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Assignment 2 defined syntax structure

Programming Languages
Assignment 2

In your future career some of the common tasks that you might be involved in are to analyze
logs, create utilities for generating images from text descriptions, working in a project that involve
Natural Language Processing NLP or write interpreters and compilers for new programming languages,
and some others. These are all applications that will require you to write a parser for a file based on a
specific structure to complete the task. This can be a tedious task, but fortunately there are more efficient
ways to auto generate a parser.
By completing this assignment, you will practice how to write a grammar that parse a file based
on a defined syntax structure. You will practice the use of a popular parser and laxer tool (ANTLR) that
is widely used by professionals. It auto generates a parser and a lexer in different languages based on
your target language (e.g. Java, Python, C# and JavaScript). You can use the generated lexer and parser
by invoking them in different applications. Therefore, for your projects that will need a parser, you don’t
have to write that code and just focus your efforts on having a correct grammar file.
Skills you gain after completing this assignment:
• You will understand how different programming language detect the syntax errors
• You will learn how to write a grammar for a file based on defined syntax structure
• You will practice how to use ANTLR parser generator that helps you to create parsers.
You are given the following Program.txt file (download the file). This file has a sample code for new
programming Languages, the code is trying to do some mathematical calculation for a function
parameter using particular programming syntax structure. Please write a Grammar using ANTLR4 for
parsing the code and its tokens.
add <- function(x, y)
return(x + y)
subtract <- function(x, y)
return(x - y)
multiply <- function(x, y)
return(x * y)
divide <- function(x, y)
return(x / y)
countdown <- function(from)
from <- from - 1

The following figures (in page 3) shows the expected output of a parse tree for the given program format. It also
can be accessed as .pdf and .svg file where you can zoom in and out for readability.
Please note: your Grammar needs to parse the file same way as it has been given to you. Don’t change the .txt file
What to Submit
1. Please submit your grammar as a g4 file via CANVAS and
2. Provide a sample screenshot for the parse tree you generated via CANVAS.
How it will be graded
To get a full grade you must provide a correct grammar that generate an AST same as the provided one. Your
grammar shouldn’t be ambiguous. For every missing or incorrect define rule some points will be deducted.
Useful Tips
1. Remember ANTLR resolves an ambiguity by choosing the first alternative in the grammar, so the order
of the rules does matter.
2. Steps to run ANTRL and have the GUI parse tree
a. In your cmd wind navigate to the file where you have the grammar (.g4) file and the Program.txt
b. use the antlr4 program to generate the files that your program will actually use, such as the lexer
and the parser
antlr4 <options <grammar-file-g4
c. compile lexer and parser
javac <grammar-file*.java
d. You can optionally test your grammar using a little utility named TestRig (although, as we have
seen, it’s usually aliased to grun).
grun <grammar-name <rule-to-test <input-filename(s)
Example ANTLR Grammar File
You probably noticed that there’s a mix of lower- and upper-case words in the grammar. Lower cased words are
parser expressions, UPPER CASE words are lexer expressions. It is important to understand that the whole
parsing is happening in two phases;
1. the lexer creates the token stream and the parser
2. then builds the AST from this token stream.
If your grammar is ambiguous the lexer might interpret a token wrong and then you’ll see the parser complain
about receiving an unexpected token while in fact it was the lexing stage where this went wrong.
grammar Expr;
/** The start rule; begin parsing here. */
prog: stat+ ;
stat: expr NEWLINE
| ID '=' expr NEWLINE
expr: expr ('*'|'/') expr
| expr ('+'|'-') expr
| ID
| '(' expr ')'
ID : [a-zA-Z]+ ; // match identifiers <label id="code.tour.expr.3"/
INT : [0-9]+ ; // match integers
NEWLINE:'\r'? '\n' ; // return newlines to parser (is end-statement signal)
WS : [ \t]+ - skip ; // toss out whitespace
Parser rules

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