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Assignment 1 Chain of Unary Operations

Assignment 1
CS330: Operating Systems
Total Marks: 100

1 Chain of Unary Operations [20 Marks]
In this question, you need to write three C programs Part1/square.c, Part1/double.c and Part1/sqroot.c
performing square, double and square root operations, respectively on a non-negative integer. The generated executables (i.e., square, double and sqroot) of these programs can be chained in any pattern
to perform composite operations on a given input. The order of the operations in the chained pattern
would be from left to right.
$ ./<executable> <executable> .... <executable> <non-negative integer>
$ ./square sqroot double sqroot 8
Since, the order of the operations in the chained pattern is from left to right, the chained pattern
should be viewed as:
sqroot(double(sqroot(square(8)))) = 4
Print the final result only (as shown in the example).
• At-least 1 unary operation and at-most 16 unary operations will be specified during testing.
• You can assume that the result of operations will always fit in a 8-byte integer type (i.e., unsigned
long on 64-bit machines).
• If the square root of a number is a fraction then round off the result to the nearest integer. For
example, 2.5 should be rounded to 3 and 2.4 should be rounded to 2.
Error handling
In case of any error, print “Unable to execute” as output.
System calls and library functions allowed
You must only use the below mentioned APIs to implement this question.
- fork - malloc
- exec* family - free
- strcpy - strcat
- strcmp - strto* family
- ato* family - wait/waitpid
- printf, sprintf - sqrt
- round - exit
- strlen
Script Part1/run contains 3 sample test cases. Run this script to check whether your implementation passes the test cases or not. A sample output after running the script would be:
Test 1 is Passed
Test 2 is Passed
Test 3 is Passed
2 Directory Space Usage [35 Marks]
In this question, you have to write a program (myDU.c) that finds the space used by a directory (including
its files, sub-directories, files in sub-directories, sub-sub directories etc.). Let’s call this directory as the
Root directory.
$./myDU <relative path to a directory>
Figure 1: Example to illustrate the use of directory space usage finding utility
Figure 1 shows the structure of a directory called Documents which is the designated Root directory
in this example. This directory contains files such as Bill Payment.pdf, Experiment Results.txt
and a sub-directory called Office. The Sub-directory Office contains a file named Deals.ppt. To find
the size of the Documents directory, its name is passed to your directory space usage finding utility as
($./myDU Documents). Your utility is expected to print the total size of the contents of the passed
root directory in bytes (For eg: 20284). Note that, this is inclusive of directory sizes.
Only print the size of the Root directory in bytes (Refer to Figure 1)
Detailed instructions
To make the calculation process more efficient, we propose a method where different sub-directories
under the Root directory will be processed by different processes. The exact working is detailed in the
following points.
• Assume that there are N immediate sub-directories under the Root directory. For each immediate
child sub-directory under the provided Root directory, your program must create a new process
Pi (i will range from 1 to the total number of immediate sub-directories under Root). Each child
process Pi should find the size of the i
th child sub-directory (including all files/directories under
it and the size of the sub-directory itself) and pass this information back to the parent process.
Parent process should find the size of the files immediately under it along with the Root directory
size. Finally, parent process will find the sum of all sizes and print the final output.
Figure 2: Sample directory structure
For example: In Figure 2, there are two immediate sub-directories (HTML, CSS) under the
Root directory (Tutorials). In this case, the parent process should create two child processes,
say, P1 and P2. P1 should calculate the size of the sub-directory (HTML) which is a sum of
sizes of all files and directories under HTML including the size of HTML itself. Similarly, P2
should calculate size of the directory CSS. Both P1 and P2 should return the result back to the
parent using pipes. Finally, the parent process would find the size of the files immediately under
it (Payment receipt.pdf, Description.txt) and the size of the Tutorials directory to report
the final result.
• Your program should only use pipes (pipe() system call) to communicate between parent process
and the child processes. There is no restriction on the number of pipes to be used.
Figure 3: Example to illustrate the handling of symbolic links by ./myDU utility
• A symbolic link is a special type of file in Linux that points to another file or directory. Symbolic
links can be present anywhere in the Root directory tree. You should resolve the symbolic links
and find the size of the file/directory pointed by a symbolic link instead of reporting the size of
the symbolic link file (Refer figure 3). It can be assumed that a symbolic link will never point to
itself recursively. For example, in Figure 3, Taxes22 23 directory will not contain a symbolic link
that points to the Taxes23 24 directory or directly to the Sym link to Taxes22 23 symbolic file
in the Taxes23 24 directory.
• It is the responsibility of the parent process to find the size of the file/directory pointed by a
symbolic link which is present immediately under Root directory. For example, in Figure 3 parent
process will not create any child process. However, symbolic links present in a sub-directory should
be processed by the child process handling the sub-directory.
• During testing, only relative path of the Root directory will be passed to the ./myDU utility. It
can be assumed that the size of the directory path generated during testing will not exceed 4096
• You can assume that the total size of the Root directory will fit in a 8-byte integer type (i.e.,
unsigned long on 64-bit machines)
Error handling
In case of any error, print “Unable to execute” as output.
System calls and library functions allowed
- fork - malloc
- exec* family - free
- pipe - stat
- opendir - lstat
- readdir - readlink
- closedir - strlen
- read - open
- write - close
- strcpy - strcat
- strcmp - strto* family
- ato* family - wait/waitpid
- printf family - exit
- dup - dup2
3 sample test cases have been provided in the Part2 directory. Run the script ($./
to compare your ./myDU utility’s output with the expected output of the sample testcases.
3 Dynamic memory management library[45 Marks]
In this question you have to implement two library functions memalloc() and memfree() that are
equivalent to the C standard library functions malloc and free. The memalloc() call will be used
for dynamic memory allocation and the memfree() call will be used to free the memory previously
allocated by memalloc().
void *memalloc(unsigned long size);
int memfree(void *ptr);
Detailed instructions
• memalloc() takes single argument of type unsigned long. This argument specifies the amount
of memory requested from memalloc() in bytes. The memory allocated by memalloc() should
not be initialized. memalloc() returns a generic pointer (void*) to the allocated memory. If 0 is
passed as the argument to the memalloc() or memalloc() cannot satisfy the request, return NULL.
• memfree() takes a single argument of type void*. This argument is a pointer to the memory
allocated by memalloc() that is to be freed. memfree() returns 0 on success. You can assume
that a valid address (which has been returned by memalloc() and hasn’t been freed before) will
be passed to memfree().
• If memalloc() has to request memory from the OS, it must be done using mmap() with size being
multiple of 4MB. memalloc() serves memory allocation requests of the user-space programs from
these allocated chunks of memory. If a request to memalloc() is larger than 4 MB, request a
smallest multiple of 4 MB memory chunk from OS that satisfies the requested memory size. You
can assume that mmap() will never fail due to lack of memory.
Figure 4: Possible state of the memory managed by the memalloc()/memfree()
• Figure 4 illustrates the possible state of the memory managed by the memalloc()/memfree()
Figure 5: Example to illustrate the allocation and freeing of memory using memalloc() and memfree()
• Figure 5 illustrates how requests for allocation and freeing of memory can be served by memalloc()
and memfree() from the memory (4MB chunk) obtained from OS.
• To handle the allocation and de-allocation requests you need to maintain some metadata corresponding to the allocated and free memory chunks. For example, metadata can help to identify if
a free memory chunk is large enough to serve a memory allocation request made by the user-space
• For correct working of the library routines, you have to maintain metadata to keep track of the
allocated and free memory regions within the larger chunk of memory obtained from the OS.
Metadata is maintained within the allocated and free memory chunks itself (see Figure 6).
Figure 6: Example to illustrate the metadata maintenance corresponding the allocated and free memory
• As shown in 6(a),(c),(d), Size contains the size (in bytes) of the memory chunk allocated by
memalloc() on the request of the userspace application. Size is stored in the first 8 bytes of
the allocated memory chunk. Allocated memory chunk should be large enough to store metadata
(Size) as well as to fulfill the memory size requested by userspace program from the memalloc.
• Free memory is maintained in the form of a doubly linked list where the head of the list is a global
variable. Let us refer to this list as the free list. As shown in 6(b),(c),(d), Size, Next,
Prev are stored within each free chunk of memory present in the free list. Size contains the
size (in bytes) of the free memory chunk. Next and Prev are the pointers to the next free chunk
of memory and the previous free chunk of memory in the free list. Each of these pointers is
stored in 8 bytes.
Figure 7: Example to illustrate memory allocation using first fit approach and the usage of padding
Memory allocation
• When a request for memory allocation comes from the userspace program to memalloc(), the
request should be served using the First Fit approach. The first fit approach specifies that when a
request of size S is made, memalloc should find the first free chunk of memory in the free list
which is large enough to service the request.
For example, in Figure 7, a request of size 28 bytes is made by the user-space program. The
memalloc() logic checks the size of the first free memory chunk (32 bytes) and concludes that
this memory chunk is not large enough to service the request. So, it checks the next free memory
chunk in the free list (40 bytes chunk) and concludes that the request can be served using this
memory chunk.
• Chunk of memory chosen to serve the request should be a multiple of 8 bytes. Let us call the extra
bytes allocated to serve the request as a multiple of 8 bytes as eight-bytes alignment padding. For
example, in Figure 7, a padding of 4 bytes is used make the memory allocation 8 bytes aligned.
Figure 8: Example to illustrate the splitting of a free memory chunk into smaller chunks
• If the free memory chunk is exactly the same as the request size + metadata size + 8 bytes
alignment padding, the free memory chunk is simply removed from the free list. For example: In
Figure 7, entire free memory chunk of size 40 bytes will be removed from the free list.
• If the free memory chunk is larger than the request size + metadata size + 8 bytes alignment
padding by ‘b’ bytes, then the remaining ‘b’ bytes should be handled as follows,
Case 1: If ‘b’ < 24, include these ‘b’ bytes in the memory allocated to the user-space application
as extra padding. Thus, full free memory chunk is allocated just as if it had been exactly the right
Case 2: If ‘b’ ≥ 24, the free memory chunk is split into two memory chunks. The chunk on
the left (which should be of the size request size + metadata size + 8 bytes alignment padding)
should be allocated to the user-space application and removed from the free list. The chunk on
the right should be added to the free list with appropriate adjustment to size and other meta-data.
The chunk of memory added back to the free list should be inserted at the head of the free list.
For example, In Figure 8, chunk of size 64 bytes is split into two smaller chunks to serve a user
invocation of memalloc(10).
Figure 9: Example to illustrate the case when extra memory is requested from OS
• When no available free memory chunk can satisfy the applications memory request, memalloc
should issue a mmap system call to the OS to allocate a new free memory chunk of size equal to the
smallest multiple of 4 MB that is large enough to service the request. For example, In Figure 9(a),
a request of 2MB memory size can’t be served by the memalloc(). So, it requests 4MB memory
from the OS (Figure 9(b)).
• If a free memory chunk (already present in free list) and a newly allocated region using mmap
system call are contiguous, then no coalescing (combining/merging) of the two memory regions
should be done before serving the request made by the application. For example, in Figure 9(b),
memory chunk at address ‘a’+ 3MB to ‘a’ + 4MB - 1 and the newly allocated memory chunk at
address ‘a’+ 4MB to ‘a’ + 8MB - 1 are contiguous. The 2MB memory allocation request should
be served from newly allocated memory chunk (address ‘a’+ 4MB), as shown in Figure 9(c),
instead of coalescing both free chunks of memory into a single free memory chunk and serving
request from the address ‘a’+ 3MB.
Memory Deallocation
When freeing a memory chunk using memfree (the chunk is refereed to as ‘f’), following cases may
Figure 10: Example to illustrate the freeing of a memory chunk such that the memory chunks on its left
and right side are not free (Case 1)
Case 1: Contiguous memory chunks on the left side and the right side of ‘f’ are allocated. In this case,
simply insert ‘f’ into the head of the free list. Figure 10 demonstrates the working logic.
Figure 11: Example to illustrate the freeing of a memory chunk such that the memory chunk on its right
is free (Case 2)
Case 2: Contiguous memory chunk on the right side of ‘f’ is free. In this case, coalesce (combine/merge)
‘f’ and memory chunk on the right side together into a single free memory chunk. The newly
coalesced memory chunk should be inserted to the head of the free list. Figure 11 demonstrates
the working logic.
Figure 12: Example to illustrate the freeing of a memory chunk such that the memory chunk on its left
is free (Case 3)
Case 3: Contiguous memory chunk on the left side of ‘f’ is free. In this case, coalesce ‘f’ and memory
chunk on the left side together into a single free memory chunk. The newly coalesced memory
chunk should be inserted to the head of the free list. Figure 12 demonstrates the working logic.
Figure 13: Example to illustrate the freeing of a memory chunk such that the memory chunks on its left
and right side are free (Case 4)
Case 4: Contiguous memory chunks on the both left side and the right side of ‘f’ are free. In
this case, coalesce ‘f’ with both the memory chunks on the left side and the right side together
into a single free memory chunk. The newly coalesced memory chunk should be inserted to the
head of the free list. Figure 13 demonstrates the working logic.
Note: Memory requested by memalloc() from OS using mmap system calls will not be returned back to
the OS when memfree() is called.
Error handling
In case of any error during memalloc(), return NULL. In case of any error during memfree(), return -1.
System calls and library functions allowed
- mmap
Note: You are not allowed to use any memory allocation/de-allocation helpers in the standard library
such as malloc(), free(), calloc(), realloc() in your implementation.
• In this question, 3 files are involved
– Library file containing definitions of memalloc() and memfree(). This file is present as
Part3/mylib.c. You are expected to write your code for memalloc() and memfree() implementation in this file.
– Header file containing declarations of memalloc() and memfree(). This file is present as
Part3/mylib.h. You don’t need to modify this.
– Test program file containing main() function. Test programs are present in Part3/Testcases.
You can create your own test cases in this directory.
• 3 sample test cases have been provided in the Part3/Testcases directory.
• Makefile (Part3/Makefile) has been provided to automatically perform the steps of compiling and
linking test cases with your library to generate the test cases execeutables. Change your current
working directory to Part3 directory and run the Makefile with the following command: $make
Note: After making code changes in your library code (Part3/mylib.c) or test cases, you have
to run Makefile again before running the test case executable.
• Change your current working directory to Part3/Testcases and run the test case executable (for
example, $./test1) to check whether your code passes the test case or not.
• You can create your custom test cases in Part3/Testcases directory and run Makefile to generate
the test cases executables.
4 Submission
• Make sure that your implementation doesn’t print unnecessary data. Your output should match
exactly with the expected output specified in each question.
• You have to submit zip file named your roll (for example: containing
only the following files in specified folder format:
– YourRollno/Part1/square.c, YourRollno/Part1/double.c, YourRollno/Part1/sqroot.c
– YourRollno/Part2/myDU.c
– YourRollno/Part3/mylib.c
– YourRollno/declaration
• If your submission is not as per the above instructions, a penalty of 20 marks will be applied on
the marks obtained in this assignment.
• Note: No code changes will be allowed after the assignment submission period has ended. So, test
your implementation thoroughly with the provided test cases as well as your custom test cases.

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