ECE 2035 Homework 1
The objective of this assignment is for you to set up the infrastructure you need for subsequent
assignments and to write and execute basic MIPS and C programs. There are also links to resources, tutorials, primers, and
installation guides on Canvas (Modules Introduction).
This assignment has three parts, all due at the same time.
HW1-1: The goal of this part is to use a Linux/Unix environment and become familiar with its
facilities. Toward this end, you must acquire/access and run an appropriate Linux/Unix
distribution that fits your computing environment. The following are some the options available
(see Resources and Installation Guides on Canvas):
• Unix underlying Mac OS X
• Linux Bash shell on Windows 10 using the built-In Windows Subsystem for
• Running native Ubuntu
• VMware on Windows 8
Once you do this, then perform the following steps. Recommended: Dr. Gong Chen created an
excellent video on using Linux commands, the command line interpreter (terminal/shell), and
gcc which can be found on Canvas Modules Introduction Getting Started Demos.
1. Create and edit an ASCII text file in your favorite text editor that contains the
• Tell one interesting fact about yourself.
• The method you are using to run Linux/Unix (e.g., one of the options above).
2. Open a Linux command line interpreter (terminal/shell) and change to the directory
that contains the text file you created in step 1.
You can use the Linux command cd to change your current working directory to the
directory in which you saved your text file. For example,
gburdell@GTLaptop:~$ cd /mnt/c/Users/gburdell/2035/hw1
In this example, the text before and including “$” is the command line prompt.
The rest of the line is the command. (Note for Windows10: If you are using the
WSL/Linux bash shell, the “/mnt/c/...” path allows you to access files on your
local Windows drive from the bash shell.)
Type “man cd” or, more generally,“man command_name” to see the manual page
documenting a command.
You can use the ls command to list the files in the directory. For example,
gburdell@GTLaptop:~$ ls -lt
This example uses the -l and -t options to use the “long listing format” and “list in
sorted order by modification time,” respectively. Type “man ls” for information
on all the options.
ECE 2035 Homework 1
3. Use the cat command to view the contents of your file. (You can also use the
commands more or less.) For example, use the cat command to view the contents
of a file like this:
gburdell@GTLaptop:~$ cat myfacts.txt
4. Capture a screenshot which shows your terminal window with your text file contents
displayed on it. Submit your screenshot in jpeg format.
In order for your solution to be properly received and graded, there are a few requirements.
1. The file must be named HW1-1.jpg. (It is OK if Canvas renames it slightly by
adding an extra version number to it, e.g., HW1-1-2.c or HW1-1-5.c. Canvas does
this whenever you upload a newer version of your submission. We will grade the
most recent submission you upload.)
2. Your solution must be properly uploaded to the Canvas site (under Assignments
HW1-1) before the scheduled due date.
HW1-2: The goal of this part of the project is to modify a short C program, compile it using the
GNU C Compiler gcc, and run it. A program shell HW1-2-shell.c is provided. You must
copy/rename it to HW1-2.c and modify it to compute a measure of overlap between two
rectangles R1 and R2, called intersection over union. It is defined as:
For example, if the rectangles are the same area 30 and their area of overlap is 10, IoU = 20%. If
they do not overlap, IoU=0%, and if they completely overlap and are the same size, IoU=100%.
This is frequently used in computer vision to measure how closely aligned two bounding boxes
are to each other. For example, comparing the location of a detected object of interest with that
of known correct “ground truth” location can be used to evaluate the accuracy of an object
detection algorithm. If the IoU is greater than some threshold, the detected object would be
counted as a true positive. See Fig. 1.
Fig 1: Example image annotated with bounding boxes
for ground truth (blue) and detected object (red).
Fig 2: Intersection over Union
ECE 2035 Homework 1
Each bounding box is specified by the coordinates of their top left corner (Tx, Ty) and bottom
right corner (Bx, By), given as the four elements of an array in this order: {Tx, Ty, Bx, By}. For
int R1[] = {64, 51, 205, 410};
specifies the bounding box with top left corner (64, 51) and bottom right corner (205, 410).
Important details, simplifying assumptions, and hints:
• In images, the origin (0,0) is located at the upper leftmost pixel, x increases to the right
and y increases downward. So in our bounding box representation, it will always be true
that: Tx < Bx and Ty < By.
• Assume images are 640x480 and bounding boxes fit within these bounds and are always
of size at least 1x1.
• For this homework, make the following simplifying assumptions:
1. the bounding boxes do overlap (assume Area (R1∩R2)0 and IoU = 1%).
2. the relative positions of R1 and R2 are restricted to the single case shown in
Figure 2: only R1's bottom left corner is inside the bounding box R2 while R1's
other 3 corners are not, and only R2's top right corner is inside R1.
• IoU should be specified as an integer percent (only the whole part of the division), i.e.,
round down to the nearest whole number between 1 and 100, inclusive.
• Be sure to multiply the area of intersection by 100 before dividing it by the area of union.
You are doing integer arithmetic, not floating point operations. You’ll lose significant
digits (precision) if you multiply by 100 after the division.
• Try multiple test cases, but do not change the declaration of the global variables (you
should change only their initial values, such as the elements in the arrays to create new
test cases).
Compiling and running your code:
You should open a command line interpreter (terminal/shell) to run gcc. (For information on
gcc, watch Dr. Chen's demo, type man gcc for compiler usage, and/or look up GCC online
documentation on the internet.)
If you do not have gcc installed, you can use “sudo apt-get install gcc” to install it. See these
links for quick tutorials on apt-get and installing packages:
• https://www.howtogeek.com/261449/how-to-install-linux-software-in-windows-10s-ubuntu-bash-shell/
• www.howtogeek.com/63997/how-to-install-programs-in-ubuntu-in-the-command-line/
Note that in the terminal window, you can enter any of the Linux commands (such as ls, cd,
cp; for reference see the Linux Command Quick Reference sheet under Canvas Modules
Introduction Readings/Resources.
You can copy a file using cp or rename a file using mv (move a file to a new file). For example:
gburdell@GTLaptop:~$ cp HW1-2-shell.c HW1-2.c
Using the ASCII text editor of your choice modify the HW1-2.c program.
Once you write your program, you can compile and run it on the Linux command line:
ECE 2035 Homework 1
gburdell@GTLaptop:~$ gcc HW1-2.c -g -Wall -o HW1-2
gburdell@GTLaptop:~$ ./HW1-2
You should become familiar with the compiler options specified by these flags.
In order for your solution to be properly received and graded, there are a few requirements.
1. The file must be named HW1-2.c. (As mentioned above, it is OK if Canvas renames it
slightly with an extra version number; we'll grade your most recent submission.)
2. Your name and the date should be included in the header comment.
3. Do not #include any additional libraries.
4. It is especially important not to remove or modify any global variable declarations or
print statements since they will be used in the grading process.
5. Your solution must include proper documentation and appropriate indentation.
6. Your solution must be properly uploaded to Canvas before the scheduled due date.
HW1-3: The goal of this part is for you to install MiSaSiM, modify a short assembly program
HW1-3-shell.asm, simulate, test and debug it in MiSaSiM. The MiSaSiM simulator can be
installed according to the instructions at http://lindawills.ece.gatech.edu/misasim/. Copy or
rename the shell program to HW1-3.asm and modify it to compute the intersection over union
of two rectangles which are allocated and initialized in the .data section of the program.
These use the same bounding box format as in part HW1-2. Store the result (an integer between
0 and 100, inclusive) in the memory location labeled IoU.
The same details, assumptions, and hints given in HW1-2 apply in HW1-3. Two additional
constraints for this assignment only are:
• Do not write values to registers $0, $29, $30, or $31.
• Do not use helper functions or function calls (JAL instruction).
Be sure to try multiple test cases. To create new test cases, you may change the initial values of
any global data defined in the .data section of the program, but for HW1, do not remove or
change any labels provided for the data.
In order for your solution to be properly received and graded, there are a few requirements.
1. The file must be named HW1-3.asm. (As mentioned above, it is OK if Canvas renames
it slightly with an extra version number; we'll grade your most recent submission.)
2. Your name and the date should be included in the beginning of the file.
3. Your program must store its result at the memory location labeled IoU when it returns.
This answer is used to check the correctness of your code.
4. Your program must return to the operating system via the jr instruction.
5. Programs that include infinite loops or produce simulator warnings or errors will receive
zero credit.
6. Your solution must include proper documentation.
7. Your solution must be properly uploaded to Canvas before the scheduled due date.