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Assignment 2: 3D Modeling & Transformations

CS680 A1 Graduate Introduction to Computer Graphics (Fall 2021) Assignments
Upload Assignment: Programming Assignment 2: 3D Modeling &
Points Possible
1. Overview
Basic Requirements
1. TODO 1 in "": please implement your own
geometric object classes that later its instances add up to be
your creatures. In addition to the cube class we provide you,
you could also consider building the geometric object with
GLU functions: Cylinder, Cone(no caps), Sphere, Disk Please
create another .py file to write your needed geometric object
classes other than cube.
This programming assignment is meant to acquaint you with 3D
modeling and model transformation. You will implement a creature
model and make it move by performing transformations on its joints.
You will also need to submit a simple reference image or concept
drawing with your code.
Before coding, please have a look at file ""(TOREAD
1): we recommend calling functions in the Component class in your
keyboard event functions to make the joint/body of your creature
move. Please be patient and have a look at what the Component
class provides to make your creature move during running the
After reading the code in the "" file, you should start
implementing certain features in certain blocks/files in the skeleton
TODO 2 in "": please implement your own
creature class by mimicking the form of the ModelLinkage
class. You will need to create a few instances of what'd been
defined in TODO 1 and connected them as a whole. Use
them to construct a 3D insect, spider, or scorpion model from
cylinders and/or ellipsoids. The model need not be
anatomically accurate, but each limb should have at least
three joints. You can model the body as a single ellipsoid. You
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6. TODO 6 in "": Implement an eye that always looks
at the position of the mouse when no rotation of the camera is
performed. An eye should consists of movable pupil and still
Extra Credits
7. BONUS1 in "": Implement the texture
mapping that binds texture images to your geometric objects.
8. BONUS2 in "": Use quaternion to implement eyeball
Programming Style
9. For any modified or newly added source file, you should
include a brief explanation about what you did in this file in
the file heading and add your name to the author list. Your
code should be readable with sufficient comments. You
should use consistent variable naming and keep reasonable
indentation. In python, we prefer to use reStructuredText
format docstring, for more details about this format, please
check here.
Model Requirements
• at least 6 limbs required (tails and wings count)
• each limb must have at least 3 joints
• at least two colors should be used
• at least two shape types must be used
need to figure out how to use hierarchy structure to store
components and set them in proper position through chaining
transformation. Remember to modularize your design to one
class (e.g. like in example code), you might need to
reuse them in next programming assignment.
TODO 3 in "": After building your body and limb
classes, you need to create the instances of them in -> __init__() method.
TODO 4 in "" or "": Set up the joint
behaviors of your creature after finishing TODO 3. Please
refer to TOREAD 1 to see what functions are already
available to you. Limit the angles at each joint within
reasonable ranges so that creature's legs, neck, head and
any other parts don't intersect or bend in unnatural ways! The
orientation of joint rotations for the left and right limbs should
mirror each other. Gimbal lock should be avoided.
TODO 5 in "": Set up the keyboard events which
could make your creature act. Please also add a multi-select
feature to the interface, so you can control several joints at
the same time. Also please set up 5 different poses for your
creatures as test cases. After that, please check your
keyboard events and test cases to see if they work as
expected and satisfy our requirements.
In addition to roughly following the reference image/drawing you will
provide, your model should be suitably complex:
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• a pair of opposing limbs must be present (to test mirrored
2. Resources
2.1 Start code
2.2 Environment Setup
2.3 User Interface
• ENTER/RETURN: Cycle through components
• LEFT-ARROW, RIGHT-ARROW: Iterate through different
rotation axis for the currently selected component
• UP-ARROW, mouse SCROLL-UP: Increase selected
component's rotation angle along the selected axis
• DOWN-ARROW, mouse SCROLL-DOWN: Decrease
selected component's rotation angle along the selected axis
• mouse Left-Drag: change the viewing angle
• r: reset the viewing angle
• R: reset everything in the scene
2.4 Demo
A Python Program skeleton, which includes basic classes,
methods, and main pipeline, is provided for you. You are expected to
complete the sketch program by completing/modifying
There are comments in the skeleton code that will help guide you in
writing your own subroutines. Some of them are noted as "TODO" or
"BONUS" which suggest you should complete the corresponding
Installing the appropriate programming environment should be
covered in a lab session. For more step-by-step instructions, please
check the environment setup page.
The user interface to the program is provided through mouse
buttons and keyboard keys:
After modifications, your interface may be different from the example
program provided here. Don't forget to add a multi-select feature so
multiple joints can be changed simultaneously.
We prepare a demo video for you. Even though the "creature" in the
video doesn't fully satisfy our requirements, this is still good to show
how the multi-select works and what will be like if you set the
rotation limit correctly.
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3. Submission (due by 11:59 PM, Tuesday, 10/12)
3.1 Source Code
3.2 Demo
3.3 Reference image or drawing
4. Grading
3D Creature model constructed satisfies requirements for shapes, hierarchies, and color
Proper rotation at the joints
Limit rotation so that limbs do not bend in unnatural ways
Your predefined 5 creature poses work properly
The creature design is similar to your reference image/drawing
Eye movement
Eye movement with quaternions
Texture mapping
Programming style (See Assignments > General Guidelines)
5. Code Distribution Policy
Your program's source files are to be submitted electronically on
Gradescope. Please wrap everything in your project folder to a zip
file and submit it. The code you submit should conform to the
program assignment guidelines.
Part of your grade for this programming assignment will be based on
your giving a short demo (5 minutes) during the CS480/680
scheduled labs following the assignment due date. You will be
expected to talk about how your program works.
Please submit a reference image or drawing of your design. This
can be relatively simple, and is simply to motivate some modeling
with intent.
You acknowledge this code is only for the course learning purpose.
You should never distribute any part of this assignment, especially
the completed version, to any publicly accessible website or open
repository without our permission. Keep the code in your local
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computer or private repository is allowed. You should never share,
sell, gift or copy the code in any format with any other person without
our permission.
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