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Assignment 2 Creating and editing basic Java classes

Assignment 2

This assignment should help you gain practice with creating and editing basic
Java classes based on given specifications.
Do the following exercises, each in a different file. Your filenames should be
Each file should have a comment including your name at the top of
the file. Each file should also have appropriate comments throughout
the program. When adding to a pre-supplied file, clearly indicate,
using comments, which parts are your additions.
Integer Set
• Create class IntegerSet in its own file
• An IntegerSet object holds integers in the range 0-100
• This is represented by an array of booleans. Array element i is set to
true if the integer i is in the set and false otherwise.
• Create these methods for the class (these should be the only public methods)
public IntegerSet union(IntegerSet iSet)
public IntegerSet intersection(IntegerSet iSet)
public IntegerSet insertElement(int data)
public IntegerSet deleteElement(int data)
public boolean isEqualTo(IntegerSet iSet)
public String toString()
• The constructor (no arguments) initializes the array to represent the ”empty
set” (no integers in the set)
• Method union creates and returns a new set that is the set-theoretic
union of the two existing sets (the calling object and the parameter). An
element is in the union if it is in either of the two starting sets
• Method intersection creates and returns a new set that is the settheoretic intersection for he two existing sets. An element is in the intersection if it’s in both of the starting sets.
• Method insertElement adds the argument(an integer) to the set (the
calling object) and should also return that set (this allows calls to be
• Method deleteElement removes the argument from the set and should
also return the set, to allow cascading
• Method isEqualTo returns true if the two sets are equal (if they have
all the same elements) and false otherwise
• Method toString returns a string containing the set elements as a list
of numbers in ascending order, separated by spaces. Include only the
elements present in the set. Use “---” to represent an empty set
Fraction class
Begin with this Fraction class, as discussed in the lecture and add the following features:
• You will create methods with the following signatures:
public Fraction simplify()
public Fraction add(Fraction f)
public Fraction subtract(Fraction f)
public Fraction multiply(Fraction f)
public Fraction divide(Fraction f)
• The simplify method will return a simplified version of the calling object. This method should return a new Fraction (simplified), but not
change the original one. The fractions in the form 0
should have a simplified form of 0
. Any other fraction has the usual mathematical definition
of ”simplified form”. This will require finding the GCD of the numerator
and denominator. One useful algorithm for doing so is
Euclid’s algorithm/the Euclidean algorithm.
• Methods add, subtract, multiply, divide should take in a Fraction
as a parameter and perform the given computation between the calling
object and the parameter object (The calling object is always the first
operand). The result of each operation should always be a fraction returned in simplified form. Example calls: f1.add(f2) means to return
the value f1 + f2, f1.divide(f2) means to return the value f1/f2.
• In divide, if an attempt is made to divide by a fraction with the numerator 0, default the result to 0
. This division is actually undefined, but we
need to return something from the method and this is a “sane” value
• Be sure that your new methods enforce the same rules on the data as
the original methods do – the denominator must always be non-negative
(negative fractions have the negative sign in the numerator) and the denominator must never be zero
I’ve provided a file to help you get started with testing. This is not a comprehensive set of tests (so make sure you do some of your own), but will get
you started. Also, you will need to include the HW2Tester class (unchanged)
in your jar file when you submit, as indicated at the end of this.
Here is the file which contains some tests for both the
IntegerSet and Fraction classes.
Sample Run of HW2Tester
After set1.insertElement(10), set1 = 0 2 8 10
default IntegerSet is = ---
set1 = 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 95 100
set2 = 0 3 6 9 12
set1.union(set2) = 0 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 12 95 100
set1.intersection(set2) = 0 6 12
set1.deleteElement(2) = 0 4 6 8 10 12 95 100
set1.isEqualTo(set1) = true
set1.isEqualTo(set2) = false
Fraction tests:
4/6 simplified = 2/3
75/175 simplified = 3/7
-6/17 simplified = -6/17
f1 = 4/6
f2 = 75/175
f3 = -6/17
4/6 + 75/175 = 23/21
4/6 - 75/175 = 5/21
4/6 * 75/175 = 2/7
4/6 / 75/175 = 14/9
75/175 + -6/17 = 9/119
75/175 - -6/17 = 93/119
75/175 * -6/17 = -18/119
75/175 / -6/17 = -17/14
75/175 / 0/1 = 0/1
Pack all of your files (class files and source code) into a fully runnable JAR
file called hw2.jar (this will be discussed in class, see the links on the class
website for more details). The main program that the jar file should execute
is the unchanged HW2Tester program downloaded above. I should be able to
run the HW2Tester main() method from your jar file with the command:
java -jar hw2.jar
Submit your jar file via the Blackboard submission link for assignment 2.

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