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Assignment #2-Ella is fed up with life on this planet

Programming Assignment #2

Problem Description
Ella is fed up with life on this planet, and decides she is going to move to Mars. Living in Mars
generally seems amazing, except for one thing: Exchanging messages with Earth is very expensive;
sending a binary sequence of length n, costs n∗0.5 USD. Since Ella wants to communicate with her
friends on Earth as frequently as possible, she wants to figure out a way to encode her messages
character-by-character, so that the encoding is lossless, as short as possible, and prefix-free. Ella
knows you are an algorithms mastermind, and turns to you for help. You claim that, if she provides
you with the frequency, for each of her friends, of each character in their messaging history so far,
you will be able to produce the best such way to encode her messages to that friend. Moreover, if
she gives you an encoded message and the frequencies that produced it, you can decode the message
to human-readable form.
What does the program do
The overall function of the program is the following: The inputs are (a) a flag that takes either
value -en or -de, representing “encode” and “decode” respectively, (b) a file Name.txt containing,
for a specific friend called Name, the frequency of each character in your messaging history with
Name so far, and (c) another file called message.txt, that either contains a human-readable or
a binary message. In both cases, the Huffman tree for the given frequencies is computed. Then,
according to the Huffman Tree, and depending to the value of the flag, it outputs either the optimal
binary encoding (as a string of “0” and “1”) of the human-readable message.txt, or the decoding
of the binary message.txt. You will only need to implement part of the code; the three methods
described in Parts 2, 3 and 4.
Part 1: Report [20 points]
Write a short report that includes the following information:
(a) Provide and explain the complexity of the first method you implemented.
(b) Provide and explain the complexity of the second method you implemented.
(c) Provide and explain the complexity of the third method you implemented.
(d) Prove that your encoding is prefix-free.
Programming Assignment #2: November 5, 2019, 11:59pm 2
Part 2: First Method - Create a Huffman tree [40 points]
The first of methods you need to implement is called constructHuffmanTree(). The input is an ArrayList called characters of length k containing characters, and an ArrayList called freq of length
k containing non-negative integer values, s.t. frequencies[i]==m means that characters[i] appears m times in your messaging history with Name. The output should be the Huffman Tree for
those frequencies (your method will be setting the root field of the object calling the method to
the root of the Huffman Tree, from which of course the entire tree can be accessed). For this, you
will use the TreeNode class provided. You may not make any modifications to it. The Huffman
tree produced must have k leaf nodes, one for each character, and the value field of the leaf node
corresponding to characters[i] must be characters[i].
Part 3: Second Method - Find the encoding [20 points]
The second method is called encode(). The input is a String containing a human-readable
message. The return value should be a String containing the binary encoding of the message,
encoded according to the Huffman tree stored in the object calling the method. For example, if
the Huffman Tree has encoded character h as 00 and character i as 01, if the input is hi the output
should be a String “0001”, representing the binary value 0001.
Part 4: Third Method - Find the decoding [20 points]
The third method is called decode(). The input is a String containing a binary message. The
return value should be a String containing the human-readable decoding of the message, decoded
according to the Huffman tree stored in the object calling the method.
Note: In real life the output of the encoding would be a binary file rather than a text file consisting
of “0”s and “1”s. Thus looking at the file size of an encoded message does not give out the true
compression factor. The choice of dealing with strings “0”, “1”, rather than binary is in order to
ease debugging and grading.
• Carefully study the code provided to you, and ensure that you understand it before starting
to code your solution. The set of provided files should compile and, if given input files, run
successfully before you modify them. If not, there is probably a problem with your Java
• Your job is to fill in the methods constructHuffmanTree(), encode() and decode() in so that they have the required functionality.
• You can modify if it helps you test or debug your program, but we will be running
your code according to the original You may add code to as
needed, but DO NOT DELETE any code from it (there should be no need to).
• is the main driver program. Use command line arguments to specify the flag and
Programming Assignment #2: November 5, 2019, 11:59pm 3
the two input files. An example run would be:
Main -de John.txt binaryMessage.txt.
• Do not add a package to your code. If you have a line of code at the top of your Java file
that says package <some package name; that is wrong.
• We will be checking programming style. A penalty of up to 10 points will be given for poor
programming practices (e.g. do not name your variables foo1, foo2, int1, and int2).
• Before you submit, be sure to turn your report into a PDF and name your PDF file
eid lastname firstname.pdf.
What To Submit
You should submit a single zip file titled eid lastname that contains:
•, as well as any extra .java source files you created.
• Your report in pdf form, named: eid lastname firstname.pdf.
Do not put these files in a folder before you zip them (i.e. the files should be in the root of the ZIP

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