Assignment 2: An Undoable List
> In software, 'undo' erases our mistakes; in life, mistakes craft our story.
> Imagine the tales we'd lose with a real-life *Ctrl*+*Z*. -- *ChatGPT*
In this assignment, your task is to add an *undo* feature to a string list.
To start, here's a working class called [Stringlist](Stringlist.h) that
implements a string list as a dynamic array.
[Stringlist_test.cpp](Stringlist_test.cpp) has tests for all the methods in
`Stringlist` has one unimplemented method:
// Undoes the last operation that modified the list. Returns true if a
// change was undone.
// If there is nothing to undo, does nothing and returns false.
bool undo()
cout << "Stringlist::undo: not yet implemented\n";
return false;
Your job is to implement `undo`, thus making `Stringlist` an *undoable* list.
Your implementation must follow these rules:
- Do **not** delete any methods, or change the *signatures* of any methods, in
[Stringlist](Stringlist.h). You **can** change the *implementation* of
existing methods if necessary. But they should still work the same way: **your
finished version of `Stringlist` with `undo` implemented must still pass all
the tests in [Stringlist_test.cpp](Stringlist_test.cpp)**.
- You **can** add other helper methods or variables (public or private),
functions, and classes/structs to [Stringlist.h](Stringlist.h) if you need
- You **must** implement `undo()` using a *private stack* that is accessible
only inside the `Stringlist` class. **Implement the stack yourself as a
singly-linked or doubly-linked list**. Do **not** use arrays, vectors, or any
other data structure for your stack.
- Do **not** use any other #includes or #pragmas in [Stringlist.h](Stringlist.h)
beyond the ones already there.
When it's done, you'll be able to write code like this:
#include "Stringlist.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
Stringlist lst;
cout << lst << endl; // {}
cout << lst << endl; // {"one", "two", "three"}
cout << lst << endl; // {"one", "two"}
cout << lst << endl; // {"one"}
cout << lst << endl; // {}
## Getting Started with `StringList`
To start,
[download all the files for this assignment](https://github.com/tjd1234/cmpt225fall2023/tree/main/assignments/a2)
to your computer, and then compile and run
[Stringlist_test.cpp](Stringlist_test.cpp) to make sure it runs without error:
> make Stringlist_test
g++ -std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wfatal-errors -Wno-sign-compare -Wnon-virtual-dtor -g Stringlist_test.cpp -o Stringlist_test
> valgrind ./Stringlist_test
... test output ...
Running your program with `valgrind` is important, since it will help you find
memory leaks, and other memory-related errors.
> **Note** There should be *no* errors when you run this test program! If you
> have any, double-check that you are running exactly the correct file, and
> using the correct compiler version, correct options, and correct
> [makefile](makefile).
## Designing the Undo Stack
As mentioned above, you must implement `undo()` using at least one *private
stack* implemented as a linked list inside the `Stringlist` class. You can
modify `Stringlist` only as described above.
The main idea for how undo works is that every time `Stringlist` is modified by
a method that can be undone, it *pushes* the *inverse* operation on the top of
an undo stack. When `undo()` is called, it *pops* the top of the stack and
applies that operation to the list, thus undoing the most recent operation.
**Important** All the methods in [Stringlist](Stringlist.h) marked "undoable"
should work with `undo()`. Note that `undo()` itself **cannot** be undone.
Here are some examples of how specific methods should work.
### Undoing `insert_before`
Suppose `lst` is `{"dog", "cat", "tree"}`, and you call
`lst.insert_before(3, "hat")`, making it `{"dog", "cat", "tree", "hat"}`.
It should push the operation *remove string at index 3* on the undo stack.
You could store it as a short `string` command, e.g. `REMOVE 3`. If you now
call `lst.undo()`, the `REMOVE 3` command on top of the stack is popped and
applied to the list, e.g. the string at index 3 is removed, leaving the list
in the state it was in before calling `insert_before`: `{"dog", "cat", "tree"}`.
In code:
// lst == {"dog", "cat", "tree"}
lst.insert_before(3, "hat");
// lst == {"dog", "cat", "tree", "hat"}
// lst == {"dog", "cat", "tree"}
lst.insert_before(1, "shoe");
// lst == {"dog", "shoe", "cat", "tree"}
// lst == {"dog", "cat", "tree"}
### Undoing `set`
For `set`, suppose that `lst` is `{"yellow", "green", " red cat ", "orange"}`, and so
`lst.get(2)` returns `" red cat "`. If you call `lst.set(2, "cow")`, then you should
push the operation *set location 2 to `"red"`* onto the undo stack, and then
over-write location 2 with `"cow"`. You could format the operation like
`"SET 2 red cat "`. Calling `lst.undo()` pops the top command of the stack and
applies it to the list, e.g. the string at index 2 is set to `" red cat "` and the
list is in the state it was in before calling `set`:
`{"yellow", "green", " red cat ", "orange"}`.
In code:
// lst == {"yellow", "green", " red cat ", "orange"}
lst.set(2, "cow");
// lst == {"yellow", "green", "cow", "orange"}
// lst == {"yellow", "green", " red cat ", "orange"}
### Undoing `remove_at`
For `remove_at`, suppose `lst` is `{"dog", " pink cat ", "tree"}`. If you call
`lst.remove_at(1)`, you should then push the operation *insert `" pink cat "` at index 1*
onto the stack, and then remove the string at index 1 so it becomes
`{"dog", " pink cat ", "tree"}`. You could format the operation as `"INSERT 1 pink cat "`.
If you now call `lst.undo()`, the command on top of the stack is popped and
applied to the list, e.g. the string `" pink cat "` is inserted at index 1, and the
list is in the state it was in before calling `remove_at`: `{"dog", " pink cat ", "tree"}`.
In code:
// lst == {"dog", " pink cat ", "tree"}
// lst == {"dog", "tree"}
// lst == {"dog", " pink cat ", "tree"}
### Undoing `operator=`
For `operator=`, suppose `lst1` is `{"dog", "cat", "tree"}`, and `lst2` is
`{"yellow", "green", "red", "orange"}`. If you call `lst1 = lst2;`, then you
should push the command *set `lst1` to `{"dog", "cat", "tree"}`* onto the stack,
and then assign `lst1` to `lst2`. Calling `lst1.undo()` pops the command on top
of the stack and applies it to the list, e.g. `lst1` is set to the state it was
in before calling `operator=`: `{"dog", "cat", "tree"}`.
In code:
// lst1 == {"dog", "cat", "tree"}
// lst2 == {"yellow", "green", "red", "orange"}
lst1 = lst2;
// lst1 == {"yellow", "green", "red", "orange"}
// lst2 == {"yellow", "green", "red", "orange"}
// lst1 == {"dog", "cat", "tree"}
// lst2 == {"yellow", "green", "red", "orange"}
As this shows, when you undo `operator=`, the *entire* list of strings is
restored in *one* call to `undo()`.
**Important** notes:
- If `lst1` and `lst2` are different objects, then when `lst2` is assigned to
`lst1` just the underlying string array of `lst2` is copied to `lst1`. The
`lst1` undo stack is updated so that it can undo the assignment. The undo
stack of `lst2` is *not* copied, and `lst2` is not modified in any away.
- *Self-assignment* is when you assign a list to itself, e.g. `lst1 = lst1;`. In
this case, *nothing* happens to `lst1`. Both its string data and undo stack
are left as-is.
### Undoing `remove_all`
For `remove_all`, suppose `lst` is `{"dog", "cat", "tree"}`. If you call
`lst.remove_all()`, then you should push the operation *set `lst1` to
`{"dog", "cat", "tree"}`* onto the stack, and then remove all the strings from `lst`
(i.e. its size is 0). Calling `lst1.undo()` pops the command on top of the stack
and applies it to the list, e.g. `lst` is set to `{"dog", "cat", "tree"}` and
the list is in the state it was in before calling `remove_all`:
`{"dog", "cat", "tree"}`.
In code:
// lst == {"dog", "cat", "tree"}
// lst == {}
// lst == {"dog", "cat", "tree"}
Notice how *all* the strings are restored in a single call to `undo()`.
It `lst` is empty, it works like this:
// lst == {}
// lst == {}
// lst == {}
### Undoing Other Methods
`undo()` should undo all the other methods in [Stringlist](Stringlist.h) that
are marked "undoable" in the source code comments.
As mentioned above, `undo()` is *not* undoable.
### Testing Your Code
It's important to test your code as you go. In [a2_test.cpp](a2_test.cpp), write
code to test your `Stringlist` undo method. Compile and run it like this:
❯ make a2_test
g++ -std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wfatal-errors -Wno-sign-compare -Wnon-virtual-dtor -g a2_test.cpp -o a2_test
> ./a2_test
... testing output ...
You should test *at least* the examples given above, plus every other function
that can be undone. Follow the testing style in
[Stringlist_test.cpp](Stringlist_test.cpp) and use `assert`s or `if`-statements
to automatically test your code.
## What to Submit
When you're done, submit just your [Stringlist.h](Stringlist.h) on Canvas. Don't
submit anything else.
## Grading
The marker will compile and run your program on Ubuntu Linux using
[makefile](makefile) and a command like this:
> make a2_test
g++ -std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wfatal-errors -Wno-sign-compare -Wnon-virtual-dtor -g a2_test.cpp -o a2_test
> ./a2_test
... testing output ...
> valgrind ./a2_test
... valgrind output ...
The markers `a2_test.cpp` will contain their tests (that you have probably not
seen before) to check the correctness of you `Stringlist`. `a2_test.cpp` will
#include your [Stringlist.h](Stringlist.h), and it should run without needing
any other #includes in `a2_test.cpp` (all the #includes your `Stringlist` need
should be in your [Stringlist.h](Stringlist.h).
The marker will also run your [Stringlist.h](Stringlist.h) with
[Stringlist_test.cpp](Stringlist_test.cpp) to ensure that all the original
`Stringlist` functionality still works:
> make Stringlist_test
g++ -std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wfatal-errors -Wno-sign-compare -Wnon-virtual-dtor -g Stringlist_test.cpp -o Stringlist_test
> ./Stringlist_test
... testing output ...
> **Note** The compilation commands are quite strict! Make sure your program
> compiles with them before submitting it.
## Marking Scheme
- **8 marks** One mark for each method in [Stringlist.h](Stringlist.h) marked
"undoable" that works correctly with `undo()`. This also includes the correct
behaviour for the `Stringlist` copy constructor (which should *not* copy the
undo stack).
- **5 marks** The markers tests run correctly, including with no memory leaks
according to `valgrind`.
- **5 marks** `Stringlist` passes all tests in
### Overall source code readability: 5 marks
- All code is sensibly and consistently indented, and all lines are 100
characters in length, or less. **Hint**: In the Linux command-line you can
print all the lines in a file with more than 100 characters with this command
(the initial `>` is the prompt character, so don't type it):
> awk 'length > 100' some_file.cpp
If this prints nothing, then the file has no lines over 100 characters long.
- Whitespace is used to group related pieces of a code to make it easier for
humans to read. All whitespace has a purpose.
- Variable and function names are self-descriptive.
- Appropriate features of C++ are used, as discussed in the course. **Note** If
you use a feature that we haven't discussed in class, **you must explain it in
a comment**, even if you think it's obvious.
- Comments are used when needed to explain code whose purpose is not obvious
from the code itself. There should be *no* commented-out code from previous
- Source code readability marks may be deducted for code that is unreadable in
some way not covered by the above. The deduction is proportional to how
serious the problem is.
### Deductions
- **-5 marks** if valgrind reports any memory leaks or other errors during the
markers test runs
- **-5 marks** if your program crashes on any valid test
- **-10 marks** if you use arrays, vectors, or other containers to implement the
private stack in `Stringlist`. You must use a singly-linked or doubly-linked
list to implement the stack.
- **a score of 0** if you:
- have no statement of originality, or it's modified in any way.
- at least **-1 mark** if your file has an incorrect name, or you submit it in
an incorrect format, etc.; possibly multiple deductions if there are multiple
- at least **-1 mark** if you submit a non-working file
- if the marker can easily fix your file and make it work, then there is only a
small deduction
- if the marker has to spend a lot of time fixing your file, then there is a
larger deduction; if they can't make it work, then they you will get 0
### Hints
- The objects you store on the undo stack should contain enough information to
undo the operations they correspond to. Your stack could, for example, store
`Action` objects, where `Action` is a private `struct` that stores the name of
the action and any other information needed for undoing.