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Assignment 1 Level Editing & Scripting

Principle of Computer Game Software
Assignment 1
Level Editing & Scripting

Level building is extremely important in game development as this is the world where the player will interact.
This assignment will let you have a first experience in level building, in addition to scripting of in game
objects (entities).
You are required to build a simple level with Unreal engine (recommended 4.24) which has the following:
1. the million road of CUHK (only those in the red T region),
2. the CUHK forum(picture below)
3. the sculpture outside university library (picture below)
CSCI4120 Principle of Computer Game Software
Assignment 1
For others, you can simply just use a texture to simulate the building outside.
Finally you need to script the center area of forum so that when triggered by the ‘e’/’E key, it will descend
into the ground. Here when the platform descend into the ground, you can just build a big room there to house
the platform (in reality there is really an extension there from the library.) Now in the extension floor, if you
press ‘e’/’E’key again, the platform will rise back to the original CUHK forum again.
The moving platform part of the CUHK forum should be only the red circled region below.
To avoid too much work, the structure within the blue lines marked are NOT required. You only need to build
the region marked by orange lines for CUHK forum portion.
You may go to this link at Google Earth to get more information for this assignment
CSCI4120 Principle of Computer Game Software
Assignment 1,114.20540097,99.19929774a,119.47515909d,35y,-
The marking scheme will be based on:
1. how close is your level in appearance to that of million road . (70%)
I. major consideration : CUHK forum, sculpture, colored bricks and patterns in million roads,
II. Minor details such as trees placement (approximately same number of trees), water in CUHK forum,
and other minor details that are whether as close to original as possible.
III. All the buildings along million road need not be added except University library façade.
2. the lift performance of CUHK forum as stated above (30%)
Submit your level together with associated material files and whatever additions as a single zip file to the
CSCI4120 assignment submission slot at Blackboard.

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