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Assignment 10 Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim’s Algorithm)

CSCE 221 
Programming Assignment 10
Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim’s Algorithm)
Approved Includes
Code Coverage
Starter Code
Files to Submit
Task 1
Element Access
Task 2
Visualization (optional)
Example (for Tasks 1 and 2)
Example Output
CSCE 221 Spring 2021
Approved Includes
Code Coverage
You must submit a test suite for each task that, when run, covers at least 90% of your code. You should,
at a minimum, invoke every function at least once. Best practice is to also check the actual behavior
against the expected behavior, e.g. verify that the result is correct. You should be able to do this
automatically, i.e. write a program that checks the actual behavior against the expected behavior.
Your test suite should include ALL tests that you wrote and used, including tests you used for debugging.
You should have MANY tests.
Starter Code
Files to Submit
CSCE 221 Spring 2021
Task 1: Undirected Graph
Implement a data structure to store an undirected graph. You should modify your digraph code.
graph.h - contains the Graph class definition (define the methods inside the class)
graph_tests.cpp - contains the test cases and test driver (main)
class Graph;
You can represent the Graph internally however you want. This could be adjacency lists, an adjacency
matrix, sets of Vertex and Edge objects, linked Vertex and/or Edge objects, or even some combination of
methods. In class we learned the adjacency list and adjacency matrix representations, so I would
encourage you to use one of those.
Graph() - makes an empty graph.
Graph(const Graph&) - constructs a deep copy of a graph
Graph& operator=(const Graph&) - assigns a deep copy of a graph
~Graph() - destructs a graph (frees all dynamically allocated memory)
size_t vertex_count() const - the number of vertices in the graph
size_t edge_count() const - the number of edges in the graph
Element Access
bool contains_vertex(size_t id) const - return true if the graph contains a vertex with the
specified identifier, false otherwise.
bool contains_edge(size_t u, size_t v) const - return true if the graph contains an edge
with the specified members (as identifiers), false otherwise.
CSCE 221 Spring 2021
double cost(size_t u, size_t v) const - returns the weight of the edge between u and v, or
INFINITY if none exists.
bool add_vertex(size_t id) - add a vertex with the specified identifier if it does not already exist,
return true on success or false otherwise.
bool add_edge(size_t u, size_t v, double weight=1) - add an undirected edge between
u and v with the specified weight if there is not one already, return true on success, false otherwise.
If you use adjacency lists, make sure to update both u’s and v’s lists.
bool remove_vertex(size_t id) - remove the specified vertex from the graph, including all edges
of which it is a member, return true on success, false otherwise.
bool remove_edge(size_t u, size_t v) - remove the specified edge from the graph, but do not
remove the vertices, return true on success, false otherwise.
Graph(Graph&&) - move constructs a deep copy of a graph
Graph& operator=(Graph&&) - move assigns a deep copy of a graph
CSCE 221 Spring 2021
Task 2: Prim’s Algorithm
Implement Prim’s Algorithm as a method of the Graph class from Task 1.
graph.h - contains the Graph class definition (define the methods inside the class)
graph_tests.cpp - contains the test cases and test driver (main)
std::list<std::pair<size_t,size_t>> prim() - compute a minimum spanning tree using
Prim’s algorithm. Return a list of edges. There may be more than one possible spanning tree depending
on the starting vertex. Any correct (minimum weight) tree will be recognized as such. If a MST does not
exist, then the return value should be an empty list.
double distance(size_t id) const - assumes Prim has been run, returns the cost of the edge
that connects this vertex to the minimum spanning tree, or 0 is the vertex is the root of the tree, or
INFINITY if the vertex is not part of the tree (i.e. the graph is not connected).
Visualization (optional)
void print_minimum_spanning_tree(std::ostream& os=std::cout) const - assumes
Prim has been run, pretty prints the minimum spanning tree as a sequences of lines with the format
<vertex> --{<edge weight>} <vertex>
CSCE 221 Spring 2021
Example (for Tasks 1 and 2)
std::cout << "make an empty graph" << std::endl;
Graph G;
std::cout << "add vertices" << std::endl;
for (size_t n = 1; n <= 7; n++) {
std::cout << "add undirected edges" << std::endl;
G.add_edge(1,2,5); // 1 --{5} 2; (edge between 1 and 2 with weight 5)
std::cout << "G has " << G.vertex_count() << " vertices and ";
std::cout << G.edge_count() << " edges" << std::endl;
std::cout << "compute a minimum spanning tree" <<std::endl;
std::list<std::pair<size_t,size_t>> = G.prim();
std::cout << "print minimum spanning tree" <<std::endl;
double tree_cost = 0;
for (const std::pair<size_t,size_t>& edge : mst) {
std::cout << edge.first << " --{"<<G.cost(edge.first,edge.second)<<"} " <<
edge.second << ";" << std::endl;
tree_cost += G.cost(edge.first,edge.second);
std::cout << "tree cost = " << tree_cost <<std::endl;
CSCE 221 Spring 2021
Example Output
make an empty graph
add vertices
add undirected edges
G has 7 vertices and 12 edges
compute a minimum spanning tree
print minimum spanning tree
2 --{1} 7;
5 --{1} 7;
6 --{1} 5;
3 --{2} 2;
4 --{2} 5;
1 --{2} 4;
tree cost = 9

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