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Assignment 1 — OO Classifier

CMPUT 274 — Tangible Computing I Version 1.0.1-20
Assignment 1 — OO Classifier
Assignment #1 is worth 10% of your final mark.
Assignment #2 will be worth 15% of your final mark.
This assignment is new and has never been used in CMPUT 274 before. Therefore, on the one hand,
there may be a higher rate of corrections, clarifications, and additional information provided than the
mature Weekly Exercises that you have seen so far. On the other hand, the Python code that you wrote
for some of the Weekly Exercises can (by design) be re-used for this assignment.
Also, an assignment of this scope includes many unspecified details for which a reasonable design
decision can be made (i.e., does not contradict an existing specification), stated explicitly (e.g., in a
comment in the code), and implemented.
This assignment will require you to know something about:
1. Machine-learned classifiers
2. Python programming
3. Classes and object-oriented programming in Python
4. Preprocessing and stopwords
5. Word frequency
6. Cross validation
7. Confusion matrices
For this assignment, you will be extending the object-oriented (OO) classifier (
program provided to you. Your modified program will be renamed (see Submission Guidelines). You will be adding preprocessor functionality (similar to Weekly Exercise #4), adding
a new classification algorithm (based on frequent words, similar to Weekly Exercise #3), and adding the
ability to support n-fold cross-validation.
The main challenge of this assignment is not in the total number of lines of code that has to be implemented, but rather in understanding the original code ( well enough to be
able to extend it with new functionality. To be sure, there is a non-trivial amount of new Python code
that must be written, but this assignment is not only about writing code.
Task I: Preprocessing in the Classifier
1. Add a new method preprocess words(mode=’’) to class TrainingInstance.
When invoked, preprocess words(mode=’’) applies all of the preprocessing actions from
Weekly Exercise #4 Text Preprocessor to all the words in that particular training instance object.
2. Add a new method preprocess(mode=’’) to class TrainingSet.
When invoked, preprocess(mode=’’) will use preprocess words(mode=’’) in class
TrainingInstance to perform preprocessing for all training instances in a particular training
3. You may add additional methods and attributes to class TrainingSet and class TrainingInstance,
as long as preprocess(mode=’’) and preprocess words(mode=’’) work as required.
4. Do not change the interface or semantics of any of the existing methods and attributes of the
existing classes.
When preprocess(mode=’’) returns, all of the training instances in the entire training dataset will
have been preprocessed according to the specifications in Weekly Exercise #4 Text Preprocessor. The
full description of the preprocessing steps are as described in section “Your Task #1: Full Preprocessing”
of Weekly Exercise #4.
HINT (Oct. 23, 2020): After preprocessing, the training instances still need to be explicitly re-classified.
In computing science, preprocessing and processing (e.g., classifying) are usually separate steps, because there may be multiple steps or kinds of “preprocessing” (e.g., doing some but not all modes of
preprocessing; see below) before the data is actually used.
Both new methods take a default argument called mode that is a string. If the string is empty, then it
performs the full preprocessing from “Your Task #1: Full Preprocessing” of Weekly Exercise #4.
When the string mode is one of the values ’keep-digits’, ’keep-stops’ or ’keep-symbols’,
the methods behave according to the description in section “Your Task #2: Optional Command Line Argument” of Weekly Exercise #4. Whereas in Weekly Exercise #4 the mode came from the command
line, in this assignment the mode parameter comes from the call-site(s) of preprocess words()
and preprocess().
Task II: Word Frequency Classification Algorithm
So far, the classification algorithm based on hard-coded target words works well enough, but there is
actually no machine learning in the algorithm. The target words are hard-coded beforehand and do not
change based on the input or training dataset, which is necessary for machine learning.
1. Create a new class ClassifyByTopN, which is a subclass of class ClassifyByTarget.
2. The class ClassifyByTopN includes a new method target top n(tset, num=5, label=’’)
which replaces the current list of target words with a new list of target words based on word frequency. Details below.
3. You may add additional methods and attributes to class ClassifyByTopN, as long as
target top n(tset, num=5, label=’’) works as required.
4. Do not change the interface or semantics of any of the existing methods and attributes of the
existing classes.
Specifically, target top n(tset, num=5, label=’’) counts all of the words, in all of the
training instances, whose label match the string label, of object tset which is of class TrainingSet.
Of course, if tset has been preprocessed, then the word frequency count will be based on the words
remaining after the preprocessing is done. Otherwise, the word frequency count is based on whatever
words are currently in the training dataset.
After the word frequency count, the top num most frequent words become the new target words list. The
default value for num is 5. If there is a tie for the count at the num-th rank, then all of the words with the
same count are also included in the new list of target words. Therefore, it is possible for the number of
target words to be larger than num, due to ties in the counts.
Since class ClassifyByTopN, is a subclass of class ClassifyByTarget, it should support all of
the existing methods of class ClassifyByTarget, such as (in particular, but not a complete list)
classify(), eval training set(), and print confusion matrix().
Task III: Create N-folds for Cross Validation
N-fold cross validation is an important technique in evaluating machine learning (ML) algorithms and
training data, such as classifiers. If an ML model trains on data, and then that same data is used to
evaluate the model, one could simply be evaluating how well the model memorizes (see memoization)
the answers it has seen before.
By analogy, it is like giving out all the questions and answers to the final exam beforehand, and then only
using those questions on the actual final exam. Such an exam would be testing your memory, not your
In n-fold cross validation, a portion of the training data is withheld, the rest of the training data is used,
then the withheld portion is used to test classifier. Specifically, the whole training dataset is divided into
n different partitions or folds. When combined (e.g., set union), the n folds recreate the original training
dataset (possibly with some changes in ordering).
1. Create a new method return nfolds(num=3) in class TrainingSet, that returns a list of
num objects of class TrainingSet. Each of the objects returned contains a partition or fold of
the original training dataset. Each of the objects should contain a deepcopy of all attributes of the
TrainingSet. The default value for num is 3.
2. Create a new method copy() in class TrainingSet that returns (after making a deepcopy) an
object of class TrainingSet that contains the same attributes (e.g., training instances) as the
original object of class TrainingSet. This copy() is similar to mylist.copy(), except
that deepcopy (instead of a shallow copy) is used.
3. Create a new method add fold(tset) in class TrainingSet that adds (via deepcopy) the
training instances of tset (which is of class TrainingSet) to an object of class TrainingSet.
4. You may add additional methods and attributes to class TrainingSet, as long as methods
return nfolds(num=3), copy(), and add fold(tset) work as required.
5. Do not change the interface or semantics of any of the existing methods and attributes of the
existing classes.
Do not be concerned with any time or space efficiency issues related to the use of deepcopy. Those
concerns can be addressed by future optimizations.
A basic round robin (or interleaved) strategy should be used to create the folds. It is possible that the
folds are not exactly equal in size, as they can be off-by-one depending on whether num divides evenly
into the number of training instances.
In combination with class ClassifyByTopN, proper n-fold cross validation experiments can now be
Sample Output:
In a few days, sample output will be provided on eClass.
Submission Guidelines:
Submit all of the required files (and no other files) as one properly formed compressed archive called either ooclassifier.tar.gz, or ooclassifier.tgz, or (for full marks,
please do not use .rar):
• when your archive is extracted, it should result in exactly one directory called ooclassifier
(use this exact name) with the following files in that directory:
• (use this exact name) contains all of your Python code and docstrings-based
documentation. NOTE: We will be testing your code via from ooclassifier import *
or similar.
• your README (use this exact name) conforms with the Code Submission Guidelines.
• No other files should be submitted.
Note that your files and functions must be named exactly as specified above.
A new tool has been developed by the TAs to help check and validate the format of your tar or zip
file prior to submission. To run it, you will need to download it into the VM, and place it in the same
directory as your compressed archive (e.g.,
You can read detailed instructions and more explanation about this new tool in Submission Validator:
Instructions (at the top of the Weekly Exercises tab), or run:
python3 --help
after you have downloaded the script to see abbreviated instructions printed to the terminal.
If your submission passes this validation process, and all validation instructions have been followed
properly, you will not lose any marks related to the format of your submission. (Of course, marks can
still be deducted for correctness, design, and style reasons, but not for submission correctness.)
When your marked assignment is returned to you, there is a 7-day window to request the reconsideration
of any aspect of the mark. After the window, we will only change a mark if there is a clear mistake on
our part (e.g., incorrect arithmetic, incorrect recording of the mark). At any time during the term, you
can request additional feedback on your submission.

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