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Assignment #1 – Writing Good Requirements

Assignment #1 ECSE326 
Assignment #1 – Writing Good Requirements (3%)
The first assignment is to be done individually and is due on Monday, September 24, 2018, at 23:30. You
are required to submit your answers to the questions below in a PDF or DOC(X) file in myCourses. Clearly
state the course name and number, term, and your name on the first page of your file. If you are using an
application other than MSWord, then convert your file first to either a PDF file or a DOC(X) file. The
assignment is graded out of 100 marks.
Are the following four (4) system requirements for a pizza ordering system written correctly? If yes,
explain why the system requirement is correct. If not, explain why and suggest a better way to write the
system requirement. If you do not explain why a system requirement is correct or not correct, at least 15
marks will be deducted for the requirement.
Requirement 1 (25 marks):
The customer shall be able to list the last 20 orders within 5 seconds 96% of the time.
Requirement 2 (25 marks):
Upon login of a customer, the pizza ordering system shall prefill the address and phone number of the
current order with the address and phone number from the customer’s profile within 1 second 96% of
the time.
Requirement 3 (25 marks):
The pizza ordering system shall have two hard drives to store all information about customers.
Requirement 4 (25 marks):
The pizza system must limit the number of pizzas on one order to 10 pizzas.

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