CS230 - Web Information Processing
Assignment 3
This Assignment is worth 5% of the Web Informa6on Processing CA Component.
This is an open-book, graded assignment. You may use online resources for reference purposes only
to help with the assignment. Please cite all references as comments in your submissions. You cannot
directly reuse HTML/CSS/JS solu2on code from online sources. You must not engage with another
student, in person or electronically (phone, social media, etc.) to secure assistance with this
assignment. If you do so you will receive an automa2c fail (0%). We will perform similarity checks
on submiGed assignments to check for collaboraHve efforts. A reasonable aGempt at this assignment
will gain you 5% of your conHnual assignment marks. It is possible to gain extra credit (up to a
maximum of 5%) for this assignment.
Assignment 03 - Working with Tabular Content
You are required to develop a Student Grades Table - an HTML/CSS/JS applicaHon that implements
that manages hypotheHcal student assignment grades using an online styled table similar that
shown in Figure 1, below.
The table should contain columns for the students' names (Name), ID numbers (ID), results (a grade
between 0-100) for five assignments (Assignment 1, Assignment 2, etc.), together with a final grade
(Average [%]) column that contains the arithmeHc average of the five assignment grades in the
preceding columns.
The table should contain iniHal default data (-) for ten hypotheHcal students; "-" indicates that a
parHcular assignment has not yet been submiGed. The table should be created using HTML, and
styled using CSS (names and IDs should be le^-aligned, headings should be centre aligned, and
numbers should be right-aligned). All interacHvity should be implemented using JS.
Only table cells containing grades should be "content editable", thereby allowing manual entry of the
grades (every cell in all columns is editable except for the final aggregate column).
The table style (shown in Figure 1 below) should uHlise a sans-serif font for all data presentaHon.
Apart from cells denoHng column headings (which have a dark grey background), all cells should
have an alternaHng row-colour background with black text. Student names and IDs should be le^-
aligned, headings should be centre-aligned, and numbers should be right-aligned). Assignment cells
not containing numbers (i.e. with a “-“) should be centre-aligned.
The following secHon details specific interacHon requirements for the Student Grades Table.
Assignment Release Date: 08-03-2020
Submission Due Date: 14-03-2020 (note: Extension from 12-03-2020)
Feedback Due Date (esHmated): 30-03-2020 (for assignments that make Due Date)
Support Laboratories Lab 05 (One Week)
Total Mark: 5%
Assignment 03 - Interac2ve Requirements
You are required to develop an HTML/CSS/JS applicaHon that implements the following funcHonality:
1. Your table should have the following dynamic funcHonality.
(i) AutomaHcally recalculate all final grade averages whenever a table cell is updated by a
(a) The value should be rounded, not include decimal places, and be expressed as a
percentage, for example, "55%" and not "55.3", "61.7%", etc.
(b) Final grade averages that have a value below 60%, should be styled so that the
grade font is presented using a white colour on a red background.
(ii) Provide a count of the total number of assignments that have not yet been submiGed,
presented in a styled format, beneath the table. Furthermore, change the background of
cells containing "-" (un-submiGed assignment) to yellow. These funcHonaliHes should be
automaHcally calculated.
(iii) AutomaHcally validate cell data when manually updated by a user. Cells containing
erroneous data should default to being “un-submiGed”, i.e. any input other that number
between 0-100 should be replaced by a “-".
2. Clicking the “final grade” (Shown in Figure 1 as “Average[%]” column of the table should invoke a
JavaScript funcHon that toggles the presentaHon of the average grade for each student between
the Percent Grade, American LeGer Grade, or American 4.0 Grade, in accordance with the
following rules:
1. The Htle shown for the different representaHons will be “Average [%]” for the Percent
Grade, “Average [LeGer]” for the American LeGer Grade, and “Average [4.0]” for the
American 4.0 Grade.
2. The conversion table, for the toggle, will be as follows:
Percent Grade Letter Grade 4.0 Scale
93-100 A 4.0
90-92 A- 3.7
87-89 B+ 3.3
83-86 B 3.0
80-82 B- 2.7
77-79 C+ 2.3
73-76 C 2.0
70-72 C- 1.7
67-69 D+ 1.3
63-66 D 1.0
60-62 D- 0.7
< 60 F 0.0
3. You should provide addiHonal buGons either, on or below, the table, with the following
funcHonality once parts 1-2 above have been completed:
(i) A CSS styled buGon that inserts a new table row suitable for recording new student data.
You may insert new rows a^er the last row of the table.
(ii) A CSS styled buGon that inserts a new table column suitable for recording new
Assignment grade data. This column requires a Htle. You can decide how you wish to
accomplish the Htle allocaHon (automaHc, content-edit, etc.). There should be another
buGon that then retrieves that data and fills it back to the table in the state that it
previously held. If extra rows or columns have been added, the table should revert back
to its previous state when the table was saved (5 rows and 6 cells). All addiHonal grade
columns must be inserted a^er the “Student ID” column, and before the final grade
(Average) column.
Student Grades Table
Figure 1
Sample Table Styles (Assignment columns 2, 3 and 5 have been replaced by ellipses)
Assignment 03 - Extra Credit Func2onality
4. If all of the funcHonality in 1-3 has been completed, you may aGempt any the following for extra
credit (there is a maximum of 5% extra credit obtainable):
(i) Use JavaScript, to highlight a complete table data row when a student's name is selected.
Clicking again deselects the row. Note you should not be able to select and highlight the
Htle row! (1%).
(ii) Use JavaScript, to highlight a complete table Assignment Grade column when a column's
Htle is selected. Clicking again deselects the column. Note: that you should not be able to
select and highlight the final (average) grade column! (1%).
(iii) Use JavaScript, and any method of your choosing, to delete a data row selected by a
user. Use JavaScript, and any method of your choosing, to delete an assignment column
selected by a user. The funcHon should ensure that the Final Grade column totals are
updated following this deleHon (2%).
Student Name Student ID Assignment 1 … Assignment 5 Average (%)
Joe Bloggs 123456789 85 … 85 85
Jim Bloggs 987564321 - … - 0
(iv) Use JavaScript to provide addiHonal funcHonality to insert a new row (as in 3(i) above).
Users should be able to right click on any cell in a row, and be presented with a menu
opHon to insert a row above or below the row. This is really only for students that want a
significant challenge. Do not waste Hme on this unless you've done everything else
quickly and have Hme (2%).
(v) Use JavaScript, to undelete the last deleted row or column. You should consider that
once the row/column is undeleted, the buGon "loses focus", i.e. cannot be clicked again
unHl another row/column is deleted. This is really only for students that want a
significant challenge. Do not waste Hme on this unless you've done everything else
quickly and have Hme (2%).
Assignment 03 - Development Notes
Please adhere to the following development requirements:
1. You may not use a CSS framework, such as Bootstrap, for this assignment. You may, if you wish,
use the jQuery Javascript framework. If you use TypeScript, or similar, and translate to JavaScript,
you need to provide all sources. Your app only needs to run on a desktop browser such as Chrome
- you do not need to ensure it works on every browser (mobile browsers, for example).
2. You must comment your code, clearly indicaHng, how your code implements the soluHon
described above in the “Assignment 03 - Requirements” secHon (and “Assignment 03 - Extra
Credit” secHon if you are aGempHng addiHonal funcHonality).
Please note that there are many sample (HTML/CSS/JS) soluHons for implemenHng tabular
(spreadsheet) funcHonality available online. While it is fine to consult these, and accompanying
arHcles, for references, you may not re-use code from these projects. Please cite your reference
sources in your codebase. We will search and idenHfy online coding soluHons to similar problems for
the purposes of checking against submiGed soluHons in instances where we have concerns about
code originality.
Before submiYng your assignment students should check that their solu2on works in Chrome
and/or Firefox. Please indicate the Browser, Lab Opera2ng System (Linux/Windows) and Browser
version used for tes2ng (as a comment in your submi[ed code).
All work must be submiGed via Moodle (see "Assignments" secHon for submission). Work submiGed
via other means will not be accepted unless you have prior arrangements with the Head
Demonstrator (Behnam Faghih). All work MUST be submiGed by the due-date deadline. Late
submissions will not be accepted.
The assignment submission is a zip file named “assignment-03-xxxxxxxxx.zip” (where “xxxxxxxxx” is
your student id) containing a solu6on file named “assignment-03.html” together with any other
resources used in the assignment solu6on. External CSS and Javascript files should be named
“assignment-03.css” and “assignment-03.js”, respec6vely. Please ensure that all external files use
rela6ve directory referencing, rather than hard-coding the files’ loca6on.