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Assignment 2: Constraint Satisfaction

Assignment 2: Constraint Satisfaction

1. (15 points) In the following sub-parts, “brieƒy describe” means provide a description of
a problem in a couple of sentences such that the constraints are clear, and identify the
variables, their domains, and what aspect of the problem they correspond to. For example,
if you were to “brieƒy describe” the map coloring problem from the slides, an acceptable
answer would be, “Color the regions of a map with di‚erent colors, drawn from a €xed,
€nite set of colors, such that neighboring (touching) regions do not have the same color.
Each region is a €nite variable, whose domain is the set of available colors.”
(a) Brieƒy describe a CSP where the variables have a €nite domain. You may not use map
(b) Brieƒy describe a CSP where the variables have an in€nite, but discrete, domain.
(c) Brieƒy describe a CSP where the variables have a continuous domain.
2. (15 points) Consider the constraint graph of Figure 1 with named binary constraints. r1 is
a relation on A and B, which we can write as r1(A, B), and similarly for the other relations.
Consider solving this network using Variable Elimination Algorithm.
(a) Suppose you were to eliminate variable E. Which constraints are removed? New constraints are created on which variables?
3. (70 points) Programming Assignment:
In class, we discussed Sudoku puzzles as an example of Constraint Satisfaction Problems
(CSPs) in AI. In a CSP, the goal is to €nd a complete, consistent assignment of values to a
set of variables X (taken from their domains D) satisfying a set of constraints C that limit
the valid combinations of variable values.
As a reminder, a Sudoku puzzle is a 9x9 grid (81 variables) where each cell in the grid can
take on the integer values 1-9 (the domain of each variable). A solution to a Sudoku puzzle
is an assignment of values for each cell in the grid such that no two cells in the same row,
column, or 3x3 square have the same value.
Figure 1
(a) Unsolved Sudoku Grid 1 (b) Solved Sudoku Grid 1
Figure 2
Figure 3: Solved Sudoku Grid
In this assignment, you have to model a unsolved Sudoku puzzle as CSP and then solve it
using the Constraint Propagation (AC3 algorithm) and Backtracking Search. In AC3,
you need to check arc consistency and enforce arc consistency by removing values from
the domain of unassigned variables.
Note: You are free to develop your program and represent your data structures however
you wish.
Extra Credit (20 points): Use Most Constrained Variable and Least Constraining
Value to choose next variable and value to assign.
(a) Input: Your program should take an unsolved Sudoku Grid as input. ‘e input will
be given as a continuous string of 81 characters. ‘e unassigned cells will be marked
with a ”.” ‘e input string is the join of consecutive rows.
For example, for the unsolved grid in Figure 2a. ‘e input to your program would be
(b) Output: Your program should print the €nal output as a 9x9 grid. It should look
something like Figure 2b.
(c) Testing: To test your program, you may use the following inputs:
i. ”..3.2.6..9..3.5..1..18.64....81.29..7.......8..67.82....26.95..8..2.3..9..5.1.3..”
Solution should be Figure 2b.
ii. ”...26.7.168..7..9.19...45..82.1...4...46.29...5...3.28..93...74.4..5..367.3.18...”
Solution should be Figure 3.
(d) What to submit: Your code should be well commented and easy to read. Submit the
code along with relevant instructions to run the code. If you are using a non python
coding language, check with your TA whether you need to provide a make€le.
Additionally, add a pdf or word €le to your package and provide answers to the following questions:
i. A CSP has a variable and each variable has a domain. For the Sudoku puzzle,
what are the variable and what are their domains?
ii. What data structure did you use to store your Sudoku Puzzle?
iii. What constraints did you add for the puzzle? Provide snippet of your code where
you de€ne the constraints.
iv. To implement AC3 you need to:
A. Check for Arc Consistency
B. Implement Arc Consistency
Describe how you implemented this and provide snippets of your code to support
your answer.
v. Extra Credit: If you use MCV and LRV, describe how you implemented this and
provide snippets of your code to support your answer.

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