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Assignment #1: induction

Assignment #1: induction

The aim of this assignment is to give you some practice with various avours of induction. For each question
below you will present a proof by induction. For full marks you need to make it clear to the reader that
the base case(s) is/are veri?ed, that the inductive step follows for each element of the domain (typically the
natural numbers), where the inductive hypothesis is used, and that it is used in a valid case.
Your assignment must be typed to produce a PDF document a1.pdf (hand-written submissions are not
acceptable). You may work on the assignment in groups of 1 or 2, and submit a single assignment for the
entire group on MarkUs
1. Recall bipartite graphs. Consider the following de?nitions:
bipartite graph: Undirected graph G = (V; E) is bipartite if and only if there exist V1; V2 such that
V = V1 [ V2, V1 \ V2 = ;, and every edge in E has one endpoint in V1 and the other in V2.
P(n): Every bipartite graph on n vertices has no more than n
2=4 edges.
(a) Assume P(234). Can you use this1
to prove that P(235) follows? Explain why, or why not.
(b) Assume P(235). Can you use this2
to prove that P(236) follows? Explain why or why not.
(c) Use what you've learned from the previous two answers to construct a proof by simple induction
that: 8n 2 N; P(n). Note: There are proofs of this claim that are not by simple induction, but
those proofs will receive no marks. Hint: You probably need to strengthen the claim in order
to devise a successful inductive hypothesis. If this seems mysterious, revisit the previous two
2. De?ne function f as follows:
f(n) = (
3 if n = 0
[f(blog3 nc)]2 + f(blog3 nc) if n 0
De?ne predicate P(n) : \f(n) is a multiple of 4."
(a) Assume P(3). Can you use this3
to prove P(29)? Explain why or why not.
(b) Assume P(4). Can you use this4
to prove P(29)? Explain why or why not.
(c) Use complete induction to prove 8n 2 N; n 0 ) P(n).
If you say yes, P(234) must be a necessary part of your proof.
If you say yes, P(235) must be a necessary part of your proof.
If you say yes, P(3) must be a necessary part of your proof.
If you say yes, P(4) must be a necessary part of your proof.
3. Use the Principle of Well-Ordering to derive a contradiction that proves there are no positive integers
x; y; z such that:
3 + 50y
3 = 3z
You may assume, without proof, that if a prime number p divides a perfect cube n
, then p also divides
4. De?ne T as the smallest set of strings that satis?es:
? "*" 2 T
? if t1; t2 2 T then their parenthesized concatenation (t1t2) 2 T .
Some examples: "*", "(**)", "(*(**))" are all in T .
Now read over these four Python functions:
def left_count(s: str) - int:
Return the number of "(" in s
return s.count("(")
def double_count(s: str) - int:
Return the number of "((" plus number of "))", including possible
return (len([s[i:] for i in range(len(s)) if s[i:].startswith("((")])
+ len([s[:i] for i in range(len(s) + 1) if s[:i].endswith("))")]))
def left_surplus(s: str, i: int) - int:
Return the number of "(" minus the number of ")"
in s[:i]
return s.count("(", 0, i) - s.count(")", 0, i)
def max_left_surplus(s: str) - int:
Return the maximum left surplus for all prefixes of s.
return max([left_surplus(s, i) for i in range(len(s))] + [0])
(a) Use structural induction on T to prove:
8t 2 T ; left count(t) ? 2
max left surplus(t) 1
(b) Use structural induction on T to prove: [edit:] error fixed September 9
8t 2 T ; double count(t) = (
0 if t = " "
left count(t) 1 otherwise

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