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Assignment 1: Non-Digital Visualizations

DATA 201: Thinking with Data
Assignment 1: Non-Digital Visualizations
This assignment helps you learn about physical visualizations and sketches. Non-digital
visualizations allow you to communicate visually without being limited by what software tools
can create. This is an individual assignment. You need to submit your work as a PDF file to D2L.
Camera, non-digital drawing tools, household items
Submit as PDF in D2L->Assessments->Dropbox with pictures and questions answered.
Description [50 marks]
You need to submit one PDF document (one document can contain multiple pages) that clearly
answers all five questions below. The file should be organized so that it is easy to read.
For each question, you need:
• One or more photos of the physical visualization or sketch. Photos must be clear and
easy to read. Insert the photo(s) in your document as a part of the answer to the
• A description of your physical visualization or sketch to help us understand your work
(i.e. what we are seeing and what it means). The description must explain why you
choose the particular way to visualize the data.
You can use either physical visualizations or sketches for question 1 to 3. Must be sketches
and 5 must be physical visualization.
For physical visualization, you can pick physical tokens such as Legos, coins, jelly beans, etc. (or
any household items you think is good for the visualization).
For sketches, you must use (colour) pens/pencils/markers and paper only (i.e., do NOT use
electronic devices for sketching).
Physical visualizations or sketches do not need to be perfectly mathematically accurate as long
they are visually descriptively accurate. Your sketches do not need to be pretty (this is not an
art class). If the work can show roughly what the data you want to represent, then that would
be good enough (I don’t even recommend you use a ruler for sketching). Be creative!
All visualizations and sketches must be different types (e.g., two bar charts are not allowed).
5 Questions [10 marks each]
1. Visualize the five most inappropriate behaviours on a date.
2. Pick a column of your own choice and visualize at least seven different situations in that
column. For example, show the appropriateness of “reading” behaviour in seven
different situations.
3. Pick five situations of your own choice and visualize “crying” behaviour appropriateness
versus “shouting” behaviour appropriateness.
4. Create your own question. Must use sketches.
5. Create your own question. Must use physical tokens.
Note: The way you structure and organize your answers in assignments is a form of
presentation (an important part of the whole data analysis pipeline). It shows how well you can
convey your ideas to your audience (in this case, your TAs). You should make sure your answers
are easy to follow and understand. Up to 10 marks can be deducted for poor organization and
formatting of your document.
This dataset is taken from the results of a psychology paper published in 1974, for which the
authors asked students to rate how appropriate various behaviours were in various situations.
This dataset shows the mean ratings for each behaviour-situation combination. A score of 0
means a behaviour is extremely inappropriate; a score of 9 means a behaviour is extremely
appropriate in that situation.
Ex. If you look at your dataset, then you can see in the first row and column that the students
gave running in class a mean score of 2.52, so it is not very appropriate. You can download the
dataset (DATA201W21A1-Dataset.pdf) from the course website.
For Each Written Question
80% – 100%: Answers are excellent or only have minor mistakes. Detailed explanations are
provided. Analysis (if applicable or required) must be clear and well-expressed. Include
adequate visual aids if applicable.
60% – 79%: Answers are clear but with obvious mistakes. A decent job overall.
40% – 59%: Missing some important parts of the answers.
1% – 39%: Sloppy or incomplete.
0%: No answer.
You can find the mark breakdown on D2L (DATA201W21A1-Feedback.xlsx).
Submit the following using the Assignment 1 Dropbox in D2L:
1. PDF report named DATA201W21A1-Name.pdf. Ex. DATA201W21A1-jwhudson.pdf

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