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Assignment #1 devastating wildfires

CS202 Programming Assignment #1
Programming Assignment #1
CS 202 Programming Systems
*** Make sure to read the Background Information first!
It applies to all programming assignments this term***
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Background for All Programming Assignments:
When beginning with this project, the first thing to keep in mind is that we are no longer
working on CS163 programs! In CS163 we were concerned about creating Abstract Data
Types and the class construct facilitated this. Instead, this term we will be focusing on how
to create Object Oriented Solutions. An ADT may be part of that solution – but it certainly
shouldn’t be the primary focus. Instead you want to strive for classes to have specific “jobs”
and have classes derived from more general classes, whenever appropriate. We will be
working in situations where there are multiple classes, so you will want to focus on dividing
the design into smaller components that have specific jobs working together to solve the
Every assignment this term needs to have at least 5 classes. With these, think about how to
design the classes such that they reduce the amount of work another class needs to do. The
idea is if we have “robot” like classes doing the smaller tasks or “jobs”, that by the time
we get to a larger class that has more to manage – it will have little left to do! We can
achieve this by delegating. Often the over-use of “getters” can cause the opposite to happen
– and instead of delegating the managing class has to fundamentally do all of the work
Program #1 Overview:
With the wildfires, we find ourselves in an unusual situation of having many people in
desperate need of assistance. So many devastating wildfires. That on top of the pandemic
may have left people needing assistance in a way they never would have previously
predicted. You may have watched (or been part of) the relief efforts giving water, food,
clothing, and shelter to those in need. People have donated their RVs and homes. Truly this
is the strength of Oregonians coming together. But imagine the chaos that could take place
at donation centers. We need software to help! This is where our story begins…
CS202 Fall 2020 Programming Assignment #1
Program #1
For Program #1, you will be creating an object oriented program that will support
emergency relief efforts. We want to allow easy cataloging of donations dropped off or
made available and then allow those in need to browse what is available; to make this
useful, we will want to keep a history of what people have searched for. To manage the
scope of this project, the following are the minimum requirements:
1. Support three different types of relief efforts, one of which needs to be housing.
The other two types can be of your design. Ideas could be supplies, food, clothing,
and many more.
2. At least one of the types supported needs to support the notion of an expiration date.
3. At least one of the types supported should interact with another class type
The main point of this assignment is to make the development simpler through the use of
OO techniques. Therefore, first think about breaking this down into a series of classes and
create them independent of the entire problem. Then, push up the common elements into a
common base class; this is the important part! And lastly, avoid classes with only setters
and getters with the exception of a node class!
Here are some possible classes to consider in your design:
1. Three classes that represent the three types of relief efforts you are going to support
2. The base class that contains all of the common elements (data members and
functions) (topic 1)
3. There should be at least 5 functions for each of the three classes that manage the
different relief efforts, besides constructors and destructors
4. Every class that manages dynamic memory needs a default constructor, a copy
constructor (week #2 topic 3) and a destructor.
5. At least one single inheritance hierarchy is required supporting public derivation
(topic1 and topic 2)
Keep classes small and functions small. A large class or function means that the problem
has not yet been broken down into its basic components (objects).
Required Data Structures
All repetitive data structure algorithms must be implemented using recursion in CS202.
Implementation of the data structures requires full support of insert, removal, display,
retrieval, and remove-all.
1. You will need three different data structures to hold the different type of relief
items. Let’s use a circular linked list. You may use this data structure in any way
that makes the most sense to you in your design.
2. Create a Linear Linked list to keep track of the browsing history, what searched for
when examining the available items. This should be ordered by frequency.

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