Software Engineering 265
Software Development Methods
Assignment 1
Programming environment
For this assignment please ensure your work executes correctly on the Linux
machines in ELW B238. You are welcome to use your own laptops and desktops for
much of your programming; if you do this, give yourself a few days before the due
date to iron out any bugs in the C program you have uploaded to the BSEng
machines. (Bugs in this kind of programming tend to be platform specific, and
something that works perfectly at home may end up crashing on a different
hardware configuration.)
Objectives of this assignment
• Understand a problem description, along with the role used by sample input
and output for providing such a description.
• Use the C programming language to write the first implementation of a
concordance-generation program named kwoc1 (and do this without using
dynamic memory).
• Use Unix commands such as diff to support your testing and coding.
• Use git to manage changes in your source code and annotate the evolution
of your solution with “messages” given to commits.
• Test your code against the provided test cases.
This assignment: kwoc1.c
In this assignment you will direct your learning of C by solving a problem involving
a tool used by many research and scholars that is called a concordance. Specifically
we will consider one kind of concordance known as keyword-out-of-context or
The Oxford English Dictionary defines a concordance is an “alphabetical
arrangement of principal words contained in a book, with citations of the passages
in which they occur”. Someone using a concordance is therefore able to look up a
word of interest to them for that book, and find all the locations (page numbers and
line numbers) where the word is used.
The concordances your program will create will be for texts much, much smaller
than a complete book! Instead the concordance will relate words to the lines in
which they occur in some text file being processed.
As an example, consider the following small text file. Line numbers are given for
your reference. (Among the test files for this first assignment, this corresponds to
the contents of in04.txt.)
1 the fish a dog cat dog rabbit
2 the fish and cat
3 a rabbit or elephant
The concordance for this file is to be generated using the following command
(where I assume all of the needed text files are contained in the same directory as
the executable).
$ ./kwoc1 -e english.txt in04.txt
The program produces this output to the console:
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CAT the fish a dog cat dog rabbit (1)
CAT the fish and cat (2)
DOG the fish a dog cat dog rabbit (1*)
ELEPHANT a rabbit or elephant (3)
FISH the fish a dog cat dog rabbit (1)
FISH the fish and cat (2)
RABBIT the fish a dog cat dog rabbit (1)
RABBIT a rabbit or elephant (3)
Notice that each line is made up of a keyword, followed by an input line within
which that word appeared, and ends with a number reference. The keywords are
printed in alphabetical order. The word cat (printed as CAT when shown as a
keyword) appears on lines 1 and 2 of the input; the word dog appears in only one
input line – line 1 – but does so more than once, hence the asterisk. And so on and so
You will also notice that some words contained within the input file do not appear
as keywords in the concordance. For example, and, or, and the are not really of
interest to anyone using a concordance – that is, they are excluded. A file with
exclusion words was given to kwoc1 on the command line via the -e argument.
How must kwoc1 determine the keywords? It may do so in effect by (a) reading the
contents of the input file for which an index is needed, then (b) determining the
unique words in that file, and finally (c) reading the words in the exclusion file and
removing those words from the set discovered in the previous step.
With respect to output, keywords must always appear at the start of the line. (If the
keyword itself had been capitalized in the output sentence, then that style of
concordance would have been called keyword-in-context or KWIC). To aid with
formatting, the longest keyword determines how input lines themselves are
indented, i.e., length of longest keyword + two spaces. The testfiles for this
assignment can provide you with more examples of input and their expected output;
see below for more details on the location of test files.
Some simplifying assumptions
In order to reduce the complexity of the program, I have provided the following
simplifications and size limits.
1. All input consists of lower-case letters, and all words on a line are separated
by a single space. There is no other punctuation such as commas, colons,
quotations marks, periods, etc. That is, for the first assignment you need not
worry about cases such as that keyword computer appearing as computer or
"Computer or computer-aided or computer? or computer', etc. etc.
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2. All provided exclusion-word files will have one word per line, and lines will
be in alphabetical order.
3. Each input file (i.e., those for which a KWOC index is to be created): (a) will
have at most 100 lines; (b) has input lines at most 80 characters long
(including spaces and newline character); (c) has words no longer than 20
characters; (d) has no more than 500 unique keywords, although a specific
keyword may appear many times in the input file. Also: files with exception
words will have no more than 100 lines (i.e., no more than 100 words).
I also have several more restrictions on coding which are actually helpful
4. Your solution must not make use of the dynamic-memory functions malloc,
calloc, valloc, realloc, etc. That is, all memory needed for your solution
can be statically allocated (i.e., program-scope variables) given the size limits
described above in item 3.
5. All code must appear in a single source-code file named kwoc1.c.
Testing your work
Test data is provided to you on the SENG file system (i.e., the files you are able to
access when logged into a machine in ELW B238 either directly or remotely). These
are located in:
Please note: When using cp or scp to copy files, please construct the path name
using what I have given immediately above. Do not try to do something like cd
/home and expect to see my directory – the automounting used by our systems
would make it look as if my directory does not exist. The markdown file TESTING.md
explains what is required for each test (i.e., input file, exclusion-words file, file with
expected output).
As your do the initial coding for your solution, you will most likely visually check the
output produced by your code in order compare with what is expected. However, at
some point this will not be precise enough as extra spaces in output are impossible
to see. More robust testing will therefore require you to use the Unix command
Shown below is an execution of kwoc1. I’m assuming that all of the test files are in
the same directory as kwoc1. Note the use of the pipe operator and the hyphen/dash
as an argument to diff.
./kwoc1 in04.txt -e english.txt | diff out04.txt -
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The ending dash as an argument to diff will compare out04.txt with the text
stream piped into the diff command (denoted by the dash argument given to
diff). If no output is produced by diff, then the output of your program identically
matches the file (i.e., the test-case passes). Note that the arguments you must pass to
kwoc1 for the different tests are shown in the TESTS.md file.
Again: Please use diff when testing your solution. When the teaching team
evaluates your work, the output produced by your program must exactly match the
expected test output in order for a test to pass.
A warning to anyone who is neglectfully creative: You are not permitted to
invent options or arguments, nor is output from kwoc1 to appear in a separate
new file. Doing so may result in a failing grade for this assignment.
Exercises for this A#1
1. If you have not already done so, ensure your git project is checked out from
the repository. Within your project ensure there is an a1/ subdirectory.
Ensure all directories and program files you create are placed under git
control. (You need not add the test directory to git control unless you wish to
do so.) Test files are available on ELW B238 machines in the directory
2. Write your program. Amongst other tasks you will need to:
• obtain a filename argument from the command line;
• read text input from files, line by line, and the text within those lines
• You should use the -std=c99 flag when compiling your program as this
will be used during assignment evaluation (i.e., the flag ensures the 1999
C standard is used during compilation).
3. Do not use malloc(), calloc() or any of the dynamic memory functions.
4. Keep all of your code in one file for this assignment. In later assignments we
will use separable compilation available in C.
5. You are welcome to use program-scope (i.e., global) variables for such
keeping track of such things as the input lines, the keywords, and the
exception words. However, there are no other variables for which it makes
sense to make them program scope, and failure to observe this may result in
a somewhat lower grade.
6. Use the test files to guide your implementation effort. Start with the simple
example in test 01 and move onto 02, 03, etc. in order. (You may want to
avoid tests 7 and higher until you have significant functionality already
completed.) Refrain from writing the program all at once, and budget
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time to anticipate when things go wrong! Use the Unix command diff to
compare your output with what is expected.
7. For this assignment you can assume all test inputs will be well-formed (i.e.,
our teaching assistant will not test your submission for handling of input or
for arguments containing errors). Later assignments might specify errorhandling as part of their requirements.
8. Ensure you appropriately use add, commit, and push to submit your work to
our course’s git server. You will probably want to use other commands
during development (such as log, status, and perhaps pull if you have
work on different computers). Avoid any use of branch or checkout as this
will cause problems for A#1.
What you must submit
• A single C source file named kwoc1.c within your git remote repository (in
your repo’s a1/ subdirectory) containing a solution to Assignment #1.
• No dynamic memory-allocation routines are to be used for Assignment
One last bit of advice
The purpose of this assignment is to present a text-processing problem around
which to structure your learning of the C programming language. As a consequence,
I will not be overly concerned about run-time or space efficiency, and so you need
not try to implement clever algorithms. Use simple implementation approaches. For
example, you can store the contents of an input file into a two-dimensional
character array. As another example, once you’ve determined the keywords, you can
repeatedly scan stored input lines for the presence of each keyword when
generating final output. I will, however, request that any file input is done once per
program execution (i.e., once for the input file, once for the exception-word file) –
that is, do not re-read the file as this repeated I/O can result in a very slow-running
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Our grading scheme is relatively simple.
• “A” grade: A submission completing the requirements of the assignment
which is well-structured and very clearly written. Program-scope (i.e., global)
variables are kept to a minimum. kwoc1 runs without any problems; that is,
all tests pass and therefore no extraneous output is produced.
• “B” grade: A submission completing the requirements of the assignment.
kwoc1 runs without any problems; that is, all tests pass and therefore no
extraneous output is produced. The program is clearly written.
• “C” grade: A submission completing most of the requirements of the
assignment. kwoc1 runs with some problems.
• “D” grade: A serious attempt at completing requirements for the assignment.
kwoc1 runs with quite a few problems; even through the program runs, it
may be that no tests pass.
• “F” grade: Either no submission given, or submission represents very little