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Assignment 1: RPC Library

CS 242: Programming Languages Assignments Course Policies Guides Final Project
Assignment 1: RPC Library

Serialization, or the conversion of data into bytestreams and back, is an eminently useful tool in data processing and
remote communication. Formats like JSON, Protobuf, and pickle are commonplace in web requests, data pipelines,
databases, and so on. However, serialization is notoriously difficult to attain in statically typed, non-reflective
languages like C++. In this assignment, we will demonstrate the power and flexibility of Lua by implementing a small
library for serializing Lua datatypes.
To put your implementation into practice, you will also write a library to do inter-process remote procedure calls (RPC).
This library will take existing class-like interfaces and create a new implementation with an identical interface but
backed by a separate process, permitting concurrent evaluation of Lua functions.
Assignment 1 lives at /afs/ir/class/cs242/assignments/assign1 . Copy assign1 into your current directory by logging
into Rice and executing
cp -r /afs/ir/class/cs242/assignments/assign1 assign1
Alternatively, you can use scp and copy it into your local machine.
You must implement the three parts of the RPC library in starter/rpc.lua :
When you’re finished, make sure to scp the assign1 directory to Rice, if you worked on your local machine. When
logged onto Rice, submit by first navigating to the root of the assign1 directory (you should see the directories starter
and common ). From there, execute the command
python /afs/ir/class/cs242/bin/ 1
In order to verify that your assignment was submitted, execute
ls /afs/ir/class/cs242/submissions/assign1/<SUnet ID
You should see the timestamps of your submissions.
Part 1: Serialization
First, you are going to implement the serialize and deserialize functions. These functions are conceptually simple:
serialize takes as input a Lua value and returns a string, and deserialize takes a string and returns a Lua value.
These two functions should fulfill the property that for all serializable inputs t , deserialize(serialize(t)) == t .
Note: here, equality (or == ) has the same semantics as the Lua equality test for all serializable values except tables. In
Lua, table equality is defined by their location in memory, not their contents, so we instead use a structural definition
of equality between tables. That is, two tables t1 == t2 iff they have the same keys mapping to the same values. See
table.equals in common/tests.lua for a codification of this idea.
Not all Lua values can be easily serialized like closures or pointers to C values, so your functions only need to be defined
for serializable Lua values. A serializable Lua value is either a number, a string, a boolean, nil, or a table containing both
keys and values that are serializable Lua values. For example:
-- serializable values
{foo = "bar", [1] = {["two"] = 2}}
{1, 2, nil, false}
-- non-serializable values
function() print 'hi' end
{[function() print 'hi' end] = 0}
"(parenthesis string)"
If your serialize receives an non-serializable Lua value or if your deserialize receives an corrupted serialized
string, you can do absolutely whatever you want. We won’t test those cases.
It’s entirely up to you how to implement your serialization—that’s part of the fun! However, it should be from scratch.
Don’t find a JSON implementation online and copy it into your code. To simplify your life (the goal is not to learn how
to make an amazingly robust parser), you may assume that any string values you are asked to serialize will never
contain parentheses (neither ( nor ) ) in the string, so you can more easily use parentheses as delimeters in your
serialized string.
To test your code, run lua common/tests.lua from the assignment directory. We recommend adding more tests to the
serialize_tests function to thoroughly test your functions!
Some useful tips:
The type() function will give you the type of a Lua value.
Look at the Lua string library for tools on generating and parsing strings. You may specifically be interested in
string.format and string.gmatch .
We have provided you a few helper functions in common/util.lua . Check them out!
Part 2: RPC
Now, you are going to implement a function rpcify that takes in a class and returns a new class which represents the
RPC-ified version of the original. Here’s a simple example:
local MyClass = {}
return {counter = 0}
function MyClass.incr(t)
t.counter = t.counter + 1
return t.counter
local normal_inst =
assert(MyClass.incr(normal_inst) == 1)
local MyClassRPC = rpc.rpcify(MyClass)
local remote_inst =
assert(MyClassRPC.incr(remote_inst) == 1) -- same as before
local future = MyClassRPC.incr_async(remote_inst)
assert(future() == 2) -- rpcify adds asynchronous versions of each method
MyClassRPC.exit(remote_inst) -- it also adds an exit method to cleanup the process
Here, a “class” is essentially just a table with function values. We will discuss a more refined notion of classes next
Monday, but this is our definition for now. Here is an illustration of a subset of the above process.
On a high level, the way our RPC should work is that we use operating system processes to parallelize computation.
Invoking new() on an RPC-ified class forks off a new Lua process (child) which runs independently of the original
(parent). The parent invokes methods on the child by passing serialized messages over an input pipe, and receives
serialized results on an output pipe. Within the parent process, the instance handle represents a pointer to the child
More formally:
rpcify takes a table Class with string keys mapping to function values. The table class will have a function
new(...) that returns a table, and Class will not have an exit key. Every other function in Class takes a class
instance returned by new as the first argument, and the remaining arguments and return values are serializable.
rpcify returns a table NewClass that satisfies the following properties:
NewClass has a function new that forks off a child process and returns to the parent a handle inst (a proxy) to the child
object. You may decide the representation of inst (it should probably hold at least a pipe for communication).
For each key k in Class , NewClass contains two keys NewClass.k(inst, ...) and NewClass.k_async(inst, ...)
that invoke the method k on the child process. In the synchronous case, NewClass.k(inst, ...) will block until the
process returns a result. In the asynchronous case, NewClass.k_async(inst, ...) will return a function that takes no
arguments, and when called will block until the method k returns.
NewClass contains a method NewClass.exit(inst) that, when called, will signal the child process to exit and
posix.wait(...) on the child until it dies.
For simplicity, your implementation may assume that a given instance will never have more than one call, synchronous or
asynchronous, active to it from the parent process at any given time. For example, you do not need to support the parent
calling two functions asynchronously and then retrieving both results.
To achieve the above specification, we will need a way to create new Lua processes and communicate between them.
This involves two core utilities provided by your operating system, wrapped in the luaposix library:
1. fork: invoking this function causes a new child process to fork off of the existing one, copying the entire contents of
memory from the parent into the child. After the fork, both processes contain the same environment, state,
variables, and so on–the only difference is that the fork function returns a value of 0 in the child process, and
returns the child’s process ID in the parent. For example:
local posix = require("posix")
local some_var = 1
local pid = posix.fork()
if pid == 0 then
print("I am the child, and some_var is: ", some_var)
print("I am the master, my child is ", pid, " and some_var is: ", some_var)
posix.wait(pid) -- Hangs until child process exits
Both child and parent will print the same value (1) for some_var because they both have access to the pre-fork
environment. This mechanism will allow your RPC-ified new function to create a new process and share values like
a pipe (below) between them.
Note: when the child process is done with its computations, you should call os.exit() to make sure that no other
code is executed from the child process.
2. Pipes: pipes allow data to pass between OS processes. They have a POSIX implementation, but we’ve abstracted that
away from you into a Pipe class. Pipes should be treated as unidirectional–one side writes the input, and the other
side reads the output. For example:
local util = require("common.util")
local posix = require("posix")
local Pipe = util.Pipe
local pipe =
local pid = posix.fork()
if pid == 0 then
-- Child process
Pipe.write(pipe, "I am the child!")
-- Parent process
print("Child says: " ..
The write function takes a string of arbitrary length and writes it to the pipe, returning immediately. The read
function blocks until a string is written to the pipe being read from. This mechanism will allow your parent process
to communicate with your RPC-ified instance’s forked process.
Note: you may assume serialized messages you send over pipes will never be larger than 1024 bytes, and
subsequently a) all writes and reads are performed atomically, and b) a message will never need to be split up into
Additionally, you’ll need one piece of Lua magic. You will need to pass arbitrary argument lists from the parent to the
child. To access all the arguments to a function, you can use the ellipsis syntax:
local function return_args(...)
return {...}
local t = return_args(1, "foo")
print(t[1], t[2]) -- prints 1, "foo"
print(unpack(t)) -- prints the same thing
The ellipsis represents the the list of arguments given to the function. You can explicitly turn it into a list by wrapping
it with a table ( {...} ). You can turn a table back into an argument list by using the built-in unpack function as shown
Getting started
If you don’t have any ideas on how to get started after reading the documentation above, here’s a recommended
exercise to understand the core RPC ideas of this section.
local util = require("common.util")
local posix = require("posix")
local Pipe = util.Pipe
local in_pipe =
local out_pipe =
function child()
local t = {
counter = 0,
incr = function(self)
self.counter = self.counter + 1
value = function(self)
return self.counter
-- TODO: What to do in the child? Fill this in yourself.
function parent(pid)
Pipe.write(in_pipe, "incr") -- return is nil, don't care
Pipe.write(in_pipe, "value")
print( -- should be 1
Pipe.write(in_pipe, "exit") -- child should exit now
local pid = posix.fork()
if pid == 0 then
Read through the code to understand what it’s trying to do—we want to send commands to a table over a pipe and read
results on another pipe. Think about how you would implement the child function in this case. Once you’ve done
that, you’ll want to think about how to make this solution generic over any kind of input class (or any such table t ).
To test your code, it’s the same as before: run lua common/tests.lua . Look for the rpc_tests function.

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