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Assignment 2 Cloud5409

Assignment 2 

This assignment covers cloud computing tools, and frameworks that can be used for performing
parallel operations.
Grading Scheme:
• Section A: 10%
• Section B: 30%
• Section C: 15%
• Section D: 20%
• Section E: 20%
• Adding citation in IEEE/ACM Format only. Use reliable information source: 5%

Hypothetical Scenario:
Consider “Cloud5409” is a cloud service provider company that provides a scalable cloud
infrastructure, and scalable service(S). The company is developing an application, which performs
two tasks using two services: S1, S2. Presently, the company focuses on scalable architecture. Once it
is developed “OpenStack” will be used to design the private cloud. [Note: Assignment 2 does not
require you to use OpenStack, it is written just to present the scenario]
S1 performs the following using Framework1:
• Factorial calculation of given number N, (e.g. N=5, result= 120)
• Stores the request ID, time, N, result in a log file, which serve as a state database
S2 performs the following using Framework2:
• Fibonacci calculation of given number N (e.g. N=5, result=0,1,1,2,3)
• Stores the request ID, time, N, result in a log file, which serve as a state database
ü The value of “N” must be fetched from a text file (input.txt). For the value of N, you need to
store 100 random integer numbers. Each line in the input.txt will represent one N value.
ü Framework1, Framework2 runs in parallel.
Follow the steps to perform the above-mentioned operations:
Section A: To setup the server, you need to download and install Apache Mesos cluster in your
system. The documentation is available in
Section B: Perform background Research on Mesos, and for that read the following conference paper
published in IEEE. You need to write a 1-page summary on the paper (Font Type=Times New Roman,
Size=11). [Do not copy images, or text verbatim]. In addition, please include insightful comments
based on your understanding.
P. Saha, A. Beltre and M. Govindaraju, "Exploring the Fairness and Resource Distribution in an
Apache Mesos Environment," 2018 IEEE 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing
(CLOUD), San Francisco, CA, 2018, pp. 434-441.
Section C: Explore and install Marathon framework on Mesos cluster. Follow the documentation
available in
Section D: Create a GitHub repository for your current project, e.g. “newProj5409”.
• Simulate a behavior of 2 developers. Install git tool in your system.
• Clone the project to two different folders in the system
E.g. /Documents/ user1/newProj5409
E.g. /Documents/ user2/newProj5409
• Create one program file for factorial, and store it to a local git folder.
E.g. /Documents/ user1/newProj5409
• Add the factorial program file to the repository
• Get the file from repository to another user’s folder E.g. /Documents/ user2/newProj5409
• Create another program file Fibonacci series program, and store it in another local git folder
E.g. /Documents/ user2/newProj5409
• Add the files to the repository
Section E: Using Marathon launch two tasks in two frameworks. One task should perform Factorial
operation, and another task should perform Fibonacci series computation. Measure the time taken
by each task, and generate a graph. (X axis = N value, Y axis = Time)
Submission Instruction:
• Create a Folder with your name and B00 number, and store all your files –
o Program Source code with readme and/or libraries
o PDF file containing all answers
o Screenshots and image files (if any)
• Compress the folder and create a .ZIP file (do not use other compression formats)
• Upload the .ZIP file on Brightspace.
• Submission Due: Feb 28, 2020 at 11:59 pm (midnight)

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