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Assignment 02: Schema 

CS2102: Database System
Assignment 02: Schema 
The objective of this team project is for you to apply what you have learned in class to design and develop
a database application using PostgreSQL. The project is to be done in teams of four students. The project
consists of the following four tasks:
(A01) Design an ER data model for the application. Your ER model should capture as many of the
application’s requirements as possible.
(A02) Translate your ER data model into a relational database schema. Your relational schema should
capture as many of the application’s constraints as possible.
(P01) Implement an SQL Query for each of the functionalities listed in Application Functionalities.
Current Status
You are given a potential ER diagram on the next page. It is slightly simplified and should capture most
of the important constraints necessary for the daily working of the Barg Car.
Additionally, you are also given the list of constraints that the company wish to enforce. Note that
potentially, not all of these can be enforced, but you should try as best as you can. This list is available in
the template file Assignment02.docx.
Your task is to look at the list of constraints in Assignment02.docx closely and try to enforce as many of
those as possible when you translate the ER diagram into schema. For each constraint that is enforced,
indicate with a ✓ and for each constraint that is not enforced, indicate with a ✗.
Please also make sure that the key attributes of each entity sets can uniquely identify the other attributes
in the entity sets. Additionally, the key attributes of an entity set E1 should not uniquely identify the key
attributes of another entity set E2. Of course there is an exception to this depending on the constraints.
If there is a cardinality constraint on E1 with respect to a relationship set R and the entity set E2 also
participates in the relationship set R, then the key attributes of E1 may uniquely identify the attributes
in E2.
That is really just a fancy way of saying what we have already discussed in the lecture (https://
Upload a zip file named “” containing the following files:
• Assignment02.pdf: containing the constraints.
• Assignment02.sql: containing SQL DDL.
Submit your zip file on Canvas assignment named “Schema” (
54297/assignments/105023). Only the latest submission will be marked, so make sure your submission
is before the deadline.
As a general guideline, your schema should:
• not capture constraints not specified in the application’s constraints.
– Any constraints that can be captured but did not may be penalized.
• capture as many of the application’s constraints as possible as per the specification.
– Any constraint specified in the specification but is not captured or incorrectly added may
be penalized.
• use the most reasonable data type without worrying about space requirement.
• add reasonable real-world constraints on real-world data.
– For simplicity, you do not have to check for the validity of the email address.
– This is typically done by regex but the regex is very very very complex.
– We have a simpler way to do that, it’s called sending verification email.
The deadline for the submission is 12:00 of Saturday of Week 06 (i.e., 24 February 2024). Only
submissions through Canvas will be accepted. Submissions through other means (e.g., emails) will not be
Late Submissions
5 marks (out of 20 ) will be deducted for submissions up to 1 day late. Submissions late for more than
1 day will receive 0 mark and will not be graded.
You may refer to the given template that contains the constraints named Assignment02.docx. For each
constraints identified, mark if they are enforced in the schema or not.
The following grading scheme will be used. The details of the grading scheme is hidden.
Validity of Schema (1 Mark)
• Schema should run on PostgreSQL.
Data Requirements (3 Marks)
• The schema should use reasonable data type.
Constraint Requirements (11 Marks)
• The schema should capture as many of the application’s requirements as possible.
• The schema should not add constraints not specified in the application’s requirements whenever
• The schema should capture reasonable real-world constraints (e.g., using CHECK or otherwise).
Analysis (5 Marks)
• The report should contain a thorough assessment of the constraints requirements.
• The report should correctly mention the constraints not captured.

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