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Assignment 2 A Tokimon handler

CMPT 213 Assignment 2

A Tokimon handler is a person who trains and cares for Tokimons. Their job is to coordinate a
team of Tokimons and gather their strengths. Each team’s members and their relative
compatibility is kept in a JSON file much like the one that is given as part of this assignment.
Each JSON file corresponds to one Tokimon in the database and gives information about their
compatibility to the team as well as to each member of their team. Note that compatibility
scores are not symmetric. For example, Toki1’s compatibility score towards Toki2 may not
necessarily be the same as Toki2’s compatibility score to Toki1.
Your task in this assignment is to create a program which finds all JSON files in a folder and
processes them to create the teams. It then generates a .CSV file which a handler can look at
and evaluate each team’s strengths and weaknesses.
Technical Requirements:
• You must create an object-oriented system of your own design. You must have at least 3
non-trivial classes by the time you are done. Each class should demonstrate strong
cohesion: the class has one guiding purpose, and all methods and fields of the class fit
well in the class.
• Put all your classes in the package ca.cmpt213.as2 (this helps with marking).
• Your code must conform to the programming style guide (available in the resources
section of the course website). All classes must have class-level JavaDoc comments
describing the purpose of the class.
Collecting Inputs:
• Your main class (the class that contains your main() function) must be called
• The main class accepts two arguments:
1. Path to the directory containing the input .JSON files.
2. Path to the output directory where the generated .csv will be placed.
If an invalid number of command line arguments is supplied (too many or too few),
then print out what arguments are expected and exit the program. If the input folder
(for .JSON files) or the output folder (for the generated .csv file) do not exist, then print
an error message and exit. You may assume that each argument contains no spaces.
• Search the input folder (recursively) for any JSON files and read them into your
program. You must use a FileFilter object for filtering the files found by
File.listFiles(). You may use any approach you like for reading JSON files. I
recommend using the GSON library. JSON files end in the .json extension, case
insensitive. Other files must be ignored. You may assume that JSON input files have the
same format as the ones supplied with this assignment. Spacing in a JSON file is
arbitrary but it must conform to some basic rules:
• The first Tokimon mentioned in the JSON file refers to the Tokimon that this file is
about. The rest of the Tokimons (if any), are its teammates.
• Generate an error if any of the following errors occur:
1. Incorrect number of arguments provided to program.
2. Input folder does not exist.
3. No JSON files are found. Bad JSON file format or missing required fields. It is OK
to not check if file has extra fields.
4. Any score is less than 0.
• If there are any errors with the input data then: Display a message stating the error,
Display the filename and path of the problematic JSON file (if applicable), and Exit the
program with exit code -1, without creating any output files. It is OK to display multiple
errors before exiting (if multiple problems with input data detected).
Organizing the data:
• Analyze the data from each Tokimon’s JSON file to recreate the teams (i.e., infer who is
teamed up with whom based on who is in their JSON file). Note that each Tokimon’s
JSON input file has an entry for not only themselves, but also each other teammate.
• Teaming algorithm: Tokimon S belongs to team T if team T already contains another
Tokimon R such that R has an association to S. If a Tokimon S belongs to no existing
teams, place that Tokimon in a new team.
• Errors:
• It is an error if Tokimon S is mentioned in feedback by Tokimons who are in two
different teams. (i.e., S can only be a member of one team).
• It is an error if any Tokimon who is mentioned in the feedback of another
Tokimon in the team fails to submit a JSON feedback file.
• It is an error if any Tokimon in a team does not provide feedback about all other
Tokimons in that team.
• If Tokimon S is already in a team, it is an error if S’s property does not match its
existing recorded properties. For example, if S was defined to have name “Toki1”,
it cannot later have name “Toki2” in another JSON file; this is an error.
• In the event of an error: Display a message stating the error, Display the filename
and path of the problematic JSON file (when possible), and Exit the program with
exit code -1, without creating any output files. It is OK to display multiple errors
before exiting if multiple problems are found.
• Note: Two Tokimons are the same if they have the same id field. Ignore spaces
at the start of end of an id (hint String’s trim() function) Comparison is case
insensitive (hint String’s equalsIgnoreCase() function).
Outputting the data:
Generate a comma separated value file (.csv) which contains the following columns.
• For each team, generate a one row header that just says “Team 1” or “Team 2” (indexed
• For each Tokimon S in the team:
• Generate one row for each other Tokimon R in the team. This row should list the
id of S, the id of R, the compatibility score from S to R, and any comment from S
to R. Generate one row showing the compatibility score S to the team, the
comment from S to the team, and showing S’s extra comments.
• Output Format Constraints
• Use the following for the column headings in your CSV file:
Team#, From Toki, To Toki, Score, Comment, , Extra
• Sorting: Inside the teams, output Tokimons in alphabetical order (sorted by
lower-case id).
• See sample output for further details
Column description:
• Team Number - This column only has data for the “header” row for each team.
• From Toki – the id of Tokimon S. The source Tokimon.
• To Toki – the id of “other” Tokimon R. For the rows that display S’s own compatibility
score, display “-”.
• Score - Compatibility Score to the from Tokimon S to Tokimon R. Display as a floatingpoint number with 1 digit after the decimal point.
• Comment - Display the comment associated with this row (from Tokimon S to Tokimon
• Extra – The extra comment property of each Tokimon.
Marking Scheme:
Coming Soon …
Submit a zip file of your project (according to the directions outlined in the assignments link of
the course website) to the coursys server.
Your project must:
• Import external dependencies (such as GSON) via Maven, or else included them in your
• Generate a JAR file as part of the build process.
Please note: all submissions are automatically checked for similarities of all other submissions on
the server.

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