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Assignment 2: Automatic Crowds

# Assignment 2: Automatic Crowds

> *Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded.*
> Yogi Berra

You've probably seen movies with huge crowds of people. While they might
sometimes have real people, nowadays crowds are often computer-generated. This
gives the film-makers more control over their size and behaviour, and probably
saves them money as well.

So in this assignment, we'll explore how to make a simple crowd scene using
turtle graphics.

**Answer the questions below in order**: later questions depend upon earlier
ones. Use *exactly* the function name and parameters as given in the question,
put all your functions into a single Python file named ``. Please include
your name and email at the top of `` formatted like this:

# Full Name:
# SFU Email:

When you're done, submit your finished `` file on Canvas.

## Question 1: Regular Polygons

Write a function called `polygon(n, size)` that uses turtle graphics to draw
an $n$-sided [regular polygon](
with each side of length `size`.

Use this algorithm:

- Set the turning $\mathit{angle}$ to be $\frac{360}{n}$.
- Do the following $n$ times:
    + draw a line of length `size`
    + turn left $\mathit{angle}$ degrees

For example, here is a pentagon (a 5-sided polygon):

![a pentagon](pentagon.gif)

## Question 2: Jumping

Write a function called `jump_to(x, y)` that moves the turtle to position
(`x`, `y`) *without* drawing a line. After the turtle has jumped to (`x`, `y`)
its pen should be down, ready to draw.

`turtle.goto(x, y)` will move the turtle to (`x`, `y`), but if the pen is down
it will draw an unwanted line.

In the following functions, use `jump_to` to move the turtle to its correct
starting point.

![four pentagons](fourPentagons.gif)

These four pentagons are one example of something you can draw using `polygon`
and `jump_to`. You don't need to submit it with your assignment. But a good
way to test `jump_to` is to write a function called `test_jump_to()` that
draws theses 4 pentagons, or some other picture.

## Question 3: Circles

Write a function called `circle(radius)` that draws a circle whose radius is
`radius`. To draw a circle in turtle graphics, just draw a polygon with lots
of sides, say 50 - 100.

**Important** *Don't* call the `` to draw this circle. Use
just your `polygon` function.

To calculate the size (length) of the polygon edges, use this formula inside
your `circle` function:

$$\mathit{size} = 2 \mathit{r} \sin \frac{\pi}{n}$$

Here, $r$ is the radius passed to `circle`, and $n$ is the number sides of the

The `sin` function, and `pi`, are in Python's `math` module.

![a circle](circle.gif)

## Question 4: Eyes

Write a function called `eye(radius)` that draws one (cartoon) eye using two
circles: a big circle, and a filled-in smaller circle inside the big one
(representing the pupil).

Use the `turtle.begin_fill()` and `turtle.end_fill()` functions to fill-in the
smaller circle.

Here's an example:

![an eye](eye.gif)

## Question 5: Noses

Write a function called `nose(size)` that draws a (cartoon) nose that consists
of, at least, two different shapes. The exact style and look of the nose is up
to you. It could be as simple as an upside-down 7.

As with `mouth`, what exactly `size` means is up to you. Make it so that the
bigger `size` is, the bigger the nose.

![a nose](nose.gif)

## Question 6: Mouths

Write a function called `mouth(size, style)` that draws a (cartoon) mouth as

- If `style == 'happy'`, the mouth is drawn smiling. 
- If `style == 'sad'`, the mouth is drawn frowning.
- If `style == surprised`, the mouth is drawn as a circle.
- For any other value of `style`, the mouth is drawn as a neutral expression,
  e.g. a straight line.

What exactly `size` means is up to you. Make it so that the bigger `size` is,
the bigger the mouth.

Here are examples of the four mouths:

![four mouths](mouths.gif)

## Question 7: Heads

Write a function called `head(size)` that draws a (cartoon) head that consists
of, at least, two eyes, a random mouth, a nose, and a head (e.g. a circle) all
around it. Use the functions you wrote above to draw the eyes, mouth, and

Choose the mouth style at random to be one of the 4 mouth shapes.

The size of the head should be controllable using `size`, e.g. a small value
of `size` should draw a small head, and a big value should draw a big head.
Make sure all the eyes, nose, and mouth fit into it snugly and are
proportional to the size.

For instance, a head with a surprised face could look like this:

![surprised face](surprised.gif)

## Question 8: Stick Figures

Write a function called `stick_figure(size)` that adds a head (using `head`),
and a body underneath it. It should have, at least, a torso (maybe just a
line), arms, and legs. They can be simple stick figures if you like, or more

**Include some randomness in the body beyond just the mouth randomness**. For
example, you could chose the color at random, or make the arms point in random
directions, or draw the body with different thicknesses, etc.

![a stick figure](stick_figure.png)

## Question 9: Crowds

Write a function called `crowd(n, min_size, max_size)` that draws `n` stick
figures (using your `stick_figure` function) at random locations on the
screen. The size of each stick figure should be chosen at random in the range
`min_size` to `max_size`.

## Marking Scheme

**2 marks** each for questions 1 to 9 (a total of 18 marks)

**1 mark** overall: consistent indentation and spacing (all blank lines and
spaces should have a good reason for being there)

**1 mark** overall: all variable names are self-descriptive

**1 mark** overall: the length of all lines are less than, or equal to, 100

## Hints

In addition to calling `turtle.speed('fastest')` or `turtle.hideturtle()`, you
can speed up drawing quite a bit with this code:

turtle.Screen().tracer(0)  # don't show any drawing on the screen

# ... draw stuff here ...

turtle.Screen().update()   # refresh the screen to see what was drawn

If you want to save a turtle position to come back to later, you can do this:

 x, y = turtle.position()

 # ... do stuff ...

 jump_to(x, y)   # go back to location (x, y)

To make the turtle face a particular direction, use one of these:

turtle.setheading(0)    # face east
turtle.setheading(90)   # face north
turtle.setheading(180)  # face west
turtle.setheading(270)  # face south

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