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Assignment 2 Arrays

CPSC 240 Assignment 2
Make an assembly program that teaches all of the following:
 =how to make an array
 =how to implement iteration
 =how to make professional looking programs
 =how to reject invalid inputs
 =add assembly programmer to your list of qualifications in your resume.
Programming requirements
Make a hybrid program that produces the following output. Additional details will be given
This style of programming is sometimes called hybrid programming because it uses functions
taken directly from the libraries of C and C++. Sometime there is no known function in the C+
+ library of functions that meets our needs then we create a brand new C++ function and use
it when needed.
(challenge only)
Sample run #1 for the baseline version
Welcome to Arrays of Integers
Bought to you by Jaime Ward
This program will manage your arrays of 64-bit floats
For array A enter a sequence of 64-bit floats separated by white space.
After the last input press enter followed by Control+D:
 13.1 <enter> <cntl+D>
These number were received and placed into array A:
3.19999 -12.25000 9.77450 21.60000 -4 .00029 13.09992
The magnitude of array A is 16.666666
For array B enter a sequence of 64-bit floats separated by white space.
After the last input press enter followed by Control+D:
2.77 <enter> <cntl+D>
These number were received and placed into array B:
16.89999 2.77003
The magnitude of this array B is 8.44444445
Arrays A and B have been appended and given the name A B. ⊕
A B contains ⊕
3.19999 -12.25000 9.77450 21.60000 -4 .00029 13.09992 16.89999 7.00000
The magnitude of A B is 19.74550 ⊕
Main received 19.7455000000., and will keep it for future use.
Main will return 0 to the operating system. Bye.
Color codes:
Blue background is produced by module Input_Array
Yellow background is produced by module Manager
Green background is produced by module Display_Array
Pink background is produced by module Main
Module append does not produce any visible output.
Module magnitude does not produce any visible output.
The assembly code output floats with 5 places on the right of the decimal point.
The driver outputs floats with 10 decimal places on the right of the decimal point. Including
trailing zeros.
The numbers for magnitude are not mathematically. They serve to show the relative position
of the digits.
The unicode for circle plus is 0x2295.
Change Jaime’s name to be your own name.
The main driver must be compiled by the C language compiler. If the C compiler is not used
then the entire program is rejected.
Main is not part of the solution. Do not put any code in Main except advertising. [Download
an updated copy of Assignment 1 and see the inserted text about restrictions on Main.]
The source code of each module must be in the language indicated in the calling diagram.
The professor truly likes the fact that you are creating lots of assembly code. Your C and C++
modules are assumed to be perfect because everyone enrolled in this class is a known expert
in those C languages.
The isfloat function is invalid if written in C or C++. If isfloat is available in a public library of
C or C++ then that public function may be used. You must document where you obtained
public function, and then the usage will be accepted.
.Sample run #2 for the challenge version
Welcome to Arrays of Integers
Bought to you by Jaime Ward
This program will manage your arrays of 64-bit floats
For array A enter a sequence of 64-bit floats separated by white space.
After the last input press enter followed by Control+D:
The last input was invalid and not entered into the array.
5.6 <enter><cntl+D>
These number were received and placed into array A:
3..50000 -12.70009 9.19992 -4.00000 5.60006
The magnitude of array A is 18.55555
For array B enter a sequence of 64-bit floats separated by white space.
After the last input press enter followed by Control+D:
The last input was invalid and not entered into the array.
The last input was invalid and not entered into the array.
The last input was invalid and not entered into the array.
9.9 <enter> cntl+D
These number were received and placed into array B
5.50000 9.89999
The magnitude of array B is 18.55555
Arrays A and B have been appended and given the name A B. ⊕
A B contains ⊕
3..50000 -12.70009 9.19992 -4.00000 5.60006 5.50000 9.89999
The magnitude of A B is 22.35612 ⊕
Main received 22.3561287347., and will keep it for future use.
Main will return 0 to the operating system. Bye.
What to submit.
The baseline program
When you complete the baseline version of this assignment you may send it in for credit. It is
worth 10 points. Be sure to submit one file for each rectangle in the calling diagram on page
2. Don’t zip the files – simply attach them. Put “240-x Assignment 2 baseline” in the subject
The challenge program
If you finish the baseline and there are a few days remaining before the due date then you
should definitely work on the challenge program. The challenge program is an extension of
the baseline program. If you complete the challenge program, which includes the baseline,
your score for Assignment 2 could reach 15 points.
That is 10 for the baseline program and 5 additional points for the challenge.
You may send me Assignment 2 more than one. When I receive several submissions I
always grade the newest one, and discard the older ones.
When you submit your program it will help the bookkeeping if you put your section number in
the subject line like this CPSC 240-3.
In the body of the email include your name, the assignment number, and the program level.
As an example: Jimmy Stewart, Assign 2, Baseline.
If your plan is to do both halves of this assignment there is no need to send me the baseline
alone. Simply continue programming, finish both parts, and send me one program. If you
send me two halves of a program I still grade only the newest submission.
You really should work on the Challenge level program. It is not extra credit, it is regular
When you are done
When your program works correctly. Then make it cosmetically correct. Use a notice
software license. Remove any old comments remaining from the professor’s old program.
Remove the professor’s name and put your own name in the proper places.
Place descriptive comments before each block of an asm module. The header comment
cannot be so dumb as to repeat the code.
This comment gains a zero: “Input next number with scanf”.
This comment wins: ‘Obtain from user the maximum salary for given pay grade”.
Send the program to me in an email message with 6 attachments or 7 attachments if you’re
sending the challenge program. In the subject line place the string “CPSC 240 Assignment 2
Baseline” or .CPSC240 Assignment2 Challenge”.
The word is “attachment”. A link is not an attachment.
Don’t email me broken code: segfaults, missing modules, non-compiling modules, nonassembling modules, etc.
Due date and time: February 22, 2023 at 2:00am
Unfortunate notice: At the time of this writing the ECS administration has not (yet) hired a
student grader to help me this semester. I still have hope that the grader will be hired, but
honestly I don’t know what will happen.
Without the help of a grader some assignments this semester will not graded. Will
Assignment 2 be graded? I simply don’t know.
Suppose the hope for a grader never materializes then should you do Assignment 2? Here
are the facts. In mid-semester there will be a programming test. You have two hours to make
an assembly program. The midterm program is worth 100 points. The specification of the
midterm program is based on Assignments 1, 2 and 3. You are allowed to take this test in a
remote location where I cannot see you. You may disconnect from zoom for more privacy..
The test is open notes and open internet, but it is timed. Will your midterm earn more points if
you have completed Assignment 2 or not completed Assignment 2. What do you think?

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