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Assignment #2 Complex SQL queries

Assignment #2
1 Description
The goal of this assignment is to write several complex SQL queries that will answer questions about clinical
trials registered with the US government. The data is a subset of the data made available through the Clinical
Trials Transformation Initiative. The data provided is a subset of the full data set, so be sure to use the version
of the data available on the course Canvas site. It is a different subset than what was used in A1, so be sure to
get a new copy. If you are interested, you can learn more about the dataset at
1.0.1 What’s In and Out of Scope
This is intended to be a SQL query assignment. Therefore, you must write queries in SQL (not functions).
All answers must be computed by a self contained query (you may not use variables outside the query to
store values). You may use VIEWs as needed and you may use standard built-in Postgres functions (e.g.
ROUND or CASE statements). If you’re not sure if something is allowed, ask!
2 Getting Started
First, go to your database, and create the tables found in the tablesA2.sql file.
2.1 Load the data
Load the data needed for the assignment. You should do this in pgAdmin or psql. The files are provided in
the Canvas assignment. They are .sql files. You can copy & paste the contents into a pgAdmin window and
run them or use the following command in psql:
\i <filename.sql
Where <filename.sql is the name of the file you want to run. For example:
\i conditions.sql
You must use the table and attribute names provided. Do not rename anything.
3 Queries
Answer all of the questions below by writing and executing SQL queries. The queries must contain ONLY
the answer to the question (no extra rows or columns). You may need to explore the database a bit prior to
generating your final solutions.
1. Suppose we want a master list of all the contacts in the database.
(a) (5 points) Write a query that returns the all of the name, email, phone number for every entry in
the central contacts, result contacts, and facility contacts tables.
Next, modify your query to count the number of rows returned. What is the count? (submit both
queries and the count value)
(b) (3 points) Modify your query to eliminate all duplicates. What is the new count? (submit the
query and the count)
(c) (2 points) Contact Efthymios Avgerinos appears multiple times in the results. Why? Propose a
way to change the database that would reduce these types of duplications.
2. There are numerous scores and indexes used to predict mortality or other dire outcomes. One such
is a modification of the Elixhauser comorbidity measure into a score by van Walraven, et al. (See
paper in file vanWalraven-2009.pdf). Typically, this score is computed for individuals. Instead, we
are going to use it to identify the studies that appear to focus on patients with the highest mortality
risk as determined by this score.
Table scoreTerms(name, term) contains pairs of condition names and terms relevant to our data. The
conditions are gleaned from the conditions table, where there are matches for the Elixhauser / van
Walraven components. The attribute “term” groups the different conditions. In other words, there
may be multiple “name” values that map to a single “term”. This would occur if more that one
condition name falls under the criteria for that element of the score.
Table scorePoints(term, points) contains pairs of terms and point values. The term matches the term
value in the scoreTerm table. The attribute “points” contains the number of points added to the score
for the study if the term is present in the study.
For each study in the studies table, compute the van Walraven score as follows:
If any of the study’s conditions appear in the scoreTerms table, include the points associated with that
term into the score for that study. Add together all of the points from each term to compute the final
Then provide queries that answer the following questions, and give the answer:
(a) (5 points) What is the highest possible score value based on the data in scorePoints?
(b) (15 points) What the nct id and the score value for the study with the highest score in the data
(c) (10 points) How many studies have a score of 6 and have conditions that meet the ‘Neurodegenerative disorders’ term criteria?
(d) (10 points) How many studies have no risk terms? That is, none of the conditions that are listed
in the ScoreTerms table are included in the study.
(e) (10 points) What is the average number of contributing conditions and average number of terms
per study that has a non-zero score? Round to 2 decimal places
In other words, if you consider only studies where the score is not equal to zero, what is the
average number of “conditions” present that are of interest? On average, how many unique
terms do they compose? Provide your query and the results.
3. (5 points) Suppose we want to add a similar, but different score. That is, a score that also assigns points
to certain conditions. Suggest a change to the database schema to easily accommodate additional
scores. We want to minimize changes to the schema and to the queries we have already written to
compute a score based on conditions and points.
4. (5 points) Some of the point values in scorePoints are negative. Give one reason why that might be.
5. (10 points) Which other studies have all of the conditions in study NCT02789800? Note: you may
not hard-code the condition names from study NCT02789800 in your query.
6. For this question, consider ONLY the data from studies with start date of ‘2016-05-01’.
The Jaccard Index ( provides a similarity measure over sets. Compute the Jaccard Index for every pair of studies. Note that these queries
may take a while to run. Let’s compute the Jaccard Index for studies using conditions. Depending on
how you write your queries, they can take a very long time to run. So, you might give some thought
as to how to make them more efficient. Note that there is a base case for computing the Jaccard Index,
where if the number of conditions you are comparing from both studies is 0, the Jaccard index is
defined to be 1.
Note: Be careful about integer division here. If you divide two integers, you will get another integer.
In this case, we want a decimal value. I recommend using the NUMERIC data type when calculating
the Jaccard Index.
(a) (15 points) What is the average non-zero Jaccard index value in our set of studies? In other
words, if you exclude pairs for which the Jaccard index value is 0, what is the average score?
(b) (5 points) What percentage of study pairs have a Jaccard Index of 1? Provide the percentage to
2 decimal places.
4 Turnin
Create a document that contains your SQL code, as well as the results from running your code. By 11:55P
on the due date, submit this document electronically to Canvas. You must submit a text file with a .txt or
.sql extension. Other formats (such as Microsoft Word or PDF) are not acceptable. Your file should be
“executable”. That is, the TA should be able to run your code without any errors. This means that any
non-code in your file (e.g. query results) should be in comments. In Postgres, comment blocks are denoted
with a starting /* and an ending */. A single line comment is also possible, using a double dash.
5 Grading
The number of points for each query is indicated in the question. If you don’t get the right answer or your
code is not correct, you won’t get all of the points; partial credit may be given at the discretion of the grader.

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