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Assignment 1 – Implementing Sorting Algorithms

2XB3 Assignment 1 – Implementing Sorting Algorithms
1. Assignment Description
At the end of the year, a sales company would like to evaluate the sales amount of their
different productions, which can be used to develop sales plan for the next year. Consider the
company has N products, the total sales amount of a product p is pa. The sales amount of a
product reflects how customers like it. A sorting algorithm can be applied to help you order all
the products with respect to their sales amount, which can help you understand customers’
This assignment requires you to implement an abstract data type (ADT) for products and four
sorting algorithms for sales amount of various sizes, and then explain in detail which one is the
most preferable with respect to the running time. The entire process must be done as a
software engineering experiment with the proper use of analysis to compare the results for
each implementation.
The analysis has a number of required steps:
● Recording your observations through the use of tables and plots
● Making hypotheses regarding the complexity of your algorithms
● Using your hypotheses to make a prediction
● Validating your hypotheses with a mathematical model
Upon completion of the analysis, you are then able to order the algorithms from best to worst.
Your explanation must be written in a text file named a1_out.txt.
2. Assignment Setup
To start with, you will need an input file of products to sort. For this assignment, you are asked
to sort 5 arrays of size 24
, 26
, 28
, 210 and 212 elements respectively: each element representing a
product with a unique ID and an integer sales amount. You have to generate these arrays using
the instructions below. This gives you a different input file every time you run it, but you only
need to do this once.
We use a random number generator to synthetically generate input data and simulate a real
scenario for your algorithm.
1. Download the Eclipse project called ‘cas2xb3_A1_lastname_initials’ from the course
website under the Assignments/A1 folder. Rename it using your last name and initials.
Your entire implementation should be included in this project.
NOTE: You cannot change the method signatures and file formats in this project. You
might need to implement more internal methods where necessary and also an abstract
data type. Follow the instructions exactly. You are not allowed to use any Java built-in
sorting methods.
2. In this project, under the src folder you will see two packages, gen and sort. Also note
the “data” folder created for you in the project. This is where your input file will appear
after you have generated it.
3. Expand the Gen package under src and double-click the “” file. Scroll to line 14
and replace the “[STUDENT#]” with your student number. If you are working on a Linux
or OS X (Mac system) you might need to change the slashes in line 23 to suit your OS
(change the directory from “\\data\\a1_in.txt” to “data/a1_in.txt”).
4. Run the file. Once it is done, right-click on the “data” folder and select “Refresh”. You
should now see a new file called “a1_in.txt”.
This file contains five strings (separated by a newline character) that you are required to sort of
size 24
, 26
, 28
, 210 and 212 elements. The file has the format {e, ea}, for example:
This file contains five lines where each line is a string representation of an array. The elements
of the arrays are “products“ with their “sales amount” represented as {e, ea }. The first to fifth
array contain 24
, 26
, 28
, 210 and 212 elements, respectively.
{f90f934d-5168-4cfb-bb40-bdd493909b49, 64}, {bf9d9384-dd50-4680-9bcc-8d777c1be6ee, 85}
2. Creating Product ADT (20%)
You should store each product’s ID (as String) and the sales amount (as int) together in an
abstract data type called Product that implements the Comparable interface. Complete the
implementation in “”. In addition to including the requirements for the
Comparable interface, your design should meet the following minimum requirements:
1. Construct a product
2. Retrieve the sales amount of a product
3. Set the sales amount of a product
4. Retrieve a product ID
5. String representation of an product
6. Ensure that the methods and the Product data type conserve encapsulation and
This is the ADT you will use throughout your implementation for the rest of this assignment.
You should submitted a pdf file called a1_API.pdf with the same format describe in the lecture
documenting your ADT APIs. This file should be included in the data directory of your project.
The remaining files in the Sort package provide you a skeleton of the code that you are
required to implement.
3. Implementing Sort Algorithms (35%)
Before you start implementing the sorting algorithms, make sure you read Chapter 2 on sorting
in your textbook. As a suggestion, you might also want to read the API for the StringTokenizer
class, the Comparable interface as well as details on the binary search algorithm.
3.1 Merge Sort algorithm in Java
Merge sort is an algorithm that divides an unsorted list and combines sub-lists into a new list.
For more details on Merge sort, see section 2.2 in your textbook.
In this assignment you are implementing two methods of Merge Sort: (1) Top-down merge sort,
(2) Bottom-up merge sort. The merge sort algorithm should be in a Java class named “Merge”,
and you should use the method names “sortMergeTD”, and “sortMergeBU” respectively for
each implementation. When sorting products that have the same sales amount, products
should be sorted lexicographically (e.g. alphabetically) by their ID.
3.2 Insertion Sort algorithm in Java
Insertion sort is a sorting algorithm that sorts one item at a time. Every repetition of Insertion
Sort removes an element from the input data, and inserts it into the correct position in the
already-sorted list, until no input elements remain. Refer to page 250 in your textbook for a
step-by-step example.
In this assignment, you are implementing three methods of Insertion Sort: (1) Regular insertion
sort, (2) Insertion sort using the Comparable interface (Refer to page 247 in your textbook) and
(3) Optimized insertion sort using binary search to find the insertion point.
Use the Java class named “” to implement the three types of insertion sorts. Use
the method names “sortInsert”, “sortComparable”, and “sortBinary” respectively for each
implementation. Your implementation should sort an array of products by ranking the sales
amount. When sorting products have the same sales amount, products should be sorted
lexicographically (e.g. alphabetically) by their ID.
Do not use the Comparable Interface method “compareTo” in your implementation of the
simple Insertion sort algorithm. You might need to add a separate method to perform binary
search for the third algorithm “sortBinary”. This helps to modularize your code and should
always be a design factor for you.
3.3 Quick Sort algorithm in Java
Quicksort is a divide-and-conquer method for sorting. It works by partitioning an array into two
(or more) subarrays, then sorting the subarrays independently.
Please implement the Quick Sort algorithm in a Java class named “Quick” with two methods: (1)
named “sortBasicQuick” which partitions the array into two subarrays, and (2) named
“sortThreePartition” which uses use the median of a small sample of items taken from the
subarray as the partitioning item (Refer to page 296: Median-of-three partitioning, in your
textbook). When sorting products have the same sales amount, products should be sorted
lexicographically (e.g. alphabetically) by their ID.
3.4 Heap Sort algorithm in Java
Implement the Heap Sort algorithm (Refer to Section 2.4 in your textbook) in a Java class named
“Heap” and a method named “sortHeap” using the Comparable interface. When sorting
products have the same sales amount, products should be sorted lexicographically (e.g.
alphabetically) by their ID.
4. Test your implementation using JUnit (12%)
For testing your algorithms, this assignment requires you to create a JUnit class named
“SortTest” and multiple test methods named “testMergeTD”, “testMergeBU”, “testSortInsert”,
“testInsertComparable”, “testInsertBinary”, “testBasicQuick”, “testThreePartition”, and
“testHeap”. You should test all your sort algorithms by using the five input arrays that are
located in the text file named a1_in.txt. You should test your sort algorithms thoroughly and
include all necessary Assert statements. During testing, you also need to measure the running
time of each of your sort algorithm implementations using the StopWatch library.
5. Document your implementation using JavaDoc (8%)
You must generate appropriate Javadocs for all classes and methods that you have
implemented as shown during the lecture (lecture note week 4). You should use as many tags
as necessary to sufficiently document your code.
6. Experimental analysis of your implementations (25%)
You must perform proper analysis on experimental analysis of your implementations. The result
of each step in this section should be recorded and finally submitted as a pdf file. This
document should be called a1_analysis.pdf and should be included in the data directory of your
Create a table that has the following headers: the size of the dataset being sorted, the
execution time of each type of Insertion Sort, the execution time of Merge Sort, and the
execution time of Heap Sort. This should be included in your output file.
3.1.1 Plot the results in both a normal and a log-log scale with the problem size as the x-axis,
and the running time on the y-axis (using graphs).
3.1.2 Formulate hypotheses based upon your observations to determine the running time (in
Big O notation) of your implementation of the four types of sorting algorithms.
3.1.3 Use your hypotheses to predict the execution time of your implementation of the five
sorting algorithms for an array size of 214 and 216.
3.1.4 Verify your prediction by running your program on an array size of 214 and 216.
Assignment 1 Submission
You should include a txt file named 2xb3_A1_lastname_initials.txt resided in the “data” folder
containing the following information (each item in a separate line):
- The course code (COMP SCI 2XB3 or SFWR ENG 2XB3)
- Your full name
- Your student number
- A dated statement that attests to "the fact that the work being submitted by you is your
own individual work "
- Any design decisions you feel need explanation or attention by the marker (extra
methods etc.).
In order to submit your Eclipse project to the relevant lab assignment dropbox in Avenue, you
first need to save everything and then export your project.
1. In Eclipse, right-click on the name of the project, select Export->General->Archive File.
2. Ensure that just your project has a check-mark beside it, and select a path and name it to export the project. Ensure that your export project
has a file extension of '.zip'.
IMPORTANT: You MUST export the FULL Eclipse project. Submitting individual files (e.g.
java/class files) will NOT be counted towards your submission. Click 'Finish' to export.
3. Verify the zip file by opening it and ensuring that it has the same folder structure as in
Eclipse (it may have some extra files or folder such as 'bin', which is okay).
4. Go to Avenue and upload your zipped project to ' Assignment 1 Submission’ Dropbox.
Assignment 1 Marking
Assignment 1 is worth 15% of the course marks. Your grade for this assignment will be
determined based on the following rules:
● A submitted solution that does not compile or run gets 0 credit.
● A solution that runs but is partially correct gets partial credit (depending on the progress
towards a full solution).
● Providing adequate, concise, and meaningful comments throughout your code is part of
the solution grade (i.e., a piece of code that correctly solves a problem without (or with
inadequate) comments will score less than a well-commented piece of code that does
the same).
● Your implementation should not only be correct but also concise and efficient. Quality
aspects of your implementation and programming style particularly preservation of
encapsulation and modular programming will be evaluated (refer to pages 96-108 of
your textbook).
● Not following the assignment instructions properly for the requested formatting will
cost you marks. You may even get 0 credit if the improper formatting will prevent your
program from running.
● Every hour after an assignment deadline 2% will be deducted from the assignment
mark. After 48 hours the assignment will no longer be accepted and the student will get
0 credit.
● This assignment is individual work. The work you submit must be your own. Both
copying assignments (from the Internet or any other sources) and allowing others to
copy your assignment are strictly forbidden and will be treated as an academic offence.
All assignments deemed to be substantially similar to each other will get 0 credit.
● If you include libraries from any sources other than your own or from the course
material (course lecture notes and lab notes/instructions) you must acknowledge them
and explicitly give proper credit with meaningful comments inside your code (when
using methods from the external libraries). Properly cited external codes can only be
included as Java libraries, i.e. you are not allowed to copy full or partial codes from
other resources and include them inside your code. The included libraries should not be
a substantial part of your assignment. Your work will be checked for plagiarism to
account for this.

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