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Assignment 2 GCD of two (32-bit) integers

Assignment 2
Q1. Write a program to compute the GCD of two (32-bit) integers. You will have to
use Euclid's algorithm.
Q2. Implement the sample program given in the attachment. Study all the instructions
used and working of the program.
Note: Search the web for “MIPS assembler directives”, and learn how to statically
allocate global data using the “.data” and related assembler directives.
Q3. Statically declare some prompt strings for User Input, and redo the addition
program to input two integers. Now you must use appropriate strings to prompt the
user, and to print the result (sum).
Q4. Define an array of 8 integers declared as static data. Be sure to use the “.align”
assembler directive, after understanding what it does (use google). Your main routine
should include a loop to read 8 values from the console (using the appropriate
syscall) and store it in the 8 array locations. You should use appropriate prompt
Examine what happens without the “.align” directive.

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