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Assignment 2 COMP 250

Assignment 2
COMP 250

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The same General Instructions apply as in Assignment 1.
In your usage of Java language so far you have come across various programming constructs such
as variables, operators, control flow statements etc. Similar constructs are present in many other
programming languages. In this assignment, you will deal specifically with expressions and their
evaluation. You will parse expressions and evaluate them using a stack.
An expression is a programming language construct which evaluates to a single value. It
is composed of different elements such as constants, variables, operators, method calls etc, put
together according to the syntax of the language. For example (2 + 3) in Java evaluates to a single
value 5 and is composed of operator + and constants 2 and 3. A similar expression in a different
programming language may follow different syntax. For example in Lisp the expression is written
as (+ 2 3) .
Your task in this assignment is to evaluate arithmetic expressions and calculate their values. The
statements are written in a programming language whose syntax is described below. You will use
Java to write a parser and an evaluator for expressions written in this language. For simplicity you
will only deal with input expressions that are composed of positive integers and the operators that
are listed below.
+ addition ++ increment
– subtraction – – decrement
* multiplication [ ] absolute value
/ integer division
You may assume that values of expressions are of type int in Java and are within the range specified
by that type. Since the subtraction operator is included in the list below, the value of an expression
can be either positive or negative.
Increment or decrement operations on constants are not allowed in Java. But our language does
allow it. In particular, our language has the pre-increment operation which increments values of
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an integers or an expression, and similarly it has the pre-decrement operation which decrements
values. For example, the value of “(++5)” is “6” while expression “(– –9)” evaluates to 8.
Note that operators +, –, *, / are binary operators, i.e, they operate on two elements and produce a value, whereas the operators ++, – – and [ ] are unary operators, i.e, they operate on a
single element and produce a value. Consider an expression “(++(3 + 2))” in our language. The
binary operator “+” operates on two int values 2 and 3 and produces 5. The unary operator “++”
then operates on the result 5, a single value, and produces 6 which is the value of the expression.
Similarly “((++(5 - 2)) + 3)” evaluates to 7.
The absolute value operator is denoted by [ ], instead of the | | which is generally used in
arithmetic. We use the square brackets because they have a left and right versions which makes
parsing easier. An expression within the [ ] operator evaluates to its absolute value. Note that no
such operator exists in Java. See Table 1 for more examples of expressions.
Formal language
Your task in this assignment is to write code to parse and evaluate expressions. You can assume that
your code will only be tested on valid expressions. But how can we define what a valid expression
is? As you will learn if you take COMP 330 and later a compilers course such as COMP 520, there
are formal methods for defining languages. Indeed most programming languages are defined using
these formal methods.
The syntactic rules for expressions and operators in our expression language can be defined as
follows. A digit is defined:
digit = 0 | 1 | 2 | ... 9
The vertical bar | does not appear in expressions. Rather it is used here to mean or, that is, a digit
can be any one of the characters ‘0’, ‘1’,.. ‘9’. Using the definition of a digit, we can then define a
positive integer in a recursive manner as follows,
positiveInteger = digit | digit positiveInteger
so a positive integer is a digit or a digit followed by a positive integer. Notice that in this definition
we allow positive integers to start with digit ‘0’, but you can redefine a positive integer to exclude
this case if we wish. We can also define operators
IncDecOperator = + + | − −
binaryOperator = + | − | ∗ | /
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In a similar manner we define an expression as follows:
expression = ( positiveInteger binaryOperator positiveInteger ) |
( expression binaryOperator positiveInteger ) |
( positiveInteger binaryOperator expression ) |
( expression binaryOperator expression ) |
( IncDecOperator positiveInteger ) |
( IncDecOperator expression ) |
[ expression ] |
[ positiveInteger ]
An expression is therefore one of the following:
• a positive integer or an expression followed by a binary operator followed by a positive integer
or an expression, enclosed within round brackets
• an increment or decrement operator followed by a positive integer or by an expression, enclosed
within round brackets.
• an expression or a positive integer, enclosed within square brackets
Note that a valid expression is always contained within brackets. Thus “(3+1)” is a valid expression
but “3+1” is not. This requirement on the brackets ensures that there is a unique order for
evaluating the (sub)expressions in the case that an expression has multiple operators. We will
return to this issue later in the course when we discuss expression trees.
In your solution, you may assume that each expression has been parenthesized with proper nesting. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about operator precedence issues nor checking for balanced
parenthesis. Table 1 below lists some valid expressions and their respective values
Expression Evaluated Value
(2 / 3) 0
((– –(2 + 3)) – 1) 3
(++((7 - 2) * 3)) 16
[((7 + 2) * (3 – 4))] 9
((7 - 2) * (++(4 - 3))) 10
Table 1: Example expressions with corresponding values
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Your first task is to parse in input expression string into meaningful units called tokens. Parsing
will take an expression as a string and return an array list of the tokens in the expression, such
that each token is string. We use an array list because it is more efficient than a linked list in
certain situations. Thus, the expression “(27 + 572)” should be parsed into the list of five tokens:
“(”, “27”, “+”, “572”, “)”. Note that white spaces in an expression string must be ignored when
We can then use this list of tokens in the eval() method to calculate the value of the expression.
It is important that for any expressions containing the “++” and “– –” operators be stored as a
single token rather than as two. Thus, “(++25)” should be parsed as “(”, “++”, “25”, “)” rather
than “(”, “+”, “+”, “25”, “)”. Also note that “25” must be not be parsed as “2”, “5”.
The parsing is done in the Expression constructor. You will need to fill in the missing code
where it is indicated.
You should use the Java StringBuilder class to build each token as you parse the expression string. The append() and delete() methods of the StringBuilder class will be helpful in
tokenizing the string.
The evaluation is done in the eval method. Again, your task is to fill in the missing code where it is
indicated. The easiest approach is to use two stacks, one to store values (named valueStack in the
starter code) and another (named operatorStack) to store tokens such as operators or brackets.
We emphasize that you may assume that all expressions are valid; that is, they are syntactically
correct and will evaluate to a single value. HINT: Considering that all expressions are syntactically
correct, there is no need to store the opening bracket of an expression in the stacks.
We provide an additional tester class to test your expression class along with sample testing files
(sample in.txt, sample value.txt, sample exp.txt) which test for simple expressions only. Your
code will be evaluated on a much more extensive and challenging set of test cases, and we encourage
you to post complicated test cases on the discussion board.
Your grade will be based on the number of test cases passed. No points for code-style or readability,
though you should comment your code for your own benefit.
a) Implement parser in the Expression constructor (40 points)
b) Implement support for operators +, –, *, / (20 points)
c) Implement support for operators – – and ++ (20 points)
d) Implement support for operator [ ] (20 points)
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Other Specifications
All your code should be written in the file. Submit a file which contains
only the file .
Only add code where it is indicated.
Do not add import statements.
You can use whatever package statement you want. The grading software will remove it.
Good luck and have fun!
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