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Assignment 1: Sarcasm Classification

Assignment 1: Sarcasm Classification (100 points)∗
CS 410/510 Natural Language Processing Fall 2021
Due Sunday, 10/10/2021, 11:59pm
Please post all clarification questions about this homework on the Slack channel under the
“hw1” folder. You may post your question privately to the instructor and TA if you wish. If your
question includes code or a partial solution, please post it privately to the instructor and TA only.
This is an individual assignment. Although you may discuss the questions with other students,
you should not discuss the answers with other students. All code and written answers must be
entirely your own.
1 Description
The main goal of Assignment 1 is to build a classifier that will predict whether a piece of text
is “sarcastic” or “not sarcastic/regular”. Your task is to see how accurate a classifier you can
build, depending on the machine learning approach and on the various features you will be asked
to implement.
1.1 Data
The data1
[1] is a set of news headlines collected from two news website: The Onion2
, which aims at
producing sarcastic versions of current events, and HuffPost3
, which provides the set of real (and
non-sarcastic) news headlines.
Warning: as is the case with all ‘natural language data’, this data was collected from public
websites and is unfiltered. Therefore, in some cases the text may be disturbing or you may not agree
with it.
The data file provided to you is in json format and is formatted with one record/instance/-
headline per line. Each record consists of three attributes:
• is sarcastic: 1 if the record is sarcastic, otherwise 0
• headline: the headline of the news article
• article link: link to the original news article (this is just for your reference, you will not be
using this information in this assignment).
∗This assignment has been modeled after Kathleen McKeown’s stance classification homework.
1.1.1 Reading the data
In Python, data can be read using the following function:
d e f p a r s e J s o n ( fname ) :
f o r l i n e i n open ( fname , ’ r ’ ) :
y i e l d e v al ( l i n e )
Example usecase:
data = l i s t ( p a r s e J s o n ( ’ . / S a r c a sm H e a dli n e s D a t a s e t . j s on ’ ) )
1.2 Programming component
You may attempt to write all code yourself. If you wish, you may use publicly available libraries
and pieces of code as long as you credit the source(s).
1.2.1 Feature engineering
An important part of text classification is choosing the set of features and their representation that
would help you in building the most accurate classifier. Some of the features that you have already
seen in class include n-grams. As part of this assignment you will further experiment with a variety
of features to find the best performing features for your models. As an example, you can use any
of the feature types listed below or use additional features you come up with yourself (NOTE: each
of these counts as ONE feature type, later described in 1.2.2):
• Num words: the number of words per headline
• N-grams: unigrams, bigrams, and trigrams.
• Cue words: the initial unigram, bigram, and trigram in a post.
• Repeated punctuation: features to capture punctuation such as ??, ??????, !!!, or ?!.
• Part-of-speech tags: features to count the number of nouns, verbs and adjectives in the text
(count noun, count verb, and count adj).
• NRC Emotion features [2]: we also include the NRC Emotion lexicon, which is a collection of
unigrams and their associated emotion and emotion intensity scores. You may use this lexicon
to derive a combination of features such as:
emo words: the number of [emo] words in the headline, where [emo] is one of the eight emotions
- anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise or trust. If you use all eight
emotions, you will have eight different features, such as anger words, disgust words, and
so on.
emo intensity: the average intensity of each emotion. As an example, similarly to the previous
feature, if you choose to use all eight different emotions, you will obtain eight features.
For instance, for a headline, anger intensity = sum of intensities of all ‘anger’ words /
total number of ‘anger’ words in the headline.
1.2.2 Classification models
You will be using the scikit-learn library to do the homework. See the scikit-learn documentation
for many useful functions available. You are to experiment with two classification models: Naive
Bayes and SVM.
Input: features you have selected.
Output: a label y ∈ 0, 1, indicating whether the headline is “sarcastic” (1) or “regular” (0).
In this assignment you will build your classifiers using features as specified below:
1. N-grams: this model should use a combination of unigrams, bigrams and trigrams as features.
The combination you use is up to you and you should experiment to find the one that performs
2. Other features: this model can use any combination of features (see section 1.2.1). You must
experiment with at least 3 feature types other than n-grams for this model, and discuss whether
they weree beneficial or harmful to your model (remember, not all features add positive value).
1.2.3 Evaluation
You will use 10-fold cross-validation to evaluate your models. In addition to creating train and test
splits, it is generally advisable to also create a validation/development set which you can use to
prevent overfitting of your model. As evaluation metric, please provide the accuracy and F-score.
1.3 Written component
1. Provide a written description of your best model and a justification of the features that you
used or did not use. Why do you think they are helpful or not? You must explicitly list the
features you tried here.
2. Do an error analysis. For your best performing model, select 3 interesting examples that did
not work. Indicate why you think they were classified incorrectly. If you could add additional
features, what features do you think would help improve performance?
3. Additional question for CS 510 students: How could the performance of the classifier be
improved further? What role, if any, could the associated full news articles play in boosting
the performance?
2 Grading
Please note the following deliverables and the grading scheme. You’ll be sharing the link to your
hw1.ipynb jupyter notebook via D2L. Please do not modify your notebook after the deadline.
• Classifier (70 points total)
– Your program should read the headlines json file (please do not modify the file name),
create the relevant features, run 10-fold cross-validation, and print the model’s average
accuracy and F-score. (50 points)
– Code documentation: your jupyter notebook should be well documented including associated descriptions for each code text as well as all citations for any source used during
this assignment. (10 points)
– Model performance: your system will receive up to 10 points depending on whether the
models produced F-score above or below our baseline thresholds.
• Written report (30 points): In the jupyter notebook, please include the following,
For CS 410:
– Justification and description of features (20 points)
– Error analysis (10 points)
For CS 510:
– Justification and description of features (15 points)
– Error analysis (10 points)
– Additional question (5 points)
[1] Rishabh Misra and Prahal Arora. Sarcasm detection using hybrid neural network. arXiv preprint
arXiv:1908.07414, 2019.
[2] Saif Mohammad and Peter Turney. Emotions evoked by common words and phrases: Using mechanical
turk to create an emotion lexicon. In Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 workshop on computational
approaches to analysis and generation of emotion in text, pages 26–34, 2010.

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