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Assignment 2: Creating Libraries, Makefile, and Dynamic Memory Allocation

Systems Software
Assignment 2: Creating Libraries, Makefile, and Dynamic Memory Allocation
Assignment Objectives
Students should demonstrate the following abilities:
1. Write C code that can be reused in the form of a library
2. Write makefile to build C programs with multiple source files
3. Use dynamic memory allocation C functions to create dynamic data structures
The scheduler in one the important programs in an operating system. The scheduler is
responsible for allocating the CPU to processes or programs loaded in memory. The scheduler
selects one program among the set of programs eligible to run on the CPU, based on some
criteria. One of the criteria used by the scheduler is to select the programs in the order of their
arrival time (loading time or request to run) or in FiFO order (First In First Out). To implement
such criterion, the scheduler uses a queue data structure to store the list of programs waiting
for the CPU. The scheduler removes one program from the queue to run on the CPU and
removes the next when the current program is completed.
You are asked to create a C program to simulate the FIFO scheduler program. Implement the
following steps to complete the program.
1. Define a structure process that represents the information of a process. The structure
contains three data members: process id, process arrival time, and
process execution time. Define two functions to manipulate variables of type
process: print_process to print the information of a process and
compare_processes to compare two processes and return 0 if their ids are the
identical, or 1 otherwise. Create header and implementation files for the structure
process (process.h and process.c).
2. Define a structure queue_node that represents one node in the data structure
queue. A queue is implemented as a doubly linked list (see slides on assignment 3 on
courseSite). queue contains one data member of type process and two pointers to
type queue_node, one named next and the other previous. Define five functions
to manipulate elements in a queue: enqueue() to add a node at the back,
dequeue() to remove a node from the front, search() to find a process in the
queue, print_queue() to print the list of processes in the queue, and size() to
CSE109 Lehigh University Summer 2020
return the number of nodes in the queue. Create header and implementation files for
the structure queue_node (queue.h and queue.c).
3. Write a main C program scheduler.c that is described in the steps below:
a. The input data arrives at different times. To simulate the arrival times of the
processes, write a function process_arrived that accepts a parameter
time and returns a variable of type process. If the input parameter time
matches one the arrival times in the table below, the method returns a
process variable with the information of the process that arrived at time. The
definition of the method is provided below. Use it as is.
Process id Execution time (ms) Arrival time (ms)
1 100 15
2 50 25
3 180 50
4 10 75
5 75 100
6 35 125
7 200 130
process process_arrived(int time){
 process p; = 0;p.arrival_time=0; p.execution_time=0;
 case = 1; p.arrival_time = 15; p.execution_time = 100;
 case = 2; p.arrival_time = 25; p.execution_time = 50;
 case = 3; p.arrival_time = 50; p.execution_time = 180;
 case = 4; p.arrival_time = 75; p.execution_time = 10;
 case = 5; p.arrival_time = 100; p.execution_time = 75;
 case = 6; p.arrival_time = 125; p.execution_time = 35;
 case = 7; p.arrival_time = 130; p.execution_time = 200;
 return p;
CSE109 Lehigh University Summer 2020
b. Write a simulation loop in the main function for time from 0 to 665 (total of the
execution times). The code structure of the loop is shown below using
for(int time = 0; time < SIMULATION_TIME; time++){
 // call process_arrived() to check if a process arrived
 // if a process arrived, enqueue it in the queue

 // if there is a current process running and the current
 // execution time is not elapsed, then decrement
 // the current execution time
 // if there is a current process running and its execution
 // time is elapsed, then print the process information,
 // the completion time (time), and the waiting time
 // (time – execution time – arrival time)
 // reset current process id to 0 (no process running)
 // if there is no current process running and
 // the queue is not empty, then dequeue a process and set
 // the current running process and the current execution
 // time to the dequeued process and execution time
4. Your program should output statistics similar to the following.
Id Time Arrived Completed Waiting
1 100 15 115 0
2 50 25 165 90
3 180 50 345 115
4 10 75 355 270
5 75 100 430 255
6 35 125 465 305
7 200 130 665 335
CSE109 Lehigh University Summer 2020
Organize your code in four directories /src, /include, /lib, and bin/under the main
directory /scheduler. Create a makefile to build your program executable as described
by the dependency chart below. Create the static library libqueue.a in the folder /lib to
combine process.o and queue.o and link it with the executable.
Submit the zipped folder on courseSite.

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