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Assignment 1—Testing times

Assignment 1—Testing times
6% of overall grade

1 Overview
1.1 Introduction
This assignment is based around matching quarantined people with their Covid-19 test results, if they
have any. It is very loosely based on a Stuff article titled 50 people released early from quarantine
without coronavirus test, an excerpt is given below. Basically the Ministry of Health took a long time
to answer the simple question, how many of the people released from quarantined had been tested for
Covid-19? In this assignment you will look at a couple of ways that could be used to match records
from two different databases.
. . . The director-general of health, Dr Ashley Bloomfield, has for the past week faced questions about how
many people were released from quarantine without
being tested for the virus, after he said health officials
would test people twice before release from June 9.
Last week, two women who travelled from the United
Kingdom were confirmed as having Covid-19, after
being granted early release from the mandatory twoweek quarantine to visit a dying relative.
They had not been tested before they left quarantine.
A week later, the ministry had identified 2159 people who finished their two-week quarantine between
June 9 and 16, when the problem at the border was
It remained unknown how many were tested before leaving quarantine. Bloomfield on Tuesday said
health officials continued to follow up and match the
information held at quarantine facilities with testing
Partly complicating the ministry’s efforts was that officials at quarantine facilities were previously not required to collect the "National Health Index" (NHI)
number of each person staying, meaning they could
not easily connect people in quarantine to the
database of people tested.
"I still can’t tell you that number, this is because the
testing was done and no NHI was necessary on the information the hotel has got... I wish I could, what I can
say is of course, they all completed the 14 days [quarantine]... We now know many had been tested on departure," Bloomfield said at a Tuesday press conference.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has expressed her frustration at the situation, saying on Monday it was "unacceptable" the tests were not done.
"We want to know those who were tested. . . I do expect
to see that information when [Bloomfield] has it. . . . "
Stuff, 24 June 2020
Full article here.
In this assignment the basic task will be to take a list containing the names of quarantined people
and generate a list that contains the test results for any people that can be found in the ministry’s list
of tested people. The quarantined list will just have names as the quarantine hotels forgot to take
down everyone’s NHI (National Health Index) number whereas the ministry’s list of tested people will
contain the NHI, name, and result for each of those people.
The ministry of health had to be very careful to make sure they matched the records for quarantined
people with their test records (eg, matching name, date of birth, etc) you will just need to look for
matching names. You should be able to see that it’s not too hard to expand to more precise matching
1.2 Due date
The official due date is 11:55pm on Friday 21 August 2020.
Students can submit to the normal submission quiz up two days after this (ie, Sun 23 Aug) with no
penalty (ie, normal submissions close on Sun 23 Aug). After this point submissions can be made until
the drop dead date, which is Fri 28 Aug, via the late submission quiz. But late submissions incur a 15%
absolute penalty, ie, if you submit to the late quiz then your_mark = raw_mark - 15. Please ask if
you are unsure.
1.3 Submission
Submit via the quiz server. The submission page will be open about a week after the quiz is released—
to emphasise the point that the quiz won’t offer much help, your own testing and the provided unit
tests are what you should be using to test your code. The submission quiz will not test your code
properly until after submissions close, that is, it won’t give you any more information than the provided tests so you can start work straight away! This assignment is a step up from COSC121 so please
make sure you start early so that you have time to understand the requirements and to debug your
1.4 Implementation
All the files you need for this assignment can be found on the quiz server. Do not import any additional
standard libraries unless explicitly given permission within the task outline. For each section there is
a file with a function for you to fill in. You need to complete these functions, but you can also write
other helper functions if you wish—this is recommended for the binary search method. All submitted
code needs to pass pylint program checking—make sure you leave time for style adjustments when
1.5 Getting help
The work in this assignment is to be carried out individually, and what you submit needs to be your own
work. You must not discuss code-level details with anyone other than the course tutors and lecturers.
You are, however, permitted to discuss high-level details of the program with other students. If you get
stuck on a programming issue, you are encouraged to ask your tutor or the lecturer for help. You may
not copy material from books, the internet, or other students. We will be checking carefully for copied
work. If you have a general assignment question or need clarification on how something should work,
please use the class forums on Learn, as this enables everyone to see responses to common issues,
but never post your own program code to Learn (or make it available publicly on the internet via sites
like GitHub)1
. Remember that the main point of this assignment is for you to exercise what you have
learned from lectures and labs, so make sure you do the relevant labs first, so don’t cheat yourself of
the learning by having someone else write material for you.
2 Looking up results
For each task of the assignment you will be required to write a function that takes a list of test results
and a list of quarantined people, and returns a list containing the quarantined peoples’ test results, or
lack thereof. The functions will need to count the number of times Name objects are compared and
return this count along with the list of results—as a measure of the work done.
You can assume that there are no duplicate names in either the tested list or the quarantined list, ie,
within either list no name will appear more than once.
The file provides you with a suite of tests to help you check your implemented code before
submission. These tests use the Python unit-test framework and you are not expected to fully understand how they work; you just need to know that the tests will check that your code generates the
correct list of output, and that the number of comparisons that your code makes is appropriate. For
the linear algorithm you should be able to match the exact number of comparisons, but for the binary
algorithm the number of comparisons just needs to be in the right ballpark. If you think that you have
an implementation that is very close to the test range, and works reliably, you can ask to have the expected number of comparisons range reconsidered. The tests used on the quiz server will be mainly
based on these unit-tests, but with a small number of added secret test cases. Therefore passing the
unit tests is not a guarantee that full marks will be given (however it’s a good indication your code is
working as required).
2.1 Provided classes
For this assignment the main class you will need to know about is the Name class. A Name object is
basically a repackaged str object, that updates an internal counter every time it is compared with
another Name object. You will be required to count each Name comparison made by your code and our
tests will use the internal counter to check that you got it right.
Further information on Name objects is given below.
• my_name = Name(name) creates a new Name object with the given name.
• print(my_name) will print the Name object, in the form <name> so you don’t confuse it with a
simple str object.
• Every time two Name objects are compared the name comparison counter in the StatCounter
class will be updated. For example, whenever a comparison such as name1 < name2 is evaluated the internal counter is incremented. You will see that all the comparison operators work
like this, ie, <, >, >=, <=, ==, !=.
1Check out section 3 of UC’s Academic Integrity Guidance document. Making your code available to the whole class is certainly not discouraging others from copying.
• You shouldn’t be using any of the double under-scored methods for Name objects directly.
You should use the normal comparison operators, eg, name1 < name2 will be automatically
translated into name1.__lt__(name2) in the background so you don’t need to call
name1.__lt__(name2) directly!
• StatCounter.get_count(NAME_COMPS) gives the actual number of Name comparisons that
have been performed. If you read the definition for the Name class you will see that Name objects
update the name comparisons counter each time they are compared. This is for your debugging only and using this in submitted code will cause your code to fail the submission tests. You
must use the line from stats import StatCounter, NAME_COMPS if you want to check this
The following example code should help you further understand the Name class:
>>> from classes import Name
>>> from stats import StatCounter, NAME_COMPS
>>> my_list = []
>>> name1 = Name('Paul')
>>> name1
>>> print(name1)
>>> my_list.append(name1)
>>> my_list.append(Name('Tim'))
>>> my_list
[Name('Paul'), Name('Tim')]
>>> name3 = Name('Zheng')
>>> name1 < name3
>>> my_list[0] == Name('Paul')
>>> StatCounter.get_count(NAME_COMPS) #This is allowed only for testing!
>>> my_list[1] >= my_list[0]
>>> StatCounter.get_count(NAME_COMPS) #This is allowed only for testing!
2.2 Provided tools and test data
Test files are given to you in the folder test_data to make it easier to test your own code. The test
data files are named in the form test_data-{i}{x}-{j}{y}-{k}-{m}.txt and contain three lists
of data. The first list, referred to as tested, contains (NHI, name, result) tuples for people that have
been tested for the virus. The second list, referred to as quarantined, contains the names of people
who are quarantined. The third list, referred to as results, contains (name, NHI, result) tuples for all
the quarantined people, in the same order as they appear in the quarantined list. If a quarantined
person isn’t in the tested list then their NHI and result will be None.
2.2.1 Decoding data file names
The tested and quarantined data sections start with a line containing the number or records in that
section. The third data section doesn’t have this number as it will have the same number of records as
the quarantined list. Note that lines starting with # are commented out and are not read.
• i = number of records in tested list
• x = ’i’ if tested is sorted by NHI or ’n’ if tested is sorted by name.
• j = number of records in quarantined
• y = ’n’ if quarantined is sorted by name or ’r’ if it’s unsorted/randomly ordered.
• k = number of quarantined people that have a result, ie, can be found in the tested list.
• m = the random seed used to generate the test file. We may generate different random files for
the quiz server tests.
For example, a file named test_data-5i-5n-2-a.txt will contain: 5 records for tested people that
are sorted by NHI, 5 names of quarantined people that are sorted by name, 5 results records for the
quarantined people, and two of the quarantined people will have have results in the tested list (in the
example below Cissiee and Jon are the two).
# Number tested and their details:
2120000,Zorina Latin,True
2120002,Selime Sziladi,False
2120003,Vallipuram Kortekaas,True
2120005,Jon Klaudt,False
2120007,Cissiee Bednar,True
# Number quarantined and their names:
Andrzej Challice
Cissiee Bednar
Jon Klaudt
Meris Dendi
Rheal Wolfenbarger
# Expected result details for quarantined people:
Andrzej Challice,None,None
Cissiee Bednar,2120007,True
Jon Klaudt,2120005,False
Meris Dendi,None,None
Rheal Wolfenbarger,None,None
You will, of course, need to use files where the tested records are sorted by name when you are using
a binary search for names—otherwise the binary search won’t work! When tested records are sorted
by NHI the names will effectively be in random order (as seen in the test_data-10i-5n-2-a.txt
example above).
2.2.2 Reading data files
The module contains functions for reading data from test files and for making simple lists of
Name objects, etc. . . The most useful function in the tools module is read_test_data(filename),
which reads the contents of the test file and returns a tuple containing the tested, quarantined and
expected results lists respectively.
Suppose test_data-2i-2r-1-a.txt contains the following data, then the shell code below should
give you an idea of how the data is read.
#Number tested and their details:
2120000,Sabina Starkes,False
2120001,Filippa Mau,False
#Number quarantined and their names:
Albert Willison
Sabina Starkes
#Result details for quarantined people:
Albert Willison,None,None
Sabina Starkes,2120000,False
Example data loading using read_test_data:
>>> import tools
>>> filename = "test_data/test_data-2i-2r-1-a.txt"
>>> tested, quarantined, expected_results = tools.read_test_data(filename)
>>> tested
[(2120000, Name('Sabina Starkes'), False), (2120001, Name('Filippa Mau'), False)]
>>> quarantined
[Name('Albert Willison'), Name('Sabina Starkes')]
>>> expected_results
[(Name('Albert Willison'), None, None), (Name('Sabina Starkes'), 2120000, False)]
>>> print(quarantined[0])
<Albert Willison>
2.2.3 Making your own tested/quarantined lists
The make_name_list function in the tools module can be used to make lists of Name objects from
simple lists of strings or using the letters in a string. The make_tested_list function will make
a list of (nhi, Name, result) tuples from a simple list of strings, or using the letters in a string.
make_tested_list will generate the NHI numbers and test results for you and there are options for
list sorting and the result you want everyone to have. Check out the function definitions and docstrings for more details. An example of each is given below.
>>> import tools
>>> my_quarantined = tools.make_name_list(['Bob', 'Abba', 'Faba'])
>>> my_quarantined
[Name('Bob'), Name('Abba'), Name('Faba')]
>>> my_tested = tools.make_tested_list(['Bingle', 'Zabba', 'Faba'], sort_order='name')
>>> my_tested
[(1, Name('Bingle'), True), (3, Name('Faba'), True), (2, Name('Zabba'), True)]
You will be able to use these functions to quickly generate simple lists that you can send to your functions for processing. This will help you verify and debug your code by allowing you to compare your
hand-cranked results with the results returned by your function. For example, you could generate the
lists above and then call your function to see if it returns the result you expect. If not then you need to
work out whether your hand-cranking was wrong or your function was wrong. . .
2.3 Provided tests
The provides a number of tests to perform on your code. Running the file will cause all
tests to be carried out. Each test has a name indicating what test data it is using, what it is testing for,
and a contained class indicating which algorithm is being tested. In the case of a test case failing, the
test case will print which assertion failed or what exception was thrown. The all_tests_suite()
function has a number of lines commented out indicating that the commented out tests will
be skipped; un-comment these lines out as you progress through the assignment tasks to run
subsequent tests.
To get all the test results in a more manageable form in Wing101 you should make sure that Enable
debugging is turned off in the options for the Python shell. You can get to the options by clicking on
the Options drop down at the top right of the Shell window.
In addition to the provided tests you are expected to do your own testing of your code. This should
include testing the trivial cases such as empty parameters and parameters of differing sizes. You will,
of course, want to start by testing with very small lists, eg, with zero, one or two items in each list. This
will allow you to check your answers by hand.
NOTE: The tests that are provided in aren’t good for debugging!
3 Tasks
3.1 Finding results using linear/sequential search [40 Marks]
This task requires you to complete the linear_result_finder function in using a sequential/linear search when looking up names in the tested list. This approach is designed
to model the worst case scenario and isn’t going to be very efficient, but it gives a good baseline.
You should start with an empty list representing the results found so far. Go through each Name in
quarantined and sequentially search tested to try to find that Name. If a match is found add a
(Name, nhi, result) tuple to the results list and stop searching the rest of the tested list for that
Name (as it can be assumed that no name will appear twice in the tested list). If a match isn’t found
then add a tuple with (the_name, None, None) to the results list as you don’t have a NHI number or result for that person. You cannot assume that the Names will be in any particular order in
either tested or quarantined. The returned list should be given in the same order that the names
appear in the quarantined list. Your function should return a tuple containing the results list and
the number of Name comparisons the function made, ie, a tuple in the form (your_results_list,
>>> import tools
>>> from linear_module import linear_result_finder
>>> filename = "test_data/test_data-2i-2r-1-a.txt"
>>> tested, quarantined, expected_results = tools.read_test_data(filename)
>>> tested
[(2120000, Name('Sabina Starkes'), False), (2120001, Name('Filippa Mau'), False)]
>>> quarantined
[Name('Albert Willison'), Name('Sabina Starkes')]
>>> expected_results
[(Name('Albert Willison'), None, None), (Name('Sabina Starkes'), 2120000, False)]
>>> results, comparisons = linear_result_finder(tested, quarantined)
>>> results
[(Name('Albert Willison'), None, None), (Name('Sabina Starkes'), 2120000, False)]
>>> # Think about why comparisons should be 3
>>> comparisons
3.1.1 Notes
• We recommend testing your function with very small lists first, eg, start out with one item in
each list, then try with one in the first list and two in the second, etc, . . . .
• The provided tests are really just a final check — they won’t help you very much when debugging
your code.
• Your function shouldn’t mutate the lists it is given in any way, eg, don’t pop anything off the
quarantined or tested list and don’t insert anything into them either. You will, of course, need
to append things to the results and this is fine.
3.2 Finding results using binary search [50 Marks]
This task requires you to complete the binary_result_finder file
The tested list will be in alphabetical order by name (ie, the <= operator is true between any successive names in tested) but you may not assume anything about the order of quarantined. Given
that the tested list is sorted you will be able to employ a binary search and get considerably better
performance than the sequential search.
Again, you should start with an empty list representing the results for quarantined people. Then you
should go through each Name in quarantined and perform binary search on the tested list to try find
that Name. If a match is found, append a tuple containing (Name, nhi, result) to the results list. If
a match isn’t found then add a tuple with (Name, None, None) to the results list as you don’t have a
NHI number or test result for that person. The returned list should be given in the same order that the
names appear in the quarantined list.
To get full marks in this question you must minimise the average number of comparisons made—
assuming that not many quarantined people have been tested. Therefore, you must implement your
binary search in such a way that only uses only one Name comparison per halving of the search area.
That is, your search should use the equality (==) operator at most once per name that is being looked
up. Basically, you shouldn’t be comparing Name objects for equality (ie, with ==) inside the while loop
of the binary search.
Your binary_result_finder should return the results list and the number of comparisons as a tuple
in the same form as the linear function, ie, in the form (your_results_list, comparisons_used).
As for the linear function, your binary function shouldn’t mutate the lists it is given in any way, eg, don’t
pop anything off the quarantined or tested list and don’t insert anything into them either. You will,
of course, need to append things to your results list, and this is fine.
Warning: fast binary search is difficult! Set aside a lot of time to get this right, and don’t be put off if it
doesn’t work correctly straight away. You should test your function using some simple lists, eg, set the
tested list to have names ’b’, ’c’, ’d’, ’e’, ’f’ then make a quarantined list containing just ’b’ and check that
’b’ is reported in the results list. Then try with ’c’, etc, until your are convinced that your function will
find any name in the tested list. Then, try some names that aren’t in the tested list, eg, ’a’ or ’z’.
3.3 Analysis questions [10 Marks]
The submission quiz will also ask you to answer the following questions. For each question in this
section you can assume there are no duplicates in tested or quarantined. You should also answer
with respect to the overall task in each case, ie, with respect to generating the complete list of results
for the quarantined people which is what each of your result finder functions is doing. For example,
the first question below is basically asking what is the worst case big-O complexity for the total number
of name comparisons used by your linear_result_finder function.
• What is the worst case big-O complexity for the number of comparisons made by the linear/sequential method given there are n items in the tested list and m items in the quarantined list.
Explain how this would come about and give a small example of worst case input.
• What is the best case big-O complexity for the number of comparisons made by the linear/sequential method given there are n items in the tested list and m items in the quarantined list,
AND m < n. Explain how this would come about and give a small example of best case input.
• Give the equation for the number of comparisons used by the linear/sequential method given
there are n items in the tested list, n items in the quarantined list AND that all the names in
the quarantined list are also in the tested list. NOTE: you are giving an equation for the exact
number of comparisons made, NOT the big-O complexity.
• What is the worst case big-O complexity for the number of comparisons made by the binary
search method given there are n items in the tested list and m items in the quarantined list.
Explain how this would come about and give a small example of worst case input.
• What is the best case big-O complexity for the number of comparisons made by the binary
search method given there are n items in the tested list and m items in the quarantined list.
Explain how this would come about and give a small example of best case input.

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