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Assignment 2 – Control Statements/User-Defined Functions

COEN 243 
Assignment 2 – Control Statements/User-Defined Functions

Type: Individual Assignment
Weight: 4%
Submission instructions:
- Create a cpp file for each question
- Compress the files using zip or other tools
- Submit the zip file on Moodle
- Please do not submit exe files
- All submissions must be done through Moodle
Marking Scheme:
- Program correctness (90%)
- Program clarity (output format, comments, completeness, readability) (10%)

Q1. (50 marks) You are asked to write a C++ program which draws a house with a roof based on
the following specifications.
Application name: Display a welcome banner
1) Welcome user: Ask the user for their name and using their name welcome them to
your application.
2) Request house dimensions and validate input: Ask the user to enter the width and
height of the house to be drawn (Note: Both height and width are integer). The width
must be even and bigger than 2. If the user enters odd numbers or a number less
than or equal to 2 for the width, you are required to prompt the user until they enter
an even number. They have 3 tries for entering width. If after 3 tries they are still
entering odd numbers terminate your program with an appropriate personalized
message otherwise move on to step 3.
3) Draw the house
a. Draw the roof:
i. The roof consists of a set of stars on each row. Number of stars in
the last row of the roof is equal to the width of the house. The first
row starts with two stars and you increase the number of starts in
the next row bye 2 and repeat this process until you reach to the
width. For example if the width is 6, the roof shape will be like this
(2,4 and 6 stars):
Hint: The number of rows needed to print/draw the roof is half the
width of the house.
COEN 243 – Summer 2023

 Note: There is no space between the stars in each row.
b. Draw the body of the house:
i. The body of the house has height+1 rows in all.
ii. Last row are drawn using the dash character (-). There arewidth
iii. The walls are represented by height rows. Each of the rows are
made up of 2 charactersof | in the left and right sides and the rest
are spaces.
c. Keep track of the number of houses you havedrawn.
4) Again? Ask the user if they wish you to draw another house. If yes repeat steps
3.If no, move on to step 5.
5) End program: display this message: “Hope you like your house(s)”
Here are a few sample outputs: user input is highlighted in grey
House Drawing Program
What is your name? Anna
Well Anna, welcome to the house drawing program.
Do you want me to draw a simple house for you? (yes/no) yes
Enter height of the house you want me to draw: 3
Please enter an even number for the width of the house (must be even
numbers and bigger than 2): 3
You enter 3 for the width. Not an even number!
Please enter an even number for the width of the house (must be even
numbers and bigger than 2): 5
You enter 5 for the width. Not an even number!
Please enter an even number for the width of the house (must be even
numbers and bigger than 1): 11
You enter 11 for the width. Not an even number!
it seems you are having troubles entering even numbers! Program ends now.
COEN 243 – Summer 2023

House Drawing Program
What is your name? Anna
Well Anna, welcome to my silly house drawing program.
Do you want me to draw a simple house for you? (yes/no) yes
Enter height of the house you want me to draw: 3
Please enter an even number for the width of the house (must be even numbers and bigger
than 2): 6
| |
| |
| |
Do you want me to draw a simple house for you? (yes/no) yes
Enter height of the house you want me to draw: 5
Please enter an even number for the width of the house (must be even numbers and bigger
than 2): 10
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Do you want me to draw a simple house for you? (yes/no) no
Hope you like your 2 houses!
COEN 243 – Summer 2023

Q2. (50 marks) Write a C++ program that asks the user to enter two positive integer numbers
as the lower bound and upper bound. Then it asks the user to enter a character:
-If the entered character is ‘a’, function1 is called.
-If the entered character is ‘b’, function2 is called and then the value of result variable is printed
-If the entered character is ‘c’, function 3 is called and the returned value of the function 3 is
-If the user enters any other character, the program prints “invalid input” and terminates.
Function 1:
This function accepts the upper bound and lower bound numbers as the input arguments and
prints out all the numbers in this range (Inclusive) which are multiples of both 3 and 7.
Function 2:
This function has no return value. It accepts 3 input arguments: the upper bound and lower
bound numbers and a variable result (by reference) and calculates the difference between two
entered numbers and save it in the result.
Function 3:
This function returns a variable of type double (sum) and accepts the upper bound and lower
bound numbers (lower and upper variables) as input arguments. It calculates the results of
following equation and returns the sum variable. (please note that the number of digits after
the decimal point should be set to 3 for the sum value).
𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍 + 𝟏𝟏
𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍+𝟏𝟏 + 𝟏𝟏
𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍+𝟐𝟐 + ⋯ 𝟏𝟏
Here are several sample outputs:
Please enter two positive integer numbers: (Lower bound/Upper bound): 11 63
Please enter a character: a
List of numbers in this interval which are multiple of both 3 and 7: 21 42 63

COEN 243 – Summer 2023

Please enter two positive integer numbers: (Lower bound/Upper bound): 11 63
Please enter a character: b
The difference between two numbers is 52

Please enter two positive integer numbers: (Lower bound/Upper bound): 20 25
Please enter a character: c
the value of sum is: 0.268

Please enter two positive integer numbers: (Lower bound/Upper bound): 20 25
Please enter a character: z
Invalid input

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