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Assignment 1 Particles Movement Simulator

Assignment 1
Particles Movement Simulator using Parallel Programming
 Clarification and corrections shown in red.
Learning Outcomes
This assignment is designed to enhance your understanding of parallel programming with sharedmemory (OpenMP) and GPU programming using CUDA. You will apply parallelization models you
learned in class to solve a real world problem.
Problem Scenario
Simulating the movement of particles is one of the large-scale problems of current interest in climatology,
plasma physics, fluid dynamics and celestial mechanics. You are tasked to implement and parallelize a simulator
of particles in a 2D space.
Figure 1 shows a 2D space that contains particles. The particles are located on a square surface of a given
size. They are all assumed to have the same mass and size (radius r), and they move with given velocities.
The position is defined using (x, y) coordinates of the center of the particle, expressed from the left lower
corner of the square. The particles have collisions with other particles and with the walls of the surface. The
collisions are elastic.
Figure 1: Particles on a square surface
Your task is to write parallel programs in (i) OpenMP and (ii) CUDA to simulate this movement of particles
in the square. The simulation runs for given time, in steps. You will need to provide two modes of running
this simulation:
• Correctness mode: at every step, you need to output the the position of every particle.
• Speed mode: you need to output the position of every particle before the first step and after the last
Given an initial position of the particles, the final position should be the same for both modes.
The collisions with the walls and other particles are modeled as elastic collisions where the momentum and
kinetic energy are conserved (details to be found in the next sections).
One collision per step for each particle is considered. The collisions with the walls and other particles
may happen during every step (time unit) of the simulation. As a simplification, each particle is involved in at
most one collision during each step (all following collisions can be ignored). There can be multiple collisions
happening during the same step, but no one particle is involved in more than one collision. You need to use
the velocities from before and after the collision to compute the final position of the particle after each time
step. In general, the step is fine enough (particles are slow enough and not too many) such that there would
be less than one collision for each particle during each step. However, the collisions might happen at any time
during a step.
Only the earliest collisions during a step is considered. If there are multiple possible collisions with the
wall or other particles during the same step, only the earliest collision will be considered (and others ignored).
When collisions between two particles are ignored it means that they move beyond each other without their
velocity and direction changing. They might overlap at the end of the step. In that case, the collision is
computed in the next step from the overlapped positions. If a particle needs to collide with a wall as its
second collision in a step, the particle stops just next to the wall (it will collide in the next step).
Multiple simultaneous collisions during a step. In the unlikely case that a particle is involved in two
collisions exactly at the same time (in the step), the particles with the lowest index collide, and the other
collisions are ignored. If a particle is involved in a collision with the wall and with another particle exactly at
the same time (in the step), the particle collides with the wall, and the other collisions are ignored.

This assignment is divided into two parts:
(i) OpenMP Implementation is Assignment 1 Part 1 due on 30 Sep, 11am
(ii) CUDA Implementation is Assignment 1 Part 2 due on 21 Oct, 11am
Inputs and Outputs
Input file strictly follows the structure shown below:
1. N – Number of particles on the square surface
2. L – Size of the square (in µm)
3. r – Radius of the particle (in µm)
4. S – Number of steps (timeunits) to run the simulation for
5. print or perf– If word print appears, the position of each particle needs to be printed at each step.
Otherwise perf should appear.
6. Optional: For each particle, show on one line the following information, separated by space:
• i – the index of the particle from 0 to N − 1
• x – intial position of particle index i on x axis (in µm)
• y – intial position of particle index i on y axis (in µm)
• vx – initial velocity on the x axis of particle i (in µm/timeunit)
• vy – initial velocity on the y axis of particle i (in µm/timeunit)
If the initial location of the particles is not provided, you need to generate random positions and velocities
for all particles. The positions should be values within the 2D surface L × L, while velocities should be in
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the interval L
and L
. To show the direction of movement, velocities have positive and negative values. The
particle i, the velocity v is q
x + v
y with and angle α with x-axis with tan α =
. The velocity vector is
~v = vx, vy .

Sample Input
Output file strictly follows the structure shown below:
1. Print the positions and velocities of each particle in the beginning of the simulation. For each particle,
show on one line the following information, separated by space:
• 0 – step 0 in the simulation
• i – the index of the particle
• x – initial position of particle index i on x axis (in µm)
• y – initial position of particle index i on y axis (in µm)
• vx – initial velocity on the x axis of particle i (in µm/timeunit)
• vy – initial velocity on the y axis of particle i (in µm/timeunit)
2. If print is used in the input file, at each step (time unit) tu, your program should output the positions
and velocities of each particle. The print should be done after the particle movement is computed for
that step. For each particle, show on one line the following information, separated by space:
• tu – the step in the simulation
• i – the index of the particle
• x – position of particle index i on x axis (in µm) at time tu
• y – position of particle index i on y axis (in µm) at time tu
• vx – velocity on the x axis of particle i (in µm/timeunit) at time tu
• vy – velocity on the y axis of particle i (in µm/timeunit) at time tu
3. At the end of the simulation, for each particle show on one line the following information, separated by
• S – last step in the simulation
• i – the index of the particle
• x – final position of particle index i on x axis (in µm)
• y – final position of particle index i on y axis (in µm)
• vx – final velocity on the x axis of particle i (in µm/timeunit)
• vy – final velocity on the y axis of particle i (in µm/timeunit)
• pcollisions – total number of collisions with other particles
• wcollisions – total number of collisions with the wall
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To avoid the errors associated with the floating pointing computations, use double precision floating point
operations (double) for x, y, vx, vy. However, when you print the values to the file show only the first 8
digits after the decimal point (for example, use 10.8f for printf).
The Physics Engine
The collisions with the walls and other particles are modeled as elastic collisions where the momentum and
kinetic energy are conserved.
When the particles collide with the walls of the square they reflect with the same velocity, in a different
direction. When a particle collides with the horizontal wall, the velocity after the impact are modeled using
the following vector: v~0 = vx, −vy . When a particle collides with the vertical wall, the velocity after the
impact are modeled using the following vector: v~0 = − vx, vy . When particle collides with the corner of
the square, both velicities on the x and y-axis are reversed: v~0 = − vx, −vy
For a collison with another particle, you need to compute the new directions and velocities for particles
according the laws of physiscs for 2D elastic collision for 2 particles with equal masses. For example,
Figure 2 shows a collision between two particles with velocities v1 and v2. You can see the normal unit
(connecting the centers of the two particles) and the tangent unit (perpendicular on the normal) vectors:
~un and ut~ . The unit vectors are computed as follows: ~un = x2 − x1, y2 − y1 and ~un = q
ut~ = − unx, uny . The velocities can be decomposed along normal and tangential vectors, as shown in
orange: ~v = vn, vt , where vn = ~un · ~v and vt = ut~ · ~v
Figure 2: Before 2D collision of two particles
Intuitively, at collision, the new velocities change as if the particles would hit against an imaginary wall located
along the tangential vector. Figure 3 shows the velocity for both particles, with their components along the
normal and tangential axis, and x and y-axis.
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The tangential components of the velocities do not change. Hence the velocities on the tangential vector
after the collision are: v1t0 = v1t and v2t0 = v2t
The normal components of the velocities after the collision are as follows (particles have equal masses):
v1n0 = −v2n and v2n0 = −v1n.
Figure 3: After 2D collision of two particle
For further details on the physics engine, see the file titled 2dcollisions.pdf.
Optimizing your Simulation
Note that it is easy to implement a simulation using a sequential algorithm. However, the challenging part
is to come up with a parallel implementation that scales when increasing input size, number of threads and
hardware capabilities. As such, you might need to try several approaches to parallelize the algorithm and
several parallel implementations. You are advised to retain your alternative implementations and explain the
incremental improvements you have done.
To analyze the improvements in performance, for a carefully chosen input, you should measure the execution
time for increasing number of threads. You are advised to focus more in Part 2 on optimizing your implementation, and comparison between OpenMP and CUDA. You are allowed to change/improve your implementation
for Part 1 for your Part 2 submission.
Running your Simulation
For OpenMP, run your experiments varying the input size (number of particles, surface, etc) and the number
of threads used. For performance measurements, run each simulation at least 3 times and take the shortest
execution time. You should use the machines in the lab for your measurements:
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• Dell Optiplex 7050 (Intel Core i7-7700)
• Dell Precision 7820 (intel Xeon Silver 4114)
For CUDA, the following resources should be used to complete the assignment:
• Jetson TX2 Boards – located in the Lab. You should run, test and make measurements to your
implementations here. Take note which board you ran your program on.
• GPU Nodes in SoC Compute Cluster – SSH into one nodes reserved for you: xgpe0, xgpe1, xgpe2,
xgpe3, xgpe4, xgpf0, xgpf1, xgpf2, xgpf3, xgpf4. To use these nodes, you must enable SoC Compute
Cluster from your MySoC Account page. You must use your SoC account to access these nodes. If you
are connecting from outside NUS, SSH first into the SoC network ( As with
the Jetson, these nodes should be used for testing and measurement purposes.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) received from students for this assignment will be answered in this file.
The most recent questions will be added at the beginning of the file, preceded by the date label. Check this
file before asking your questions.
If there are any questions regarding the assignment, please post on the LumiNUS forum or email Julius

Useful resources for Assignment 1 - Part 2
• CUDA Programming Guide
• CUDA nvprof Guide
• FAQ file for Assignment 1
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Assignment Submission Instructions
You are allowed to work in groups of maximum two students for this assignment. You can discuss the
assignment with others as necessary but in the case of plagiarism both parties will be severely penalized.
Assignment submission will be done in in two rounds.
1. Mon, 30 Sep, 11am – Assignment 1 – part 1 [12 marks]: OpenMP implementation and test cases
with report about your implementation design and assumptions. Analyze the execution time of the
OpenMP program and briefly discuss the advantages of using simulation (simulation time-units versus
execution time).
2. Mon, 21 Oct, 11am – Assignment 1 – part 2 [13 marks]: OpenMP and CUDA implementations
and test cases with report including implementation details, assumptions, and performance comparison
between OpenMP and CUDA implementations.
Your report should include:
• A brief description of your programs design (how they work) and implementation assumptions.
• A brief explanation of the parallel strategy you used in your OpenMP and CUDA implementations.
• Any special consideration or implementation detail that you consider non-trivial.
• Explain the modifications that you have made to your code and their impact on performance.
• Details on how to reproduce your results, e.g. inputs, execution time measurement etc.
• Execution time measurements of your sequential and parallel implementations. For these measurements,
run your implementations on node 1 and node 2 in our lab (Dell Precision 7820 and Dell Optiplex 7050).
• Analyze your measurement results and explain your observations. Performance comparison between
OpenMP and CUDA implementations should be included in your final report (part 2). State your
There is no minimum or maximum page length for the report. Be comprehensive, yet concise.

Submit your assignment before the deadline under LumiNUS Files. Each student must submit
one zip archive named with your student number(s) ( - if you worked by
yourself, or - if you worked with another student) containing:
1. Your C/C++ code along with three sample input files, and the output produced by
running your code on these files.
2. README file, minimally with instructions on how to execute the code.
3. Report in PDF format (a1_report.pdf)
Note that for submissions made as a group, only one most recent submission (from any of
the students) will be graded, and both students receive that grade.
Penalty of 5 marks per day for late submissions will be applied.
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