Assignment 2
CS283, Computer Vision
This assignment deals with projective transformations. It is substantially longer than Assignment One, and
we strongly recommend that you complete Questions 1 & 2 before Tuesday. As usual, there is a helpful
“Hints and Information” section at the end of this document.
As always, your submission must follow the Submission Guidelines and take the form of a single live script
(.mlx) with accompanying data and src folders. (The src folder will be empty this week.) A skeleton script
is included in the same archive as this PDF.
In Questions 3 and 4, you will be computing and applying planar projective transformations to images.
In recent versions of Matlab there are functions that can do some of this for you. But since we want you to
write your own code, you are not allowed to use them. Specifically, the functions cp2tform, imtransform,
tformarray, tformfwd, tforminv, maketform, and findbounds are to be avoided.
In what follows, the notation is such that x and x˜ indicate homogeneous and inhomogeneous vectors,
1. (20 points) A similarity transformation is a composition of a rotation, translation, and scaling. In the
special case of no rotation, a similarity can be written
s 0 tx
0 s ty
0 0 1
, (1)
where, as usual, ‘=’ indicates equality up to scale. In matrix notation, this is written x
0 = Tx.
(a) Suppose you are given a set of N inhomogeneous points x˜i = (xi
, yi)
, i = 1 . . . N. Write
expressions for s, tx and ty in Eq. 1 such that the set of points {x˜i} is mapped to the set of points
} with the following properties.
i. The centroid of the points {x˜
} is the origin, (0, 0).
ii. The average distance from the origin to points {x˜
} is √
(b) Write a Matlab function T=getT(X1) that takes an N × 2 arrays of points (where each row is
, yi)) and returns the 3 × 3 similarity matrix T defined above.
(c) Test your function using the following snippet of code (also available in the accompanying skeleton
script). In addition, write a brief description of the operations being performed in lines three and
X=rand(50,2)*100; % 50 random points in square [0,100]x[0,100]
T = getT(X);
Xni=Xn(:,1:2)./repmat(Xn(:,3),[1 2]);
% display results
subplot(1,2,1); plot(X(:,1),X(:,2),‘.’); axis equal; axis tight;
subplot(1,2,2); plot(Xni(:,1),Xni(:,2),‘.’); axis equal; axis tight;
2. (20 points) A homography relating two images can be estimated from four or more pairs of corresponding points. When these four points correspond to known metric points on a plane, such a homography
can be used to remove projective distortion via metric rectification.
(a) Write a function H=getH(X1,X2) that takes two N × 2 arrays of image coordinates (where each
row is (xi
, yi)) and returns the 3 × 3 homography matrix that maps points in the first image
(X1) to corresponding points in the second (X2). Use your function getT() from Problem 1 to
implement normalization as discussed in Sect. 4.4.4 (and Algorithm 4.2) of Hartley & Zisserman.
(b) Write a function Iout=applyH(Iin,H) that computes a new image by applying the homography
H to an image Iin. The resolution of the output image should (on average) be comparable to that
of Iin, and the horizontal and vertical limits of the output image plane should be large enough
to include all mapped pixels from Iin. Pixels in Iout that do not correspond to any point in Iin
should be set to zero (black).
(c) The image MaxwellDworkin 01.jpg is available in the data folder. Using your new Matlab
functions getT, getH, and applyH, along with some manually-identified points in that image,
compute and display a metric rectification of the image. Use the fact that the aspect ratio
of the grey bricks, when measured on the building with a tape measure, is 2.5 : 1. Hints: In
the rectified image, the corners of one of the grey bricks will have inhomogeneous coordinates
(0, 0), (0, h), (w, 0) and (w, h), where h = 1 and w = 2.5 are the relative height and width
of the brick. The zoom and impixelinfo commands can be used to manually identify pixel
coordinates in the image. To begin, it is easier to start with a grayscale version of the image; once
that is working you may choose to adapt it to color. See the skeleton script.
3. (15 points) Homographies can also be used to create a panoramic image by blending together multiple
photographs captured with the same center of projection.
(a) Write a function Iout = applyH2(I1,I2,I3,H12,H32) that computes a panoramic image by: (1)
applying the homography H12 to image I1, (2) applying homography H32 to image I3, and (3)
blending these together with image I2. The resolution of the output image should (on average)
be comparable to that of I2, and the horizontal and vertical limits of the output image plane
should be large enough to include all mapped pixels from I1 and I3. Pixels in Iout that do not
correspond to any point in the pre-image of Iout should be set to zero (black). You can blend
the overlapping regions of the mapped images using any simple method you prefer (e.g., choosing
for each pixel in the overlap region the color from one of the overlapping images, or averaging the
colors from both of the overlapping images).
(b) Test your new applyH2 function by creating a panorama from the three quad x.jpg images in the
data folder. For this, you should use the center image quad middle.jpg as image I2, manually
identify a sufficient number of corresponding points between overlapping images, and use calls to
your function getH to estimate the homographies H12 and H32 from these correspondences. Your
code for these steps must be executable in your live script. (See the skeleton script.)
4. (15 points) Your next task is to build on your functions above to handle noisy correspondences between
pairs of images, such as those produced by completely automated systems that detect “interest points”
in an image and then match these points between images. The correspondences that are produced by
these systems contain outliers, which you must identify and eliminate using RANSAC.
(a) Write a function H=ransacH(X1,X2) that takes N correspondences, in the form of two N × 2
arrays of corresponding image coordinates, and returns a 3 × 3 homography matrix. Each pair
of corresponding rows in the input (X1(i,:), X2(i,:)) represents a correspondence, and some
of these correspondences are outliers. Your function must use RANSAC to identify the subset of
inlying correspondences, and return a 3 × 3 homography matrix that maps inlying points of X1 to
the corresponding points in X2. You should follow Algorithm 4.4 of Hartley & Zisserman, using a
call to your function getH in step (i).
(b) Test your ransacH function by creating another panorama from the three quad x.jpg images in
the data folder, this time using the noisy correspondences stored in data file quad points.mat and
shown in the figure below. Similar to Question 3, you should use the center image quad middle.jpg
as image I2, but this time use calls to ransacH for estimating the homographies H12 and H32 from
the noisy correspondences in quad points.mat. Your code for these steps must be executable in
your live script. (See the skeleton script.)
Initial matched points using SIFT
Hints and Information
• In Matlab, functions begin with a line of the form
function [output1,output2,...]=<function name(input1,input2,...)
For example, your getH.m function will begin with a line such as
function H = getH(X1,X2)
Function definitions can be stored in the their own m-files and then called from the command line.
Alternatively, as you will do in his assignment, they can be included inside of a live script, so they are
only available locally within the script.
• To apply homography H to image I, you actually need to operate in reverse. Typically, you: 1) apply
H to the corners of I to determine the horizontal and vertical limits of the output image, 2) generate
a regular grid of (x, y) coordinates (with appropriate resolution) containing this output range (see
linspace and meshgrid), 3) allocate an array of zeros with the same dimensions as your grid in which
you will store the output intensities, 4) apply H−1
to your grid of coordinates to find the corresponding
locations in I, and 5) sample I at these (generally non-integer) points, using interp2.
As always, loops should be avoided. All of this can be done in parallel. In general, the Matlab
commands reshape, permute, repmat, ind2sub and sub2ind are very useful.
Here is some skeleton code that demonstrates some of these steps:
% create regularly-spaced grid of (x,y)-pixel coordinates
[x,y]=meshgrid(linspace(xmin,xmax,num_x_pts), linspace(ymin,ymax,num_y_pts));
% reshape them so that a homography can be applied to all points in parallel
X=[x(:) y(:)];
% [Apply a homography to homogeneous coordinates corresponding to ‘X’. ] %
% [Compute inhomogeneous coordinates of mapped points. ] %
% [Save result in Nx2 matrix named ‘Xh’. ] %
% interpolate I to get intensity values at image points ‘Xh’
% reshape intensity vector into image with correct height and width
% Points in ‘Xh’ that are outside the boundaries of the image are assigned
% value ‘NaN’, which means ‘not a number’. The final step is to
% set the intensities at these points to zero.
• The noisy correspondences for Question 4 were computed using the open-source VLFeat Matlab
toolbox from http://www.vlfeat.org. This toolbox includes an implementation of the “scale-invariant
feature transform” (SIFT) for the robust detection and matching of interest points. In case you are
curious, here is the Matlab code that produced the correspondences in quad points.mat and created
the image above. (You do not need this code for the assignment, it is only here for your information.)
% check that VLfeat is installed and on the Matlab path
if ~exist(’vl_sift’)
error(’VLfeat package not found. See: http://www.vlfeat.org/install-matlab.html.’)
% read images, convert to grayscale with single precision
% detect interest regions and compute descriptors
% match descriptors (in both directions) between each pair of overlapping images
% Eliminate matches that are not symmetric.
% Store results in 2xK arrays: M12_sym, M23_sym
for i=1:size(M12,2)
if ~isempty(M21_i)
if M21(1,M21_i)==M12(2,i)
M12_sym=[M12_sym, M12(:,i)];
for i=1:size(M23,2)
if ~isempty(M32_i)
if M32(1,M32_i)==M23(2,i)
M23_sym=[M23_sym, M23(:,i)];
% strip away the unmatched points
X12=X1(:,M12_sym(1,:))’; % points in im1 that match im2
X21=X2(:,M12_sym(2,:))’; % points in im2 that match im1
X23=X2(:,M23_sym(1,:))’; % points in im2 that match im3
X32=X3(:,M23_sym(2,:))’; % points in im3 that match im2
% for assgn 2, we only need the point locations
save quad_points X12 X21 X23 X32
% display correspondences
subplot(1,3,1); imshow(im1,[]); hold on;
subplot(1,3,2); imshow(im2,[]); hold on;
h2b=vl_plotframe(X23’); set(h2b,’color’,’b’);
subplot(1,3,3); imshow(im3,[]); hold on;
h3=vl_plotframe(X32’); set(h3,’color’,’b’);