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Assignment #1 Decision Tree

Machine Learning
COMP 5630/ COMP 6630/ COMP 6630 - D01

Assignment #1
Decision Tree
Submission Instructions
 Please submit your solutions via
Canvas ( You should submit your assignment as a PDF. Please
do not include unclear scanned or photographed equations as they are difficult for us to grade.
Late Submission Policy
The late submission policy for assignments will be as follows unless otherwise specified:
1. 75% credit within 0-48 hours after the submission deadline.
2. 50% credit within 48-96 hours after the submission deadline.
3. 0% credit after 96 hours after the submission deadline.
1. Decision Tree Basics [50 pts]: The goal of this assignment is to test and reinforce your
understanding of Decision Tree Classifiers.
(a) [5 pts] How many unique, perfect binary trees of depth 3 can be drawn if we have 5
attributes. By depth, we mean depth of the splits, not including the nodes that only
contain a label. So a tree that checks just one attribute is a depth 1 tree. By perfect
binary tree, we mean every node has either 0 or 2 children, and every leaf is at the same
depth. Note also that a tree with the same attributes but organized at different depths
are considered “unique”. Do not include trees that test the same attribute along the
same path in the tree.
[5 pts] In general, for a problem with A attributes, how many unique full D depth trees
can be drawn? Assume A >> D
(b) [20 pts] Consider the following dataset for this problem. Given the five attributes on
the left, we want to predict if the student got an A in the course. Create 2 decision
trees for this dataset. For the first, only go to depth 1. For the second go to depth 2.
For all trees, use the ID3 entropy algorithm from class. For each node of the tree, show
the decision, the number of positive and negative examples and show the entropy at
that node.
Hint: There are a lot of calculations here. You may want to do this programatically.
Early Finished HMK Senior Likes Coffee Liked The Last Jedi A
1 1 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 0 1
0 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 1 0 1
Table 1: Toy Data-set for Task 1: Decision Tree Basics.
(c) [10 pts] Make one more decision tree. Use the same procedure as in (b), but make it
depth 3. Now, given these three trees, which would you prefer if you wanted to predict
the grades of 10 new students who are not included in this data-set? Justify your choice.
(d) [10 pts] Recall the definition of the “realizable” case. “For some fixed concept class
C, such as decision trees, a realizable case is one where the algorithm gets a sample
consistent with some concept c ∈ C. In other words, for decision trees, a case is realizable
if there is some tree that perfectly classifies the data-set.
If the number of attributes A is sufficiently large, under what condition would a dataset
not be realizable for decision trees of no fixed depth? Prove that the dataset is unrealizable if and only if that condition is true.
2. Application on Real-Word Data-set [50 pts]: In this task, you will build a decision
tree classifier using a real-word data-set called Census-Income Data Set available publicly
for downloading at Dataset. This data set contains weighted census data extracted from the
1994 and 1995 Current Population Surveys conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. The data
contains 41 demographic and employment related variables.
The instance weight indicates the number of people in the population that each record
represents due to stratified sampling. To do real analysis and derive conclusions, this field
must be used. This attribute should *not* be used in the classifiers!!!
One instance per line with comma delimited fields. There are 199,523 instances in the data
file and 99,762 in the test file.
The data was split into train/test in approximately 2
proportions using MineSet’s MIndUtil mineset-to-mlc. Below are your tasks:
(a) [20 pts] Train a decision tree classifier using the data file. Feel free to use existing
python/java packages/libraries you may like. You cannot touch the test file in this
part. Vary the cut-off depth from 2 to 10 and report the training accuracy for each
cut-off depth k. Based on your results, select an optimal k.
(b) [15 pts] Using the trained classifier with optimal cut-off depth k, classify the 99,762
instances from the test file and report the testing accuracy (portion of testing instances
classified correctly).
(c) [15 pts] Do you see any over-fitting issues for this experiment? Report your observations.

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