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Assignment 2 (A2) Genetic Algorithms

Assignment 2 (A2)
Genetic Algorithms
General Info
10 Point Individual Assignment

Learning Objective
This assignment satisfies learning objective 2 (LO2) as specified in the syllabus. You will apply
conceptual knowledge of core AI concepts by implementing AI algorithms, analyzing existing
intelligent systems (including humans), and using existing AI tools to solve problems.
Getting Help
We want these projects to be rewarding and instructional, not frustrating and demoralizing. But,
we don't know when or how to help unless you ask. If you find yourself stuck on something,
contact us via Piazza or come by the office hours. If you can't make our office hours, let us know
and we will be happy to schedule alternate times.
You should submit the deliverables on Gradescope under Assignment 2. If you encounter any
difficulties during the submission process please contact us via email and also include a copy of
your submission files before the deadline.
You need to submit four files named exactly as follows:,, bestStrategy.txt and
This assignment has two parts, both are required. The first part has you implement a basic
Genetic Algorithm, the second has you apply what you have learned to a more complex
environment, experiment with it, and analyse the results. Be sure to read both parts before
beginning. If your code for Part 1 is general enough, you can reuse a lot of it for Part 2.
Note: The experiments in Part 2 can take a while to run. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time.
Skeleton Code
You can download the skeleton code from Canvas - “”. This
assignment uses Python3. You may use NumPy, as well as standard libraries such as random.
Part 1 [5pts]
In this assignment, you will implement a simple genetic algorithm to maximise the number of ‘1’s
in a bit string. A genome will be a bitstring. Selection will be performed using
fitness-proportionate selection (roulette-wheel sampling). We will use single point crossover,
and mutation will be characterized as flipping a bit. If you need a reminder for each of the
stages, Figure 4.6 in Russell and Norvig (and the Slides) provides a good overview.
The goal is for the bitstring to be all ones. We will use the following fitness function to reach the
f(x) = number of ones in x, where x is a genome of length 20.
Eg. [01001110011001101000] would have a fitness of 9.
Implementation [3pts]:
To make implementing your GA easier, we have provided skeleton code in In order to
complete the first part of the assignment you should implement the following functions:
● randomGenome(length) returns a random genome (bit string) of a given length.
● makePopulation(size, length) returns a new randomly created population of the
specified size, represented as a list of genomes of the specified length.
● fitness(genome) returns the fitness value of a genome.
● evaluateFitness(population) returns a pair of values: the average fitness of the
population as a whole and the fitness of the best individual in the population.
● crossover(genome1, genome2) returns two new genomes produced by crossing over
the given genomes at a random crossover point.
● mutate(genome, mutationRate) returns a new mutated version of the given genome.
● selectPair(population) selects and returns two genomes from the given population
using fitness-proportionate selection. This function should use weightedChoice to select
each genome. weightedChoice is already provided and takes two arguments, the list of
genomes, and a list of weights, in this case the weights can be the associated fitness for
each genome.
There are tests for each of these functions at the end of the skeleton code, simply uncomment
as you go to experiment with each. We can't guarantee that this program will detect all possible
bugs that may exist in your code, but it should catch the most egregious ones. Once you have
implemented each of the above functions, you will then implement the function below:
● runGA(populationSize, crossoverRate, mutationRate, logFile="") is the main GA
program, which takes the population size, crossover rate (pc
), and mutation rate (pm
) as
parameters. The optional logFile parameter is a string specifying the name of a text file
in which to store the data generated by the GA for plotting purposes. When the GA
terminates, this function should return the generation at which the string of all ones was
found. The GA should run for 50 generations or until the string of all ones is found. If no
solution is found, return None.
Your GA program should print out, on each generation cycle, the fitness of the best individual in
the current population and the average fitness of the population as a whole. It should also give
the user the option of recording this output data in a text file. This will enable you to plot the
results of each run for easy comparison.
Here is an example of the type of output your program should produce:
runGA(100, 0.7, 0.001, "run1.txt")
Population size: 100
Genome length: 20
Generation 0: average fitness 10.07, best fitness 15.00
Generation 1: average fitness 10.91, best fitness 15.00
Generation 2: average fitness 11.45, best fitness 16.00
Generation 3: average fitness 12.02, best fitness 16.00
Generation 18: average fitness 16.09, best fitness 19.00
Generation 19: average fitness 16.38, best fitness 20.00
Results saved in file run1.txt
The contents of the resulting text file run1.txt should look something like this:
0 10.07 15.00
1 10.91 15.00
2 11.45 16.00
3 12.02 16.00
18 16.09 19.00
19 16.38 20.00
In your report [2pts]:
1. Perform 50 runs with the parameters listed below, measure the average generation at
which the string of all ones is discovered, report this as well as the minimum and the
maximum. Use the following parameters:
population size 100,
single-point crossover rate pc = 0.7,
bitwise mutation rate pm = 0.001.
Single-point crossover rate (pc
) is the probability
that after selecting two genomes, you will perform
single point crossover as shown to the right. In
other words, you will only do a cross over 70% of the time.
Mutation rate tells us the probability that a bit will be flipped within the genome. For
example if mutation rate was 1, all of the bits of a genome would be flipped every time.
2. Select a random 5 of the above runs and produce a line plot of average fitness of each
of the five populations over time. This should result in one line plotted for each of the five
runs all shown on the same graph. Generation should be on the x-axis and average
fitness on the y-axis. Make sure the graph is appropriately labeled. Discuss what you
notice across all five runs, note the similarities and differences.
3. Perform the same experiment with crossover turned off (pc = 0).Describe the effect on
the algorithm and provide an explanation.
4. Do similar experiments, systematically varying the mutation and crossover rates, and
population size, to see how the variations affect the average time required for the GA to
find the optimal string (if at all). Be careful to only vary one thing at a time, so that you
can draw a meaningful conclusion from your simulations. In the report, write a
description of your experiments. Write a brief summary (1 page max) of your
experiments including which parameters produced the quickest solution and the effect of
your changes on GA performance. Include data (graphics etc) to back up your claims.
Part 2 [5pts]
Now it’s time to look at a more complicated environment. In this part, you will implement a
genetic algorithm to evolve control strategies for Robby the Robot, as described in Chapter 9 of
Complexity: A Guided Tour by Melanie Mitchell (available in the assignment folder on Canvas),
A control strategy will be represented as a string of characters that code for the following robot
● 0 = MoveNorth
● 1 = MoveSouth
● 2 = MoveEast
● 3 = MoveWest
● 4 = StayPut
● 5 = PickUpCan
● 6 = MoveRandom
Robby’s reward is increased when Robby picks up a soda can, and decreased if Robby hits a
wall. The job of your GA is to evolve a good control strategy that maximizes Robby's average
cumulative reward as it collects empty soda cans for 200 time steps.
Your GA will maintain a population of genomes representing control strategies. Each genome
will be a 243-character string specifying the action that Robby should take for every possible
situation it might find itself in. Robby's "situation" will be encoded as a 5-character percept string
specifying what Robby currently sees in their immediate vicinity. For example, the string
'WECWC' means there is a wall to the north, an empty grid cell to the south, a soda can to the
east, another wall to the west, and a soda can in Robby's own grid cell.
Each percept string corresponds to a unique code number in the range 0-242, which indicates
the (0-based) index number of the situation, for more details on this check out page 132 in the
chapter noted above. We will use mainly use the percept codes in our problem rather than the
In this environment, there are 243 distinct situations the robot can find themselves in, each of
these is represented by a percept string (e.g. ‘WECWC’) and the index of that string (e.g. 240)
called the perceptCode. A genome is a string of length 243, comprising of numbers from 0-6
inclusive, each number represents an action and the position in the string tells us when that
action should be performed (e.g. If the percept code is 240, robby will perform the action
described by the 240th gene of the genome). For example, if the genome were all 0’s, in any
given situation the Robot would move north.
We will use rank selection (described more below), single point crossover, and mutation
which will be characterized as randomly replacing one or more characters in the string.
Robby's World
We have already provided a simulator for Robby’s world in the skeleton code in the folder
named robby.
IMPORTANT: Do not put your Python file or any other files inside the folder. Just make sure the
folder is in the same location as your program file. You should not modify any of the code in this
You’ll note at the top of the following lines
import robby
rw = robby.World(10, 10)
This handles the setup of the simulator
To interact with the world, you can use the following commands, a full list of commands is
shown at the end of this document. :
● rw.getCurrentPosition() returns the current 0-based row, column position of Robby in
the grid.
● rw.getPercept() returns the percept string specifying what Robby currently sees to the
North, South, East, West, and Here.
● rw.getPerceptCode() returns the code number of the current percept string as an
integer in the range 0-242.
● rw.performAction(action) causes Robby to perform the specified action, where action
is one of the strings "MoveNorth", "MoveSouth", "MoveEast", "MoveWest", "StayPut",
"PickUpCan", or "MoveRandom".
● rw.graphicsOff(message="") turns off the graphics. This is useful for simulating many
actions at high speed when evaluating the fitness of a strategy. The optional message
string will be displayed while the graphics are turned off.
● rw.demo(strategy, steps=200, init=0.50) turns on the graphics and demos a strategy
for the specified number of simulation steps (default 200) with a randomized soda can
density of init (default 0.50). Optionally, init can be a string specifying the name of a grid
world configuration file created with the save command.
● rw.strategyM is a string representing the hand-coded strategy M created by Melanie
Mitchell, as described in the handout.
○ For example, you can watch strategy M in action by typing the command
rw.demo(rw.strategyM) at the Python prompt.
Setting up your GA [2pts]
Enter all your code in, notice how the skeleton code has all the same functions.
Depending on your implementation, you may be able to reuse code from Part 1.
● randomGenome(length) should now return a string of the numbers 0-6
● fitness(genome) - This function should return the average total reward accumulated
during a cleaning session when following the strategy. This should be averaged over 25
sessions. Strategies can have negative fitness.
● Hint: rw.performAction(action) returns the reward value of a certain action
● Hint: You may want to look at the code for rw.demo, this can get you started on how to
simulate a cleaning session. For computing fitness, be sure to turn of the graphics to
increase speed.
● Hint you may change the function parameters within your GA to improve efficiency.
For this part, you should use rank selection when selecting genomes for crossover and
mutation. Many control strategies can have negative fitness values, which would cause
problems with fitness-proportionate selection (see slides for details).
To implement rank selection, first calculate the fitness of each genome in the population. Then
sort the genomes by their fitness values (whether positive or negative), in increasing order from
lowest to highest fitness. The selection weight of a genome will be its rank number from 1
(lowest) to 200 (highest), instead of the fitness value itself. This will impact the selectPair
We have provided a function sortByFitness to aid you in rank selection. Note this is likely not
the most efficient way to do this, you may want to adjust this function to improve the speed of
your program.
We recommend using the following initial parameters for your GA:
● Population size: 100
● Crossover rate: 1.0 (meaning 100% probability of single-point crossover)
● Mutation rate: 0.005
● 200 actions per cleaning session
● Number of generations: 300
Experiments [3pts]
Run your GA for a total of 300 generations. Every 10 generations, your GA should record the
best strategy from the current population, along with the strategy's fitness value in an output file
called GAoutput.txt. More specifically, each line of the file should contain four items separated
by whitespace, in the following order:
(1) the generation number,
(2) the average fitness of the whole population for this generation,
(3) the fitness value of the best strategy of this generation,
(4) the best strategy itself.
You may also want to have your GA periodically demo the best strategy found so far (every 10
or 20 generations, for example). That way, as the evolution proceeds, you can watch Robby's
progress as it learns to clean up the environment.
You should also experiment with different GA settings (population size, number of generations,
crossover and mutation rates, etc.) to see how quickly your GA can discover a really good
Save the best strategy your GA found in a text file called bestStrategy.txt for submission
In your report:
● Write a 1-2 page summary of your experiments, including the GA parameter settings that
produced the best strategy.
● You should discuss how efficient the GA is as well as the variation between experiments.
● Be sure to use evidence (screenshots, graphs, etc) to back your claims.
APPENDIX 1 : Robby World Commands
● rw.getCurrentPosition() returns the current 0-based row, column position of Robby in
the grid.
● rw.getPercept() returns the percept string specifying what Robby currently sees to the
North, South, East, West, and Here.
● rw.getPerceptCode() returns the code number of the current percept string as an
integer in the range 0-242.
● rw.distributeCans(density=0.50) randomly distributes soda cans throughout the world,
with 0 < density < 1 specifying the probability of a can occupying a grid cell. The default
value is 0.50.
● rw.goto(row, column) moves Robby to the specified grid location.
● rw.performAction(action) causes Robby to perform the specified action, where action
is one of the strings "MoveNorth", "MoveSouth", "MoveEast", "MoveWest", "StayPut",
"PickUpCan", or "MoveRandom". The following abbreviations are provided for
○ rw.north() = rw.performAction("MoveNorth")
○ rw.south() = rw.performAction("MoveSouth")
○ rw.east() = rw.performAction("MoveEast")
○ rw.west()= rw.performAction("MoveWest")
○ rw.stay()= rw.performAction("StayPut")
○ rw.grab()= rw.performAction("PickUpCan")
○ rw.random()= rw.performAction("MoveRandom")
○ rw.look()= rw.getPercept()
● rw.graphicsOff(message="") turns off the graphics. This is useful for simulating many
actions at high speed when evaluating the fitness of a strategy. The optional message
string will be displayed while the graphics are turned off.
● rw.graphicsOn() turns the graphics back on, and updates the grid to reflect the current
state of the world.
● prints out a non-graphical representation of the current state of the world.
● rw.demo(strategy, steps=200, init=0.50) turns on the graphics and demos a strategy
for the specified number of simulation steps (default 200) with a randomized soda can
density of init (default 0.50). Optionally, init can be a string specifying the name of a grid
world configuration file created with the save command.
● saves the current grid world configuration as a text file, where
filename is a string.
● rw.load(filename) loads a grid world configuration from a text file, where filename is a
● rw.strategyM is a string representing the hand-coded strategy M created by Melanie
Mitchell, as described in the handout.
APPENDIX 2 : Scoring Rubric
The scoring rubric for your report is based on the Kentucky General Scoring Rubric from the
Kentucky Department of Education (KDE).
Score Description
Category 4
● The student completes all important components of the task and
communicates ideas clearly.
● The student demonstrates in-depth understanding of the relevant
concepts and/or process.
● Where appropriate, the student chooses more efficient and/or
sophisticated processes.
● Where appropriate, the student offers insightful interpretations or
extensions (generalizations, applications, analogies).
Category 3
● The student completes most important components of the task and
communicates clearly.
● The student demonstrates an understanding of major concepts even
though he/she overlooks or misunderstands some less important ideas
or details.
Category 2
● The student completes some important components of the task and
communicates those clearly.
● The student demonstrates that there are gaps in his/her conceptual
Category 1
● The student shows minimal understanding.
● The student addresses only a small portion of the required task(s).
Category 0
(Score 0)
● Response is totally incorrect or irrelevant.
(Score 0)
● No response.

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