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Assignment 06: Fun with Dynamic Sequences

CS3460: Data Structures 
Assignment 06: Fun with Dynamic Sequences

Total Points: 25
In this assignment, we will build a robust binary tree, balanced using randomized mechanisms, to
store a dynamic sequence. We will then use this tree to solve a fun problem of ordering 100000
football teams such that each team i in the ordering defeated team i + 1.
1. Randomly-Built Binary Trees (15 points): A randomly-built binary search tree (RBST)
provides all binary search tree operations in only O(log n) time with high probability. In this
problem, we will build a RBST to encode a dynamic sequence. A dynamic sequence a1 . . . an
is a mathematical object that represents a sequence of items. The i
th item in the sequence is
. A dynamic sequence can be encoded in a RBST, by storing some item ai at the root, and
recursively storing the sequence a1 . . . ai−1 as the left subtree of the root, and the sequence
ai+1 . . . an as the right subtree of the root. If each node in the tree is augmented with subtree
sizes, then the i
th item can be accessed using the select operation.
Getting Started: Please download all the required files from ASULearn into your working
directory. The Node class is fully implemented with all the required accessor and mutator
methods. It also contains the methods incSize which increments the size of the tree and
updateSize which updates the size of the tree rooted at the node.
The RBST class: The RBST class implements a randonly-built binary search tree. It contains
instance fields root which is a reference to the root node of the tree, and a Random object
to make probabilistic decisions in the insert routine. The class is currently filled with two
constructors, a getSize() method that returns the size of the tree, and several public wrapper
methods that are described below. Please complete the RBST class, so that it fully supports
the following operations.
(a) insertNormal(team, rank): This method inserts the data team at position rank. This
is a simple insert routine without any balancing mechanism.
(b) print(): This method performs an inorder traversal of the tree and prints the sequence
stored in the tree.
(c) split(rank): This method splits the tree at position specified by rank. It returns an
an array of two RBSTs, the first being the left side of the split, and the second being
the right side of the split.
(d) insert(team, rank): This method inserts the data team at position rank. The insert
routine maintains balance in a probabilistic manner. That is, it inserts the new node
at the root of the tree with probability 1/n, where n is the size of the tree including
the new node. This is ideally done by splitting the tree at rank rank-1, and attaching
the left side and right side of the split as the left and right children of the new node
respectively. With probability 1 − 1/n, the data is recursively inserted to either the left
tree or the right tree depending upon the position rank (whether rank is less or greater
than the rank of the root).
(e) select(rank): This method returns the node in the RBST at position rank.
An element has rank k if it is appears in position k in the inorder traversal of the tree. Since
the tree encodes a sequence, the element with rank k = 1 and k = n are the first and last
elements in the sequence respectively.
Note that the above methods are public interfaces, which are wrapper methods that contain
calls to corresponding private methods. These are already written and should not be modified.
Please fill out places where it says “TODO:”, and complete all the private methods.
The above class is designed with wrapper methods because of two reasons. Firstly, all the
above methods are recursive, and operate on a single node which represents the tree rooted
at that node, instead of a RBST object. Secondly, it allows the user to interact much more
easily. For instance, the user can simply create and access nodes in the following manner.
RBST T = new RBST(); // create an instance of RBST.
T.insert(15, 10); // insert 15 at position 10.; // select or access the node at position 7.
Testing: You are provided with a file that tests all the methods in
Since the RBST class contains many methods, some of which are dependant on others, you
are strongly advised to test them one at a time in order. Please do not attempt to test all
the methods at the same time. You may want to comment or uncomment certain lines of
code in RBSTTest to test only those methods you have completely written. The RBSTTest
class contains a main routine that creates the same sequence stored both as an array, and
as a RBST, and performs the same set of operations, and prints them to screen. Wherever
there is a call to the print routine in the RBST, make sure the output printed matches the
corresponding one from the array.
2. Ordering Football Teams (10 points): Suppose n football teams, numbered 1 . . . n, all
play each other in a large tournament, where there are no ties. In file, you
will find a method called
boolean didXBeatY(int x, int y)
which returns true if team x won its game against team y, false otherwise. Your task is to
compute an ordering of the teams, say a1 . . . an, so that team a1 defeated team a2, team a2
defeated team a3, and so on. Lets call such a sequence valid.
Note that there could be many possible valid solutions. For example, if team 1 beat team 2,
team 2 beat team 3, etc., and team n beat team 1, then any “cyclic rotation” of the sequence
1, 2, 3, . . . n (e.g., 3, 4, 5, . . . n − 1, n, 1, 2) will be a valid solution.
The algorithm we will use to solve this problem is straightforward. It involves building up a
sequence (stored in a RBST) to which we add teams 1 . . . n one by one. Suppose we have built
up a valid sequence of teams 1 . . . k − 1 and we want to add team k in a position so that the
entire sequence is valid. It turns out that there always exists such a position, and that we
can find it quickly using our balanced RBST. If team k defeated the first team in our sequence,
then we can just add it to the beginning. Likewise, if team k lost to the last team in the
sequence, we can add it to the end. If neither of these cases holds, then let us imagine the
sequence with arrows going from the winning team to the losing team (see Figure 1). That
is, a → b means that team a won against team b. Since we know that team k lost to the first
a b
K lost to the first
team in the
K won against the
last team in the
sequence. k k
Binary search for this
position, can insert k
between a and b.
Figure 1: Inserting team k into a valid ordering of teams 1 . . . k −
1. Team k lost to the first team, and won against the last team.
Therefore, we can binary search to find the position for k in the
ordering. Team k can be placed between a an b, since a → k and
k → b.
team, and beat the last team, there must be some location in the ordering where there is an
adjacent pair of teams (a, b) for which a → k and k → b. It is thus feasible to place k between
a and b. Moreover, we can binary search for such a position with only O(log k) ≤ O(log n)
calls to select. Since each call to select takes only O(log n) time with high probability, this
gives a total running time of O(n log2 n) with high probability to solve the entire problem.
Please implement the algorithm above in the method orderTeams. We have already provided
some code to get you started. In the main method, we have included testing code to see if
your method returns a tree encoding a valid sequence.
Submission: Please submit all the files as a single zip archive through ASULearn. The
zip archive should only contain the individual files of the assignment, and these files should not be
inside folders. Moreover, please do not include other extraneous files. Only include all files that
belong to your solution.
Input/ Output Instructions: For all programs, until and otherwise stated, we will be taking
the input from standard input ( and will be sending the output to standard output
(System.out). Since we will be using an automatic grading system, please make sure that your
output format exactly matches the description above. So make sure that there are no extraneous
output in terms of spaces, newlines and other characters.
Notes on Coding: Please do not include user-defined packages in your code. Your code should
run in the Unix/Linux machine using the commands javac and java.
Please note that you are not allowed to use Java Collections which contain pre-defined libraries for many of the data structures that we learn in class. The purpose of these assignments
is to build these data structures from first principles. Programs that includes these objects will
receive 0 points.

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