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Assignment #1 Relational Calculus

Assignment #1

1 Description
The goal of this assignment is to write Relational Calculus and Relational Algebra expressions, as well as
several straightforward SQL queries.
The RC/RA questions are based on the relations listed in this document. The SQL queries will answer
questions about clinical trials registered with the US government. The data is a subset of the data made
available through the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative. Since the data provided is a subset of the full
data set, so be sure to use the version of the data available on the course Canvas site. If you are interested,
you can learn more about the dataset at
1.0.1 What’s In and Out of Scope
With regards to SQL, this is intended to be a declarative SQL assignment. Therefore, you must write queries
in SQL (not stored procedures or functions). You may use VIEWs as needed and you may use standard builtin Postgres functions (e.g. ROUND, IF or CASE statements). If you’re not sure if something is allowed,
Some helpful functions:
• LIMIT: Limit the number of records returned from a query by using the ending term “LIMIT N”,
where N is the number of records to return.
For example, “SELECT * FROM studies LIMIT 100” returns 100 records from the studies table.
• INTERVAL: Adds the number of specified intervals to a date.
[date] + INTERVAL '[n] [f ield]'
Where date is the starting date, n is the number of units and f ield is the interval type. For example,
s.start date + INTERVAL '2 DAYS'
• EXTRACT: Extracts the specified information from the date.
EXTRACT([f ield] FROM [date])
A list of allowable interval fields may be found here:
2 Turnin
Create a document that contains your RC/RA expressions and SQL code, as well as the results from running
your code. By 11:55P on the due date, submit this document electronically to Canvas. You must submit
a text or pdf file with a .txt or .pdf extension. Other formats (such as Microsoft Word) are not acceptable.
Your assignment must be typed - that is, a scanned, hand-written document is not acceptable (we have to be
able to easily read what you wrote).
3 Grading
Each question is worth 5 points. If you don’t get the right answer or your expression or query is not correct,
you won’t get all of the points; partial credit may be given at the discretion of the grader.
In some cases, you are asked to provide a certain number of answers. If you provide more than the requested
number, the grader will only consider the first n, where n is the number of answers asked for.

5 Relational Calculus & Relational Algebra
The Relations
Consider the following relations, which describe patients and visits to see clinicians:
• Relation PATIENT includes information about patients, including their Medical Record Number
(MRN), name and age.
• VISIT describes a medical visit where a patient is seen at a certain time and place.
• Relation PROCEDURE describes each named procedure that was performed during the visit and
specifies who performed the procedure. Since multiple clinicians can participate, all fields are part of
the primary key.
• CLINICIAN lists all the known clinicians and their highest certification.
1. Give one reason why MRN is a poor choice for the primary & foreign keys?
2. Write Relational Calculus expressions for the following:
(a) Who is 25 years old?
(b) Who had a medical visit in December, 2017?
(c) Who got a ‘flu shot’?
(d) Who did NOT get a ‘flu shot’?
(e) What is the first and last name of all patients who have seen MD Paula Jones?
3. Write Relational Algebra expressions for the following questions. Return the relation primary key to
identify the tuples, unless otherwise specified.
(a) Who is 25 years old?
(b) What is the first and last name of all patients who have seen a Physician’s Assistant (cert is ‘PA’)
(c) Which patients have the same names and age?
(d) Which patients who got a flu shot also got a measles immunization during the same visit?
(e) Which patients who have seen an MD have not seen a PA?
6 Queries
6.1 Getting Started
First, go to your database, and create the tables in the file tablesA1postgres.sql. Paste these definitions into
a query window and click on the lightening bolt to execute them. If you want to execute just one at a time,
highlight the SQL code you want to execute and click on the lightening bolt.
6.2 Load the data
Load the data needed for the assignment. You should do this in Postgres pgAdmin. The files are located on
the class Canvas site in They are .sql files.
Copy the contents of each file into a query window in Postgres Pgadmin and execute all of the queries.
You must use the table and attribute names provided. Do not rename anything.
6.3 Questions
Answer all of the questions below by writing and executing SQL queries. The queries must contain ONLY
the answer to the question (no extra rows or columns). You many only use SQL to answer the questions.
You may need to explore the database a bit prior to generating your final solutions.
1. List the nct id and study type from the study whose brief title is “Autologous Cell Therapy After
2. List the different values for study type, in alphabetical order.
3. How many terminated studies that started and completed in 2016 have reported events?
4. How many of the studies that started in February 2016, but on or after the 15th, are expected to
complete (or have completed) within 6 months of their start date?
7 Reading / Short answer
Read the article “The Database for Aggregate Analysis of (AACT) and Subsequent
Regrouping by Clinical Specialty” by Tasneem et al.(pone.0033677.pdf), focusing on the database design
content (vs. the medical classification content) and answer the following questions. You might need to run
some queries to examine the data in order to answer the questions.
1. List three reasons the database was “normalized.”
2. On page 4, the authors list a number of data elements that are contained in the XML download files
from How are these different elements implemented in the design table in the
AACT database?
3. Which non-description field in the design table is least populated? That is, which field is most often
left blank?
4. In the conditions table there is an attribute called “name” and an attribute called “downcase name”.
What is the difference? Why might a database provide both of these fields? What trade-offs are
5. Look at some of the name, downcase name pairings. Do you see any anomalies? Give 2 examples of
what challenges might these anomalies pose to a user of the database.

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