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Assignment 1 Information Retrieval

COMP2521: Assignment 1
Information Retrieval
[The specification may change. Please check the change log on this page.]
Change log:

To implement an information retrieval system using well known tf-idf measures
To give you further practice with C and data structures (Tree ADT)
Marks 10 marks (8 marks towards total course mark)
Individual Assignment This is an individual assignment.
Due 09:00am Tuesday 08:00am Thursday Week 7
Late Penalty 1 marks per day off the ceiling.
Last day to submit this assignment is 9am Monday of Week-08, of course with late penalty.
Submit See the section named "How to Submit" under "Submission".
In this assignment, your task is to implement an information retrieval system using a well known term-weighting scheme called "tf-idf". You should start
by reading the Wikipedia entries on these topics. The following Wikipedia page describes how to calculate tf-idf values. Later I will also discuss
these topics in the lecture.
For this assignment,
calculate relative term frequency tf(t,d) adjusted for document (d) length,
tf(t, d) = (frequency of term t in d) / (number of words in d).
calculate inverse document frequency idf(t, D) by dividing the total number of documents by the number of documents containing the term,
and then taking the logarithm of that quotient:
calculate tfidf(t, d) = tf(t,d) * idf(t,D).
For clarifications, see the example below.
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Simple example files (OR download individual files from the dir exmp1) (OR download individual files from the dir exmp2).
Part-1: Inverted Index, using BST
You need to implement the required functions in the file invertedIndex.c that reads data from a given collection of files in collection.txt (see
simple example files) and generates an "inverted index" that provides a sorted list (set) of filenames for every word in a given collection of files. You
need to use binary search ADT to implement your inverted index. For more information on this, please see the following hints:
"How to Implement Ass1"
We will also discuss the above hints in the lecture. Please note that each list of filenames (for a single word) in your inverted index should be
alphabetically ordered, using ascending order, and importantly duplicate filenames are not allowed.
Hints: You should use fscanf to read words from a file, you do not need to impose any restriction on a line
length. You need to use a dynamic data structure(s) to handle words in a file and across files, no need to
know max words beforehand. You can assume a maximum word length of 100.
Normalise words: Before inserting words in your inverted index, you need to "normalise" words by,
removing leading and trailing spaces,
converting all characters to lowercase,
remove the following punctuation marks, if they appear at the end of a word.
'.' (dot),
',' (comma),
';' (semicolon),
? (question mark)
Please note that if you have multiple punctuation marks at the end of a word, you need to remove only the last punctuation mark. You also don't need
to remove the above punctuation marks if they appear in the middle or at the start of a word.
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Importantly, you need to modify a given string, do NOT create another copy. You can use the functions tolower and strlen. You may find the
following links useful:
tolower example
C Strings
For example,
word normalised word
.Net .net
Sydney! sydney!
why? why
order. order
text; text
sydney??? sydney??
You need to implement the following functions in the file invertedIndex.c. The API file invertedIndex.h is provided, you must implement the
required functions in your invertedIndex.c. We will individually test these functions for awarding marks.
char *normaliseWord(char *str);
Follow the instructions provided earlier in the specs to normalise a given string. You need to modify a given string, do NOT create another copy.
InvertedIndexBST generateInvertedIndex(char *collectionFilename);
The function needs to read a given file with collection of file names, read each of these files, generate inverted index as discussed earlier in the
specs and return the inverted index. Do not modify invertedIndex.h file.
void printInvertedIndex(InvertedIndexBST tree);
Your program should output a give inverted index tree to a file named invertedIndex.txt. One line per word, words should be alphabetically
ordered, using ascending order. Each list of filenames (for a single word) should be alphabetically ordered, using ascending order.
For example, invertedIndex.txt may look like the following. Please note that the following example is not related to any sample files provided. The
example below offers formatting information.
design file11.txt file21.txt
mars nasa.txt news1.txt
weather info31.txt nasa.txt news1.txt
Part-2: Information Retrieval Engine
In this part, you need to implement an information retrieval function that finds files (documents) with one or more query terms, and uses the summation
of tf-idf values of all matching query terms (words) for ranking such files (documents). You need to calculate the tf-idf value for each matching
query term in a file (document), and rank files (documents) based on the summation of tf-idf values for all matching query terms present in that file.
Use the "inverted index" you created in Part 1 to locate files with one or more query terms and calculate the required tf-idf values for such files.
Implement the following information retrieval function retrieve in the file invertedIndex.c that given search terms (words), returns an ordered list of
type TfIdfList, where each node contains a filename and the corresponding summation of tf-idf values for the given searchWords. The list must
be in descending order of summation of tf-idf values. See invertedIndex.h for the type definition of TfIdfList. You also need to implement
another function calculateTfIdf.
You need to implement the following two functions in the file invertedIndex.c. Total number of documents D is provided as an argument in both the
TfIdfList calculateTfIdf(InvertedIndexBST tree, char *searchWord, int D);
This function returns an ordered list where each node contains a filename and the corresponding tf-idf value for a given searchWord. You
only need to include documents (files) that contain the given searchWord. The list must be in descending order of tf-idf value. If there are multple files with same tf-idf value, order them by their filename in ascending order.
TfIdfList retrieve(InvertedIndexBST tree, char* searchWords[], int D);
This function returns an ordered list where each node contains a filename and the summation of tf-idf values of all the matching searchWords
for that file. You only need to include documents (files) that contain one or more of the given searchWords. The list must be in descending order
of summation of tf-idf values (tfIdfSum). If there are multiple files with the same tf-idf sum, order them by their filename in ascending
The searchWords array will be terminated with a NULL pointer. Here's an example:
char *words[] = { "nasa", "mars", "earth", NULL };
TfIdfList list = retrieve(index, words, 7);
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Read instructions provided at the top of the file test_Ass1.c to run simple tests. The file test_Ass1.c is part of the provided sample zip files (see
under the section "Download").
Go to Download
Marking Scheme
This assignment will be marked out of 10 marks. There will be 8 marks for the correctness. We will test each function separately for its correctness,
and also all of them together.
There will be 2 marks for "Style and Complexity of code". Regarding time complexity, considering the specs is already asking you to use specific ADTs
(BST and ordered lists), the corresponding time complexity will apply, O(n) in both the cases. However, even if your time complexity is O(n), if your
code is too complex, your tutor may provide you some feedback and deduct marks.
For example, you should consider separate ADTs (*.c and *.h files) for the structures like InvertedIndexBST, FileList, TfIdfList, etc. Each of
these ADTs need to support operations required for this assignment (only).
For "Style", we will consider your program layout, meaningful variable names, suitable comments, etc.
Additional files: You can submit additional supporting files, *.c and *.h, for this assignment.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that your additional files (*.c) DO NOT have "main" function.
For example, you may implement your binary search tree ADT in files myBST.c and myBST.h and submit these two files along with other required file
invertedIndex.c. However, make sure that files you submit do not have "main" function.
I explain below how we will test your submission, hopefully this will answer most of your questions.
You need to submit the following file, along with your supporting files (*.c and *.h):
Now say we want to mark your functions from your submitted file invertedIndex.c. The auto marking program will take all your supporting files
(other *.h and *.c) files, along with invertedIndex.c and execute the following command to generate executable file (say called invertedIndex).
% gcc -Wall -Werror -lm -std=c11 *.c -o invertedIndex
So we will not use your Makefile (if any). The above command will generate object files from your supporting files and the file to be tested
invertedIndex.c, links these object files and generates executable file (invertedIndex in the above example). Again, please make sure that you
DO NOT have main function in your supporting files (other *.c files you submit).
How to Submit
Go to the following page, select the tab "Make Submission", select "Browse" to select all the files you want to submit and submit ising "Submit" button.
The submission system will try to compile each required file, and report the outcome (ok or error). Please see the output, and correct any error. If you
do not submit a file(s) for a task(s), it will report it as an error(s).
You can now submit this assignment, click on "Make Submission" tab, and follow the instructions.
This is an individual assignment. You are not allowed to use code developed by persons other than you. In particular, it is not permitted to exchange
code or pseudocode between students. You are allowed to use code from the course material (for example, available as part of the labs, lectures and
tutorials). If you use code from the course material, please clearly acknowledge it by including a comment(s) in your file. If you have questions about
the assignment, ask your tutor.
Before submitting any work you should read and understand the sub section named Plagiarism in the section "Student Conduct" in the course outline. We regard unacknowledged copying of material, in whole or part, as an extremely serious offence. For further information, see the course outline.
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