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Assignment 2: Game Playing, Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing

ECE457: Cooperative and Adaptive Algorithms
Assignment 2: Game Playing, Tabu Search and Simulated

This assignment can be approached in groups. Each group consists of three students.
Question 1:
ECE457A, SPRING 2020 Cooperative and Adaptive Algorithms
Question 2:
The game of Conga was developed by Matin Franke, and published by “Das Spiel
Hamburg” in 1998. It is a two-player game played on a square 4X4 board, as shown in
Initially, Player 1 has ten black stones in (1,4) and Player 2 has ten white stones in (4,1).
The players alternate turns. On each turn, a player chooses a square with some of his
stones in it, and picks a direction to move them, either horizontally, vertically or
diagonally. The move is done by removing the stones from the square and placing one
stone in the following square, two in the next one, and the others into the last one. The
stones can only be moved in consecutive squares that are not occupied by the opponent;
if a direction has less than three squares not occupied by the opponent in a row, then all
remaining stones are placed in the last empty square. If a square has no neighbouring
squares that are not occupied by the opponent, then the stones in that square cannot be
You can move stones from a square to a (series of) neighbouring square(s), provided the
squares you are moving to are not occupied by the opponent. It makes no difference if the
squares are free or occupied by yourself. You do not need any of the squares you are
moving to be free; they could all already be occupied by your other stones. The only
distinction is between squares that are occupied by the opponent (which block you) and
squares that are not occupied by the opponent (which you can move to). For example,
let's say you have a number of stones in square (1,4) and you want to move them right.
There can be four possible cases:
1) The opponent occupies square (2,4). You cannot move right. That is the example in
ECE457A, SPRING 2020 Cooperative and Adaptive Algorithms
Figure 4.
2) The opponent occupies square (3,4), but square (2,4) is either free or occupied by
yourself. You move all the stones from (1,4) to (2,4).
3) The opponent occupies square (4,4), but squares (2,4) and (3,4) are either free or
occupied by yourself. You move one stone from (1,4) to (2,4), and all other stones in
(3,4). That is the example in Figure 3.
4) The opponent doesn't occupy any squares in that row, and all squares are either free or
occupied by yourself. You move one stone from (1,4) to (2,4), two stones to (3,4), and all
other stones in (4,4). That is the example in Figure 2.
The goal of the game is to block the opponent, so that he has no legal moves. In other
words, all of the opponents’ stones must be trapped in squares that are all surrounded by
the player’s stones.
For this question, you must design and implement a computer program to play the Conga
game. The agents implemented should use the Minimax search algorithm and Alpha-Beta
pruning, as well as some evaluation function to limit the search. They should also have a
reasonable response time. Since it is unlikely that you will discover an optimal evaluation
function on the first try, you will have to consider several evaluation functions and
present them in your report.
If you wish, you may implement improvements of the basic Minimax/Apha-Beta agent,
such as an iterative deepening Minimax agent or the Null-Window Alpha-Beta pruning,
for bonus points.
Your implementation should output information about the search, including the depth and
the number of nodes explored.
In order to write the report, you will also need to implement a Random Agent, or an agent
that always plays a random legal move.
Notes on the game:
1. While researching the game of Conga, you may realize that there is a second victory
condition. A player can win by making a line four squares long containing the same
number of stones. This victory condition has been removed from the game for this
project, in order to simplify the evaluation function.
2. A consequence of this simplification is that the game is now much harder to win.
In fact, two players of equal strength can play for hours without being able to end the
game. However, it is still possible for a player to defeat a player of lesser skill, or for an
agent to defeat another agent with a shallower search and a less accurate evaluation
function. And it is definitely possible for a rational agent to defeat the Random Agent, in
as little as 30 moves.
3. Given the requirement of making your agent play against the Random Agent, you may
come up with the idea of somehow optimizing their agent to play better against that
opponent specifically, by exploiting its random, non-optimal play. That is not acceptable
for this project. The goal of the project is to design an agent that can play rationally
against any opponent, not one that is optimized to play only against the Random Agent.
ECE457A, SPRING 2020 Cooperative and Adaptive Algorithms
ECE457A, SPRING 2020 Cooperative and Adaptive Algorithms
Question 3:
This is one of the QAP (quadratic assignment problem) test problems of Nugent et al. 20
departments are to be placed in 20 locations with five in each row (see below). The
objective is to minimize costs between the placed departments. The cost is (flow *
rectilinear distance), where both flow and distance are symmetric between any given pair
of departments. Below are the flow and distance matrices, respectively. The optimal
solution is 1285 (or 2570 if you double the flows).
1.1.1 Layout of department locations
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
1. Code a simple TS to solve the problem. To do this you need to encode the problem as
a permutation, define a neighborhood and a move operator, set a tabu list size and
select a stopping criterion. Use only a recency based tabu list and no aspiration
criteria at this point.
2. Run your TS.
3. Perform the following changes on your TS code (one by one) and compare the
l Change the initial starting point (initial solution) 10 times
l Change the tabu list size – smaller and larger than your original choice
l Change the tabu list size to a dynamic one – an easy way to do this is to choose a
range and generate a random uniform integer between this range every so often
ECE457A, SPRING 2020 Cooperative and Adaptive Algorithms
(i.e., only change the tabu list size infrequently)
l Add one or more aspiration criteria such as best solution so far, or best solution
in the neighborhood, or in a number of iterations
l Use less than the whole neighborhood to select the next solution
l Add a frequency based tabu list and/or aspiration criteria (designed to encourage
the search to diversify)
4. Requirements and deliverables (as above)
Question 4:
Simulated Annealing can be used to solve The Vehicle Routing Problem (VPR) defined by
having m vehicles at a depot that need to service customers in c cities. The travel distances
between every two cities are defined by a matrix D with element dij denoting distance between
cities i and j. The travel distances from the depot to each of the cities are given by a vector
Depot. Each customer j has a service time sj The VPR consists of determining the routes to be
taken by a set of m vehicles satisfying the following conditions:
• Starting and ending at the depot,
• Having minimum cost (travel+service),
• Each customer is visited exactly once by exactly one vehicle.
The figure below illustrate possible routes for a 9 customers and 3 vehicles problem
a) Assuming that the number of required routes is fixed and that it’s equal to the number of
vehicles. Simulated Annealing could be applied in order to solve this problem, it’s
required to:
i. Find a suitable solution representation ,
ii. Define a suitable neighborhood operator,
iii. Define the objective function used to calculate the cost of a solution .
3 5
9 6
ECE457A, SPRING 2020 Cooperative and Adaptive Algorithms
iv. Show how your solution performs on instance A-n39-k6.vrp which
can be found at NEO site:
and compare your best solution to the reported optimal solution.
b) How would the problem formulation change if we add the constraint that the total
duration of any route shouldn’t exceed a preset bound T?
Load Adjustment:
If    you    are    attempting    this    assignment    as    a    group,    then    you    are    required    to    solve    all    
questions.    If    you    are    doing    it    solo,    then    you    can    ignore    either    question    1    (re    
continuous    SA),    or    question    4    (re    combinatorial    SA).
As    to    the    deliverables:    please    ignore    what    is    in    the    assignment,    given    the    
The    requirements    are,    applicable    to    all    questions,    unless    otherwise    specific    
requirements    are    stated    in    the    question.:
You    are    expected    to    turn    in    a    short    paper    (the    shorter    the    better)    which    should    
include    the    following:
1)    A    short    description    of    your    program.
2)    A    description    of    your    implementation of    the    search    agent    with    memory    and    time    
complexity    analysis.        
3)    Sample    output    of    your    program,    to    demonstrate    its    functioning.
You    must    also    upload    the    code    you    implemented    to    the    assignment    dropbox.
Your    grade    in    this    question    will    be    function    of    the    quality    and    completeness    of    the    
report    you    hand    in.
Marking Scheme:
• The four questions are equally weighted
• Solution description (40%): strategy (20%), algorithm/pseudo code (15%),
• Code and output sample 30%
• Memory and time complexity analysis 20%
• Working code (demo) 15%

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