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Assignment 05 – Ten Methods

CSE110 Principles of Programming Assignment 05::100 pts

Assignment 05 – Ten Methods
You must work in alone on this assignment. Do not use any Java language features we have not cover so far in this course.
Assignment Objectives
After completing this assignment the student should be able to:
● Write methods that have no parameters no return value
● Write methods that have parameters
● Write methods that have a return value
Assignment Requirements
For this assignment you are given the following files: (you must complete this file)
Problem Description and Given Info
Within the the file, you must define the following static methods. In the main method, you may
write any code that wish to test the methods you have been asked to define.
1) Write (define) a static method named displayGreeting, that takes no arguments and returns no value. When this
function is called, it should print the text "Hello, and welcome!".
displayGreeting() will print Hello, and welcome!
2) Write (define) a static method named displayText, that takes a single String argument and returns no value. When
this function is called, it should print the value of the argument that was passed to it.
displayText("Hello") will print Hello
displayText("123") will print 123
displayText("abc" + "123") will print abc123
3) Write (define) a static method named printTotal, that takes three int arguments. When this function is called, it
should print the sum of the three arguments passed to it. This function should return no value.
printTotal(0, 0, 0) will print 0
printTotal(0, 1, 3) will print 4
printTotal(100, 23, 2) will print 125
4) Write (define) a static method named getTotal, that takes three int arguments. When this function is called, it should
return the sum of the three arguments passed to it as an int.
getTotal(0, 0, 0) will return 0
getTotal(0, 1, 3) will return 4
getTotal(100, 23, 2) will return 125
CSE110 Principles of Programming Assignment 05::100 pts
P.Miller 2
5) Write (define) a static method named getAverage, that takes three int arguments. When this function is called, it
should return the average of the three arguments passed to it as a double.
getAverage(0, 0, 0) will return 0.0
getAverage(0, 1, 3) will return 1.33333...
getAverage(100, 13, 7) will return 40.0
6) Write (define) a static method named averageLength, that takes three String arguments. When this function is called,
it should return the average length (number of characters) of the String arguments passed to it as a double.
averageLength("a", "abc", "ab") will return 2.0
averageLength("hello", "goodbye", "monday") will return 6.0
averageLength("wednesday", "tuesday", "monday") will return 7.33
7) Write (define) a static method named lengthOfShortest, that takes two String arguments. When this function is
called, it should return the length (number of characters) of the shortest String argument passed to it as an int.
lengthOfShortest("abc", "ab") will return 2
lengthOfShortest("hello", "goodbye") will return 5
lengthOfShortest("thursday", "friday") will return 6
8) Write (define) a static method named stringOfStars, that takes one String argument. When this function is called, it
should return a String of asterisks (*) that is the same length as the string argument passed to it.
stringOfStars("abc") will return "***"
stringOfStars("Hello, world!") will return "*************"
stringOfStars("0123456789") will return "**********"
9) Write (define) a static method named maxStringOfStars, that takes two String arguments. When this function is
called, it should return a String of asterisks (*) that is the same length as the longest string argument passed to it.
maxStringOfStars("a", "abc") will return "***"
maxStringOfStars("hello", "goodbye") will return "*******"
maxStringOfStars("thursday", "friday") will return "********"
10) Write (define) a static method named midStringOfStars, that takes three String arguments. When this function is
called, it should return a String of asterisks (*) that is the same length as the string argument with the length that would
be in the middle if the lengths of the arguments were arranged in ascending order.
CSE110 Principles of Programming Assignment 05::100 pts
P.Miller 3
midStringOfStars("a", "abc", "ab") will return "**"
midStringOfStars("hello", "goodbye", "yes") will return "*****"
midStringOfStars("123456", "12", "1234") will return "****"
Method Template
Here is a template that you may use or refer to when defining your methods. All of your ten methods will follow this
template; you must provide the components designated by the angle brackets (< >)
static <returnType> <methodName>(<parameters>) {
CSE110 Principles of Programming Assignment 05::100 pts
P.Miller 4
What to turn in
For this assignment you must upload the following files by the due date.
Any assignment submitted less than 24 hours after the posted due date will have 10 points deducted.
Any assignment submitted more than 24 hour after the posted due date will receive a zero in the grade book.
Grading Rubric
Criteria Points
All required files are submitted 10
Each file includes a comment header with the following information:
 CSE 110 : <Class #> / <meeting days and times>
 Assignment : <assignment #>
 Author : <name> & <studentID>
 Description : <of the file contents>
 Partial credit can be awarded
Code is neat and well organized 10
 Good naming conventions for all identifiers
 Good use of whitespace
 Descriptive comments
 Methods are small and flat
 Partial credit can be awarded
Code compiles with no syntax errors 20
 No Partial credit can be awarded
 No credit will be awarded for structure or logic
if your code does not compile
Code passes structure tests 30
 Partial credit can be awarded based on percentage of tests passed
 Link to Structure Tests -
Code passes logic tests 30
 No credit will be awarded for logic
if your code does not pass all structure tests
 Partial credit can be awarded based on percentage of tests passed
 Link to Logic Tests -

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