameter (including the bias term w0) as a function of λ.
(c) [10 points] Write a procedure that performs five-fold cross-validation on your training data (page
7 of Lecture 4). Use it to determine the best value for λ. Show the average error on the validation
set as a function of λ. Is the the same as the best λ in (a)? For the best fit, plot the test data and
the `2-regularized 4th-order polynomial regression line obtained.

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