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Assignment 1: Boolean Retrieval

CS 429 Information Retrieval
Assignment 1: Boolean Retrieval
Points: 25

In this assignment, you will implement an inverted index in Python that can be used with Boolean
queries with AND operators to retrieve relevant documents. You will implement the function in the
code stub provided (see attachment). For your implementation, note the following design conditions:
1. Use the code stub provided as an attachment and implement the functions in the stub. You may
add additional functions as you see fit.
2. Use only the python modules used in the stub.
3. Use the document collection provided (see attachment) to generate the index.
4. Tokenize the words in each document. There is no need to normalize the tokens. Do the basic
tokenization i.e., remove all punctuations, and numerals. Terms in the index should all be in
small caps.
5. Each document should be given a unique document id.
6. The posting list, in addition to the document id, should also contain the positions of the term in
the document. The index should be in the form term: [(ID1,[pos1,pos2,..]), (ID2,
7. Implement a merge algorithm for processing AND Boolean queries. (see additional guidelines
8. Print out the time for building the index and processing the query.
9. Provide appropriate comments in code.
Merge Algorithm: (see AND_query() in code stub)
• Implement an efficient algorithm to merge (AND operation) posting lists of multiple query
• The algorithm should take a list of query terms (can be more than 2 terms) as input.
• In class, we looked at an algorithm for merging posting lists of two query terms by moving a
pointer over all the relevant posting lists simultaneously. Generalize this for n terms. Note
that an efficient algorithm looks at each item in the posting lists of the query term only
Sample Output:
a=index('/home/jkorah/collection/') Index built in 103.25177598 seconds.
x=a.and_query(['with', 'without', 'yemen'])
Results for the Query: with AND without AND yemen
Total Docs retrieved: 6
Retrieved in 0.000526905059814 seconds
x=a.and_query(['with', 'without', 'yemen', 'yemeni'])
Results for the Query: with AND without AND yemen AND yemeni
Total Docs retrieved: 2
Retrieved in 0.00115895271301 seconds
zone [(111, [125]), (122, [82]), (147, [206]), (198, [1739]), (231, [632]), (249, [101]), (293,
[88]), (306, [82, 519]), (329, [288]), (350, [335]), (371, [115]), (393,
[246])] zones [(63, [451]), (261, [522]), (379, [798])] zoo [(400, [86]),
(401, [196, 393])]
zoom [(171, [640])]
zoomed [(410, [830])]
Doc ID: 407 == Text-49.txt
Doc ID: 408 == Text-72.txt
Doc ID: 409 == Text-36.txt
Doc ID: 410 == Text-349.txt
Doc ID: 411 == Text-77.txt
Doc ID: 412 == Text-183.txt
Doc ID: 413 == Text-55.txt
Doc ID: 414 == Text-201.txt
Doc ID: 415 == Text-242.txt
Submit the following files on blackboard as a .zip file.
2. README file --- briefly describing your merge algorithm and any other comments
3. Output.txt: containing 5 queries queries and the output generated by your code.

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