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Assignment 1- The Bouncing Program

In this programming assignment, you are asked to add extra functions to a skeleton bouncing program that is provided to you. The
aim of the assignment is to give you experience with object-oriented programming, principles of inheritance and polymorphism.

Worth: 10% of the final mark
Introduction - The Bouncing Program
The application, as given, is a simple bouncing program designed to let different shapes move around along various paths. Most of
the code is already provided for you, but you will need to add more shapes. The program is easy to use: The only user actions are
to create shapes based on the classes you will write, and to select individual existing shapes on the panel and change their
Shape Creation:
The user can create a new shape by clicking anywhere within the panel area of the program. The properties of the newly created
shape are based on the current values saved in the appropriate UI fields (e.g. height, width border colour, fill colour and path).
Once created, the shape will start moving.
Selecting/deselecting shapes:
A user can select a shape by clicking anywhere on the shape. A selected shape shows all its handles. The user can change the path
types/widths/heights/border colours/fill colours for all selected shapes by changing the current values with the help of the tools
provided at the top of the application interface. (Note: The shape type itself cannot be modified once a shape has been created.)
Clicking on a selected shape will deselect it.
Shape Combo
The ‘Shape’ combo box lets you select the shape type for the new shapes that get created when you click
on the panel area. In the skeleton application, the combo box is pre-populated with icons for the shape
classes you will create. Clicking in the panel area to create a shape as described above will then create a
shape of the selected type.
Path Combo Box: Users may select one of several moving paths for shapes from the ‘Path’ combo box. Selecting a new path
changes the path of all currently selected shapes. The newly selected path also becomes the current path for
any new shapes that the user creates. In the skeleton program, two paths are available: a “falling path” that
sees shapes move from the top of the panel to the bottom with a little bit of back-and-forth sideways
movement, and a “bouncing path” that lets the shape bounce off whichever boundary it hits.
Width TextField: Users may change the current width of new shapes and currently selected shapes by entering a valid
number in the width text field and pressing “ENTER”.
Height TextField: Users may change the current height of new shapes and currently selected shapes by entering a valid
number in the height text field and pressing “ENTER”.
Assignment ONE
Set the current
shape type Set the current
path type
Set the current
height & width
Set the current
border & fill colour 
Border Button Users may change the current border colour of new shapes and currently selected shapes by pressing the
border button.
Fill Button Users may change the current fill colour of new shapes and currently selected shapes by pressing the fill
Start Button: Starts the animation.
Stop Button: Stops the animation.
Animation Slider: Users may use the animation delay slider to adjust the speed of the animation.
Info Button: Get a list of information (e.g. position, area, colours etc) of all shapes in the program. The list is sorted by
the areas.
Text area Display a list of information of all shapes in the program.
Popup Menu: The application has a popup menu, which is activated by clicking the right mouse button anywhere in the
panel area (on a windows machine). The popup menu contains a menu item called “Clear All” which
allows the user to clear all shapes from the program.
What you are to do
Download all source files from Canvas. The files included in the program are as follows:
In order to complete the assignment, you will need to create additional classes and make changes to, and Your assignment is divided into several stages for ease of completion. Please complete the
assignment in order of the stages. You need to be familiar in particular with the purpose of three methods in,
which you may wish to override in the new shape subclasses you will create:
 draw(): This method actually draws the shape in question, using an object that is a subclass of the abstract Graphics2D
class, which is part of the Java AWT graphics package and extends the Graphics class in that package. You will need to
override this method in the subclass you create, and ensure that the respective shape gets drawn properly.
 contains(): This method takes a Point parameter and is meant to return true if the Point is inside the shape and false if
it is not. Since you will be creating different shapes, you will need to override this method for each shape that has a new
outline, unless it makes sense to simply inherit it from an ancestor class with the same outline.
 getArea(): This method returns the area of the respective shape.
Once you have created a new shape subclass, you will need to add it to AnimationPanel. The createNewShape() method in is the place to do this.
Stage 1: The MovingRectangle Class (6 marks)
You are required to add a MovingRectangle subclass to your program. This class should draw a rectangle/square based on the
mouse-point, the current width, the current height, the current border and fill colours and, the current moving path saved in the
Assessment criteria:
 [2 marks] The class hierarchy should be developed sensibly and in accordance with good object-oriented programming
practice and the constructors are implemented correctly.
 [2 marks] The contains() and getArea() method are overridden correctly.
 [1 mark] The draw() method is overridden correctly.
 [1 mark] Users should be able to change the properties of the selected rectangles.
Stage 2: The MovingSquare Class (6 marks)
You are required to add a MovingSquare subclass to your program. This class should create a NEW SQUARE based on the
mouse-point, the size (i.e. the smallest dimensions from the current width and height), border colour, fill colour, and moving path
saved in the AnimationPanel.
Assessment criteria:
 [2 marks] The class hierarchy should be developed sensibly and in accordance with good object-oriented programming
practice and the constructors are implemented correctly.
 [1 mark] Do you need to override the draw(), contains() and getArea() in the MovingSquare class? Do you need to
override any other existing methods?)
 [1 mark] A square should not be transformed into a rectangle when increasing its width or height.
 [2 marks] Users should be able to create a NEW square using the current properties in the program. (Note: the size of a
NEW square is the smallest dimensions from the current width and height) and be able to change the properties the
selected squares.
Stage 3: The MovingEllipse Class (6 marks)
You are required to add a MovingEllipse subclass to your program. This class should create a NEW ellipse based on the mousepoint, the width, height, border colour, fill colour, and moving path saved in the AnimationPanel.
Use the following formula to check if the mouse point is in the ellipse or not
double dx, dy;
Point EndPt = new Point(x + width, y + height);
dx = (2 * mousePt.x - x - EndPt.x) / (double) width;
dy = (2 * mousePt.y - y - EndPt.y) / (double) height;
return dx * dx + dy * dy < 1.0;
Assessment criteria:
 [2 marks] The class hierarchy should be developed sensibly and in accordance with good object-oriented programming
practice and the constructors are implemented correctly.
 [2 marks] The contains() and getArea() method are overridden correctly.
 [1 mark] The draw() method is overridden correctly.
 [1 mark] Users should be able to change the properties of the selected ellipses.
Stage 4: The MovingStarsMap Class (6 marks)
You are required to add a MovingStarsMap subclass to your program. This class should create a NEW stars- map which based on
the mouse-point and the current properties saved in the AnimationPanel. A stars-map contains 3 line-segments in the rectangular
boundary given by the current width and height. The first point starts at the mouse-point. The other two points are randomly
generated during the creation process.
Assessment criteria:
 [2 marks] The class hierarchy should be developed sensibly and in accordance with good object-oriented programming
practice and the constructors are implemented correctly.
 [1 mark] The stars-map shape contains three lines.
 [1 mark] Should you override the contains() and getArea() methods?
 [2 marks] Users should be able to create a NEW stars-map using the current properties in the program and be able to
change the properties of the selected stars-map shapes.
Stage 5: The MovingSpinningCircle Class (6 marks)
You are required to add a MovingSpinningCircle subclass to your program. This class should create a NEW spinning circle
which based on the mouse-point, the size, border colour, fill colour, and moving path saved in the AnimationPanel.
Assessment criteria:
 [2 marks] The class hierarchy should be developed sensibly and in accordance with good object-oriented programming
practice and the constructors are implemented correctly.
 [1 mark] Do you need to override the draw(), contains() and getArea() in this class? Do you need to override any other
existing methods?)
 [1 mark] A circle should NOT be transformed into an ellipse when increasing its width or height.
 [1 mark] Users should be able to create a NEW spinning circle using the current properties in the program. (Note: the
size of the circle is the smallest dimensions from the current width and height) be able to change the properties of the
selected circles.
Stage 6: The Message property (8 marks)
You are required to add a message property to the BouncingShape program. You are required to modify the AnimationPanal
class, MovingShape class and all subclasses of MovingShape. The textbox and GUI event have been completed for you. The default
message is "CS230". The message should be drawn at the centre of each shape.
 Assessment criteria:
 [2 marks] Modify the MovingShape class correctly.
 [2 marks] Modify the AnimationPanal class correctly.
 [1 mark] Constructors in the MovingShape and all subclasses are modified correctly.
 [1 mark] The drawMessage() method is implemented correctly
 [2 marks] The draw() method in the MovingShape and all subclasses are modified correctly.
Stage 7: The BoundaryPath class (5 marks) 
In this part, you are required to add a special simple boundary path to the bouncing program. The MovingPath is an abstract inner
class which contains an abstract method. The new subclass should extend the MovingPath and implement the move() method.
Assessment criteria
 [2 marks] The class hierarchy should be developed sensibly and in accordance with good object-oriented programming
practice and the constructor is implemented correctly.
 [3 marks] Users should be able to add a new shape that moves around the boundary of the JPanel.
Stage 8: Sorting (5 marks)
In this part, you are required to complete the getSortedInfo() method to display a list of sorted MovingShape objects. The
movingShape class should implement the Comparable interface and implement the compareTo() method. The list should be sorted
in ascending order by area.
Assessment criteria
 [2 marks] The movingShape class should implement the Comparable interface and implement the compareTo() method.
 [3 marks] Information of shapes are displayed in ascending order by area.
Stage 9: Complete the Program (2 marks)
Assessment criteria
 [2 marks] Include your name, UPI and a comment at the beginning of ALL YOUR FILES.
 Users should be able to draw a new rectangle/square/ellipse/stars-map/spinning circle and modify the properties.
You are now required to get creative and add your own special shape(s) that will make the bouncing program more interesting!
You may want to add Text, Images, 3D shapes, Sound etc into the bouncing program.
Complete CodeRunner A1 and submit the entire program via the assignment dropbox ( at any time
from the first submission date up until the final due date. You will receive an electronic receipt. Submit ONE file
containing all the following files:
1. All source files (i.e. new, changed, and unchanged) – remember to include your name, UPI and a comment at the
beginning of each file you create or modify.
2. All gif files (used as icons in the program)
3. A1.txt. It must contain the following information:
o Your name, login name (such as jlim123) and (7 or 9 digit) ID number
o The JDK Version that you used in this program
o How much time did the assignment take you overall?
o Which areas of the assignment did you find easy and which ones were difficult?
You may make more than one submission, but note that every submission that you make replaces your previous submission.
Submit ALL your files in every submission. Only your very latest submission will be marked. Please double check that you have
included all the files required to run your program and A1.txt (see below) in the zip file before you submit it. Your program
must compile and run to gain any marks. We recommend that you check this on the lab machines before you submit.

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