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Assignment 1 – Java Review

CSC220 Assignment 1 – Java Review
For your first assignment, imagine that you are given an array of integer values. The values in
the array are sorted in an ascending order and you want to figure out whether there exists any
pair of numbers (i.e., any two elements) in this sorted array that will add up to 20. You need to
write a simple function that perform this task. For simplicity, you can assume if there exists
such as pair, it is unique. Please follow the following steps exactly to get started:
1. In your lab01 package, create a class (or Java file) as you learned and call it: (nothing else!).
2. Log into Blackboard and copy the provided file into your src folder
(or copy the content in the file you just created). You should now see a main function
and another function called checkSum.
3. As you can see the checkSum function, receives an array of integers as its input and
returns an integer value. The return value is the index for the smaller value in the pair. If
such a pair does not exist in the array, the function is supposed to return -1. For
instance, if we give the following array to checkSum function: {5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16},
checkSum should return 0. Why?
OR THE FILE NAME) YOU WILL LOSE POINTS (rational: we use automated scripts for
grading so if you change things, the grading will become tedious for the TA who is a
student just like yourself!)
5. Now start thinking about how would you accomplish this task. Take a moment to come
up with a solution on your own before you go to the next step!
6. The naïve way to accomplish this task is to check all the pairs in the array. However,
remember that the array is sorted, can we somehow deploy this property do this task
more quickly? Again, try to think about it before you look at the next step. Hint: think
about how you can use two pointers (or iterators) to accomplish this task more
efficiently than looking at all pairs.
7. Okay, hopefully you already got the idea. If not, I strongly encourage you to stop reading
and think about it – I will NOT provide the idea every time ;)
8. Here is how you can do it more efficiently: Imagine you have two pointers (they can
simply be two integer values that keep the index of the array), one pointing to the
beginning of the array and advances forward and the other one points to the last
element of the array and advances backward. All you need to do is to sum the values
these two pointers point to and see if they are equal to 20, if so, great! you can prepare
the output of the function.
9. If not, you inspect the sum, if the sum is greater than 20, you will decrement the second
pointer and if the sum is less than 20, you increment the first pointer.
10. Before start coding, try the idea on a piece of paper with some example (you can use
the ones provided in the main function) and convince yourself that this would work.
11. Now, start writing the body of the function. Again, do not change the signature!
12. After you are finished writing the function, you can use the main function provided to
test your code. You see that we have four arrays in there. Try to work out each case in
your mind (or with pen and paper) and understand what those “if” statements are going
to do.
13. If you see any “TEST FAIL” when you run your program, something is wrong with your
function. Go back and debug your function. If your function is working properly, you
show only see “Done!!!!”. If you see anything else, something is wrong!
IMPORTANT NOTE: You are required to use the two-iterators idea, if you implement the
naïve approach or any other algorithm you will lose points.
Here is how your box folder should look like after submission of your first assignment – if it
looks any different please consult the submission guideline again (in tutorial folder in “course
document section of Blackboard).
For all your assignments, please start early and seek help early (either from the instructor or
the TAs).
Make sure to follow the submission guidelines you learned during the first lab (also available
in the tutorial folder in the “course document” section of Blackboard).

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