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Assignment 02 – Regular Expressions

CSE/ISE 337 – Scripting Languages
Assignment 02 – Regular Expressions

Total Problems: 6, Total Points: 70
Submission Instructions:
1. Submit all of your solutions in a single file named:
2. Make sure you include your name, netid, and Student ID number as comments at the top
of your submission file.
3. Please label each separate solution with the problem number in a comment.
4. Make sure you use the specified, file, function, and class names (and any other names
specified in the instructions). Grading may be partially automated (by importing your
code to run against our test cases) and the use of incorrect names will interfere.
5. This is an individual programming assignment. Any collaboration on coding will be
considered a violation of academic honesty.
6. Every problem must be solved with the use of regular expressions, but you do not have to
solve every problem only with regular expressions.
Problem 1 (10 points): highlight(pattern, string)
Write a Python function named highlight(), which takes a raw string specifying a regex
pattern as the first argument, called pattern, and a string as the second argument, called string.
The function will compile pattern and apply the compiled pattern to string. If a match is found,
then the function will return a string in which the matched substring of string is enclosed in angle
brackets. If no match is found, the function should return None.
For example, suppose that:
pattern = r'[a-zA-Z]\d'
string = "ShepardN7"
returns: "Shepard<N7>"
Test Cases:
pattern = r'\bbook\B'
strings = ["bookstore", "booking", "textbooks",
 "'returned books'", "audiobook"]
Problem 2 (10 points): highlight_all(pattern, string)
Write a Python function named highlight_all(). Like the highlight() function from
Problem 1, this function will take a raw string, named pattern, and a target string, named string.
This function will compile pattern and apply it to string. However, the highlight_all()
function will return a string in which all substrings that match pattern will be enclosed in angle
brackets. If there are no matches, then the function should return None.
For example, suppose that:
pattern = r'o\w+'
string = "I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite store on
the Citadel."
returns: "I'm C<ommander> Shepard and this is my fav<orite>
st<ore> <on> the Citadel."
Problem 3 (10 points): ruin_a_webpage(filename)
Write a Python function named ruin_a_webpage(). This function takes a single string argument
named filename. filename will contain the name of an HTML file. Check the extension on the
file using a regular expression. If the extension is not ".html" or ".htm", then the function should
return None.
Otherwise, the function should read in the HTML file and do the following:
1. Use regular expressions to find content enclosed in paragraph tags, <p> and </p>, remove
the paragraph tags, and then append 2 line break tags to the content, <br><br>
2. Remove all matched pairs of open and close span tags, <span> and </span>
3. Write the modified HTML content to a file called, "ruined.html"
For example, if the input file contains:
<p>trees of green, red roses too</p>
<p>I <span><span>se</span></span>e them bloom for me and you</p>
<p>(what <span><span>a</span></span> <span><span>wonderful</span>
Then the output file, "ruined.html", should contain:
trees of green, red roses too<br><br>
I see them bloom for me and you<br><br>
(what a wonderful world)<br><br>
Problem 4 (10 points): decompose_path(path)
The shell environment variable $PATH contains a delimiter-separated sequence of directory
paths (the delimiter varies between platforms). The shell uses the content of this variable to
determine where to look for executables that correspond to commands entered at the command
line. You can view this on Linux using the command: echo $PATH (using Windows CMD
it's: echo %PATH%).
Write a function named decompose_path() that takes a single string argument, named path.
path will contain the contents of the PATH environment variable as returned by the echo
$PATH command. Use a regular expression to create a list of each directory in PATH. The
function should return that list.
For example:
path =
returns = ["/usr/openwin/bin", /usr/ucb", "/usr/bin", "/bin",
"/etc", "/usr/local/bin", "/usr/local/lib",
"/usr/shareware/bin", "/usr/shareware/lib", "."]
Problem 5 (10 points): link_mapper(filename)
Write a Python function named link_mapper() which takes a single string argument, named
filename. filename will be the name of an HTML file. Check that the extension is correct, as in
Problem 3. The function should return None if the extension is not ".html" or ".htm".
Create a dictionary. Create an entry in the dictionary whose key is filename and whose value is
an empty list.
Read in the HTML file and then use regular expressions to capture every hyperlink in the file.
For each hyperlink, you should create a tuple of the link text and the link address (URL).
For example, suppose the HTML file contains the following hyperlink definition:
<a href="">Search at Google</a>
You will create the following tuple:
("Search at Google", "")
This tuple should then be appended to the list stored in the dictionary whose key is filename.
After processing the entire contents of the HTML file, the function should return the dictionary.
It should be easy to see how this function could be extended to start building a record of links for
many pages and start investigating the connections between them (Create a matrix and then draw
a graph of the connections where each page is a node and each hyperlink is an edge). I am not
asking you to do that, but you should appreciate how easily you can write a useful tool for
internet investigation.
Problem 6 (20 points): grammarly(text)
Write a Python function called grammarly() that takes a single string argument, named text. The
function will examine the contents of the string text for several different grammar mistakes.
When a mistake is found, the mistake will then be corrected. That is, the function will
progressively build new strings in which each grammar mistake is eliminated. The function will
then return the corrected string.
There are many weird corner-cases for this question. Do your best; don’t drive yourselves crazy
trying to cover every possibility.
The grammar mistakes:
1. "i" instead of "I"
2. Uncapitalized beginning of a sentence.
3. Using "a" when you should use "an"
4. Repeated word
5. Missing Oxford Comma ("Our favorite companions are Garrus, Wrex and Tali." should
be "Our favorite companions are Garrus, Wrex, and Tali.")
6. Unclosed parentheses.

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