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Assignment #2  COMP1006/1406 

Assignment #2 
Each part of the assignment is worth 10 marks.
1 Temperature [10 marks]
Complete the provided Temperature class. Add any attributes and helper methods as needed but
keep in mind that testing will involve only the methods you are asked to write/complete. You must
complete the constructors and methods in the provided class (without changing any signatures,
return types, or modifiers).
In this problem you will need to be able to convert temperatures between Celsius, Fahrenheit
and Kelvin. For help, see
A Temperature object holds a single temperature value and displays it in one of the three scales.
Once a scale has been set, it will display the temperature in that scale until changed. The default
scale is Celsius if not specified.
The three scales are represented by Strings (class attributes) in the provided Scale class. For
this assignment, the purpose of the Scale class is to provide a consistent naming scheme for the
different scales. Essentially, we assign fixed names for the three scales and use these everywhere in
the code.
Some examples of using a Temperature object:
Temperature t = new Temperature(10.1);
System.out.println(t.getScale()); // displays "CELSIUS"
System.out.println(t.toString()); // displays "10.1C"
t.setScale(Scale.FAHRENHEIT); // change scale
System.out.println(t.toString()); // displays "50.18F" (notice it converted the value!)
System.out.println(t.getScale()); // displays "FAHREHEIT"
t = new Temperature(12.25, "KELVIN"); // scale input is not from Scale!
System.out.println(t.getScale()); // displays "NONE"
System.out.println(t.toString()); // displays "0.0N"
Note: Temperature values are floating point numbers. If the expected output is "0.1F" and your
output is "0.09999999999998F", that is OK. You are not asked to perform any string formatting
in this class.
Submit your to Brightspace. along with your .java files.
A program called SimpleTemperatureProgram is provided with the code shown above that you
can use as a starting point for your own testing if you wish.
1) You should have no static attributes or methods in your class.
2) Read the specifications in the skeleton file carefully!
(do not use Strings that look like the attributes from Scale)
3) Be sure to use ENCAPSULATION!
4) Remember to fill in the header comment block
COMP1006/1406 - Winter 2022 1
Assignment #2 Due Friday, February 11 at 11:59 pm
2 Shapes [10 marks]
In this problem, you are provided with a Shape class and will need to create the other four classes
shown in the following class hierarchy.
All shapes have an (x,y) coordinate that anchors the shape in the x-y plane. The XYCoord class is
used to store (x,y) coordinates. All shapes must be able to compute their own area and perimeter1
You are free to add any state to your classes as needed. Each of the classes will have a constructor
that is appropriate for the particular shape detailed as follows:
public Quadrilateral(XYCoord a, XYCoord b, XYCoord c, XYCoord d)
// a quadrilateral has four straight sides and four corner points (vertices)
// the corner points are specified by the inputs a,b,c,d
// the sides are defined by ab, bc, cd, da
// a is the anchor coordinate for this shape.
public Square(XYCoord anchor, double length)
// a square is a special quadrilateral rectangle whose sides all have the same
// length the angle at each corner is 90 degrees.
// anchor is the bottom-left corner of the square
// length >= 0
public Triangle(XYCoord a, XYCoord b, XYCoord c)
// a,b,x are the three coordinates of the corners (vertices) of the triangle
// a is the anchor coordinate for this shape
public Circle(XYCoord centre, double radius)
// centre is the anchor coordinate for this shape
// radius >= 0
You can use the provided ShapeExampleApp to help test your code. Do NOT change or submit
the provided file. Do NOT change or submit the provided file. When
testing, we will use the files as provided (and delete any version you submit).
You may find the following resources helpful for your area/perimeter computations:
1The word circumference is usually used circle and shapes with curves but we will use perimeter for everything
here to be consistent.
COMP1006/1406 - Winter 2022 2
Assignment #2 Due Friday, February 11 at 11:59 pm
Submit your,, and files in a zip file called to Brightspace in A2-Part-Two.
1) You should have no static attributes or methods in your class.
2) Read the specifications in the skeleton file carefully!
3) Be sure to use ENCAPSULATION!
4) Remember to create a header comment block.
5) The classes must use inheritance that follows the UML diagram!
COMP1006/1406 - Winter 2022 3

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