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Assignment 1 UDP and TCP client/server interactions

CSC 138 – Computer Network and Internet
Socket Programming Assignment 1 – Lecture Example
Goal: Socket programming assignments are to help you review and apply your conceptual
knowledge from this class.

Instructions: Please repeat what’s done in the lecture about implementing the UDP and TCP
client/server interactions with Python. If you prefer C or Java implementation, that’s OK. If you
choose to do so, the caveat is that there is more help if you do it in Python.
Example Commands in Snapshots:
Server side snapshot
Client side snapshot
Deliverable: Please submit your electronic project report to my Canvas. The report is expected to
include both your source code and some screenshots that can help you demonstrate your work
(commands, operations, results and analysis). In this assignment, you may show your source
code with screenshots. That is, you need to provide at least 8 screenshots: 4 to demonstrate the
execution of your program (similar to the examples above), and 4 to demonstrate your source code.

Requirement: The report will all be evaluated based on the following grading criteria if demo is
Report Correctness, Completeness, Clarity 20%+15%+15%
Demonstration Correctness, Completeness, Question 20%+15%+15%

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